JAFS_Vol 07 N 01


Recent Submissions

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    L’évolution De La Conversion Des Voitures En Gaz De Pétrole Liquéfie Carburant (gplc) En Algérie Jusqu’en 2025
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Siouani, Adlane
    Entre 2016- 7 8% du parc automobile en Algérie roulait au GPL/c, avec un nombre de véhicules convertis au GPL/c inférieur à 60.000 véhicules en 7, et entre 2022-2025 la conversion des voitures qui roulent avec l’essence en Gaz de Pétrole Liquéfié (GPLC) vont augmenter d’un taux de 7% où ils atteindront 1 million de voitures en 2025, et d’une conversion moyenne annuelle de 128 000 voitures par an, mais ça reste insignifiant devant le nombre de voitures essence et diesel dans le parc national, pour cela le pouvoir public a interdit l’importation des voitures diesel pour faciliter Facilité le travail à Naftal, afin de promouvoir la consommation de cette énergie propre Between 2016-2017, 8% of the car fleet in Algeria ran on LPG/c, with a number of vehicles converted to LPG/c less than 60,000 vehicles in 2017, and between 2022-2025 the conversion of cars that run on gasoline in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (GPLC) will increase by a rate of 17% where they will reach 1 million cars in 2025, and an annual average conversion of 128,000 cars per year, but this remains insignificant compared to the number of cars gasoline and diesel in the national park, for this the public authority has prohibited the import of diesel cars, to facilitate the work in Naftal, in order to promote the consumption of this clean energy.
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    Les Facteurs De Réticence Des Pme Algériennes à L’introduction En Bourse : Enquête De Terrain
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Beztouh, Djaber; Boulahouat, Mahdia
    Un certain nombre de marchés ciblant les petites entreprises ont vu le jour dans différentes régions du monde. Comparativement aux places boursières traditionnelles, les plateformes spécialisées pour les PME, ou « nouveaux marchés », offrent une plus grande souplesse en matière de critères d’admission à la cote et d’informations à communiquer, ainsi que des coûts d’introduction relativement faibles afin d’attirer les PME. En Algérie, la Bourse d’Alger a mis en place, depuis 2012, un compartiment pour offrir une alternative de financement aux PME mais une seule entreprise a osé s’introduire. Nous tontons dans cet article d’étudier les facteurs de réticence des PME à l’introduction en Bourse à l’aide d’une enquête de terrain auprès d’un échantillon de PME dans la wilaya de Béjaïa
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    Les Déterminants De La Décision D’internationalisation Des Pme Algériennes : Cas Des Pme De La Région Nord-ouest D’algérie
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Kaddouri, Noureddine; Noui, Noureddine; Douffi, Maroua
    Cette étude a pour objectif d’identifier les facteurs influençant la décision d’internationalisation chez les entreprises algériennes. A cette fin, un questionnaire a été distribué sur 69 PME de la région Nord-Ouest de l’Algérie ; et les données ont été soumises à une analyse descriptive. Les résultats montrent que les facteurs ayant plus d’influence sur la décision d’exportation des PME enquêtées sont : l’expérience professionnelle du dirigeant, renforcée par son niveau d’étude universitaire, la capacité de production, le secteur d’activité, le climat des affaires, l’accompagnement des organismes publics et enfin les compétences techniques
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    L’apport Du Diagnostic Stratégique Et Financier Au Business Plan De L’entreprise, Cas De Sonatrach Trc
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Sahnoun, Imène; Bekhouche, Ouahdi Fella
    La présente étude tend dans ses volets théorique et pratique à démontrer le rôle du diagnostic stratégique et financier à l’élaboration du business plan. Le dirigeant fixe un objectif à son entreprise mais il ne peut appréhender l’ensemble des problèmes auxquels elle puisse être sujette. Le diagnostic stratégique et financier constitue un outil de gestion indispensable à tous les stades du processus de décision. Sonatrach TRC a établi un business plan en 2019 « PMT 2019-2023 » que nous avons comparé avec les réalisations des trois derniers exercices et ce, dans le but de voir si les prévisions ont été élaborées sur la base d’un bon diagnostic stratégique et financier reflétant la réalité de l’environnement où opère l’entreprise.
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    L’impact De L’intelligence Territoriale Sur La Gestion Des Finances Publique Au Niveau Des Collectivités Locales : Cas De L’algérie
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Soudani, Yamina; Belaid, Mohamed Mouloud
    Notre étude a examiné l'impact de l'intelligence territoriale sur la gestion des finances locales des collectivités locales en Algérie. Après une revue de la littérature et une étude pratique menée à l'aide du logiciel SPSS, nous avons constaté que la gouvernance territoriale, le système informationnel du territoire et le système de contrôle du territoire ont tous une influence significative sur la gestion des finances locales des collectivités locales en Algérie. En revanche, nous avons trouvé que la commercialisation territoriale n'a pas d'influence significative sur la gestion des finances locales. Donc, Les autorités locales devraient être encouragées à investir dans les composantes de l’IT pour améliorer la gestion des finances locales
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    La Logistique Maritime Et Portuaire Et Les échanges Internationaux. étude De Cas L’algérie.
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Slimane, Merzoug
    Le transport maritime est la colonne vertébrale du développement des échanges internationaux et de la croissance économique des nations. En acheminant plus de ¾ des échanges internationaux, la logistique maritime et portuaire constitue un maillon important dans la mondialisation actuelle, mais que la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 a bouleversée par la rupture les chaines de valeurs mondiales et les goulets d’étranglement logistiques. À la lumière de ces évolutions récentes, notre étude a pour objet d’analyser l’état de la logistique maritime et portuaire de l’Algérie. Les résultats concluent que le pays est impacté par la crise actuelle, qui s’ajoute à des obstacles de logistique de transport maritime de sousdéveloppement de l’offre et de dichotomie de la demande
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    Le Système D’information Un Outil De Base Pour La Prise De Décision Dans La Fonction Ressource Humaine
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Ferhat, Mohand; Chitti, Mohand
    Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise se trouve en face de plusieurs enjeux, elle doit réagir vite à la pression croissante de l’environnement, elle doit savoir quand et comment réagir et que ses choix sont complexes du fait de la variété des facteurs à prendre en considération. L’objectif de cet article est à éclaircir l’impact des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) sur la fonction ressources humaines, aussi de décrire les principaux apports de système d’information ressources humaines (SIRH). L’étude empirique a été effectuée au niveau de l’entreprise Cevital qui avait pour objectif d’analyser l’impact généré par la mise en place de SIRH ainsi que l’utilisation des TIC dans les différentes activités de la direction RH Today, the company is faced with several challenges, it must react quickly to the increasing pressure of the environment, it must know when and how to react and that its choices are complex because of the variety of factors to be taken in consideration. The objective of this article is to clarify the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on the human resources function, also to describe the main contributions of the human resources information system (HRIS). The empirical study was carried out at the level of the company Cevital which aimed to analyze the impact generated by the implementation of HRIS as well as the use of ICT in the various activities of the HR department.
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    Le Pilotage De La Performance Est Un Processus D’interaction Entre Le Système De Contrôle De Gestion Et Le Système De Gouvernance : étude De Cas Sonatrash/lqs
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Cherif, Zouheyr; Boumediene, Mohamed Rachid
    Cet article vise à étudier le concept de contrôle de gestion et de pilotage de la performance au plus près des mécanismes et des objectifs de la gouvernance, pour mettre en évidence ses effets sur l'organisation et sa structure de contrôle interne, en passant en revue le cas d'étude de Sonatrach après avoir présenté l'aspect théorique puis pris un regard sur les sorties du système de gestion de la performance dans l'entreprise, et ça pour en donner une évaluation Pour connaître l'efficacité de ce système et sa projection sur les concepts et objectifs mentionnés précédemment This article aims to study the concept of management control and performance management as closely as possible to the mechanisms and objectives of governance, to highlight its effects on the organization and its internal control structure, by reviewing the Sonatrash case study after presenting the theoretical aspect and then taking a look at the outputs of the performance management system in the company, to give some an evaluation To know the effectiveness of this system and its projection on the concepts and objectives mentioned above
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    Impact De L’application De L’iso 45001- 2018 Sur La Gestion Des Compétences Des Ressources Humaines. Cas Du Groupe Gica- Scimat Touggourt, Algérie
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Bouali, Lynda
    L’objet de cette étude est d’analyser l’impact de la mise en place de l’ISO 45001 sur la gestion des compétences des au sein du groupe GicaScimat Touggourt. Pour ce faire nous avons utilisé une méthodologie de recherche analytique et descriptive et l’étude de cas. L’étude a conclu que la mise en place de l’ISO 45001 par l’entreprise a entrainé des modifications en terme de gestion des compétences (élaboration d’une grille d’évaluation de compétences, la mise en place d’indicateurs de performances etc.) et l’amélioration du taux de compétence global de l’entreprise durant la période étudiée. Cependant malgré les améliorations constatées, mais l’estimation de étendue de l’impact du Système de management de la SST sur la gestion de compétences doit se faire sur une période plus longue car les méthodes utilisées sont en cours de renouvellement et d’amélioration The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the implementation of ISO 45001 on the management of skills within the Gica-Scimat Touggourt group. To do this we used an analytical and descriptive research methodology and case study. The study concluded that the implementation of ISO 45001 by the company has led to changes in terms of skills management (development of a skills assessment grid, implementation of performance indicators etc.) and the improvement of the overall competence rate of the company during the period studied. However, despite the improvements observed, but the estimate of the extent of the impact of the OHS Management System on skills management must be done over a longer period because the methods used are being renewed and improved
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    Peer-to-peer Lending Platforms «p2p» As A Financial Technology Tool In Supporting Small And Medium Enterprises
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Chabani, Amina Yousra; Hammami, Raid Imade Eddine; Barkat, Mourad
    This study aims at the role of the financial technology industry in supporting emerging small and medium enterprises by highlighting the technology of peer-to-peer “P P” lending because of its potential in attracting customers, which is a form of crowdfunding and the most common one, which has led to create additional investment opportunities and expand the lending market compared to traditional banking, where we used the descriptive and analytical approach. Through this research, we investigated the role of “P P” lending platforms in bridging the financing gap that emerged after the 2008 crisis through the experience of the United States of America and their contribution to enhancing and supporting digital financing
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    An Analytical Study Of The Contribution Of Islamic Banking In Financing Sports Projects In Algeria
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Bouaita, Toufik; Bouaita, Abderrezzak
    نهدف من خلال هده الدراسة إلى إبراز دور المصارف الإسلامية في تمويل المشاريع الرياضية؛ ولخدمة أغراض البحث فقد اعتمدنا على المنهج الوصفي لوصف متغيرات الدراسة والمنهج التحليلي لتبيان العلاقة بين المصارف الإسلامية وتمويل مشاريع القطاع الرياضي؛ وقد تم التوصل إلى مجموعة من النتائج لعل من أهمها أن أصحاب القطاع الرياضي من خريجي معاهد الرياضة الجزائرية والحاملين لأفكار مشاريع في شتى المجالات الرياضية بحاجة إلى التمويل من المصارف الإسلامية لأن لديها صيغ تمويلية تدمج فيها عنصري رأس المال العمل معا؛ كما توفر المصارف الإسلامية صيغ تمويلية ملائمة جدا لطبيعة المجال الرياضي من وجهة ومسؤولية اجتماعية من وجهة We aim through this study to highlight the role of Islamic banking in financing sports projects. For the purpose of the study, we adopted the descriptive approach to describe the variables of the study and we relied on the analytic approach to demonstrate the relationship between the Islamic banking and the financing of the sports sector projects. A set of results has been reached, the most important of which is that people of the sports sector, who are graduates of Algerian sports institutes and holders of project ideas in various sport fields, are in need of financing from Islamic banks because these banks have formulas that combine the two elements of the capital and the labor together. The Islamic banks also provide financing formulas that are on the one hand very appropriate to the nature of the sports field and on the other hand have a social responsibility.
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    The Impact Of Algerian Influencers On Consumer Behavior
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Adnane, Houssem
    Social media has become an integral part of daily life, and it has significantly influenced consumers' purchasing behavior. Social media influencers, who are individuals with a large following on social media platforms, are increasingly being used as marketing tools to promote products and services. In Algeria, social media influencers are playing a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of Algerian social media influencers on consumer behavior. The study uses a quantitative research design, and the data was collected through a survey of 500 Algerian consumers. The findings indicate that Algerian social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior, and their followers tend to trust their recommendations when it comes to purchasing decisions. The study concludes that social media influencers in Algeria can be effective marketing tools, and businesses can leverage them to enhance their brand image and increase sales
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    Adoption Of Blockchain Technology In The Financial Sector: Lessons Learned From International Experiences
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Cherif, Nour El Houda; Azaizia, Sarra
    This study aims to analyze the increasing interest in the adoption of Blockchain technology in the financial sector, as demonstrated by the experiences of countries such as the UAE, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. These experiences provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges of implementing Blockchain technology in the banking industry. Key lessons learned from these experiences include the importance of collaboration and partnerships in the adoption of Blockchain technology, the need for regulatory clarity and supportive legislative frameworks, and the potential benefits of Blockchain technology in improving the efficiency, transparency, and security of financial transactions.
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    The Advantages Of Applying The International Financial Reporting Standard For Small And Medium Enterprises In Algeria From The Point Of View Of A Sample Of Practitioners Of The Accounting Profession
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Zeghmar, Amina
    This study aims to determine the benefits expected from the application of the International Financial Reporting Standard on Algerian small and medium-sized enterprises; by identifying the opinions of a sample of practitioners of the accounting profession in Algeria. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to the respondents, and the number of questionnaires adopted in the statistical analysis reached 66 questionnaires. The study concluded that the international financial reporting Standard fits the capabilities and needs of these enterprises through the topics and options that have been canceled, as well as the facilities it introduced to the rules of registration and evaluation and thus contributes to reduce the difficulties of applying the financial accounting system.
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    Using Calls To Action As An Inbound Marketing Conversion Practice
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Meslem, Hanane; Abbaci, Ayoub
    The development of the new inbound marketing approach focusing on the user led to the emergence of several practices aiming at converting visitors into leads. The objective of our study is to examine the role of calls to action in guiding conversion intent among Algerian Internet users. Our sample consists of 216 respondents generated through a quantitative survey via an online questionnaire. The findings of this research show that overall, calls to action constitute a significant conversion opportunity as long as the content and the counterparty have been clearly identified and assigned an importance by the users. However, conversion may go beyond the traditionally known design criteria, additional factors may take place and drive the conversion action
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    Fiscal Theory Of The Price Level And Domestic Public Debt In Algeria During The Period Between (1997-2018) Using Adl Model
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) Benheddi, Ikram; Si Mohamed, Kamel; Mebarki, Sami
    The primary goal of this paper is to investigate the fiscal theory of the price level (FTPL) and the role of domestic public debt in the context of (FTPL) using annual data from the period spanning between 1997-2019. Hence, we try to check the effect of budget deficit on GDP, domestic public debt to GDP, broad money growth on the inflation rate, moreover the model used (ARDL) model. Furthermore, in our analysis, the results indicate that domestic public debt has no role in the inflation rate (FTPL) in the case of Algeria. Still, the results proved the strong existence of (FTPL) according to a non-Ricardian regime in Algeria's economy
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    دور الإفصاح المحاسبي في ترشيد القرارات الاستثمارية دراسة تطبيقية على بورصة فلسطين
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) أبو حمام, ماجد
    The study aims to identify the role of accounting disclosure in rationalizing investment decisions, and in order to achieve this, a field study was conducted on (81) investors who come to the brokerage companies, and the study relied on a questionnaire that was specifically designed to serve the purpose of the study and included all the data required to identify the role of accounting disclosure in rationalizing investment decisions. The study reached to a set of results, including: Accounting disclosure greatly affects the rationalization of the investment decision of investors in Palestine Stock Exchange, where there is a direct relationship between the accounting disclosure and the rationalization of investment decisions. The degree of adequate disclosure in the joint stock companies listed on Palestine Stock Exchange through providing that companies through their financial statements a fair and balanced disclosure to all investors
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    الاستثمار السياحي في الجزائر: رهانات وآفاق
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) بن حركو, غنية; معتوق, سامية
    تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تبيان واقع ورهانات الاستثمار السياحي في الجزائر حيث إعتمدنا على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال توضيح التأصيل النظري للاستثمار السياحي وتحليل واقعه في الجزائر مع توضيع أفاقه وفق المخطط التوجيهي للتنمية السياحية أفاق 2030 وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى: أنه رغم الإمكانيات الضخمة والمتنوعة التي تملكها الجزائر والبرامج التي اعتمدتها لتدعيم الاستثمار السياحي ورفع معدلاته إلا أنه يبقى دون المستوى المخطط له والذي لا يجعله يزاحم بقية القطاعات الاقتصادية، حيث سجلت معظم المشاريع السياحية حالات مرتفعة من التأخر في الإنجاز إلى جانب توقف البعض منها، والذي قد يعود بدرجة كبيرة إلى تعقد بيئة الاستثمار في الجزائر. The study aims to demonstrate the realities and bets of tourism investment in Algeria. We have adopted the analytical descriptive approach by explaining the theoretical roots of tourism investment and analysing its realities in Algeria as its prospects are developed according to the Tourism Development Directive Horizon 2030. The study concluded: Despite Algeria's enormous potential and the programmes it has adopted to support tourism investment and raise its rates, it remains below the planned level, which does not make it crowding out the rest of the economy. Most tourism projects have recorded high delays and some have ceased, which may be due largely to the complexity of Algeria's investment environment
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    الإبداع التنظيمي دعامة أساسية لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بالمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بولاية جيجل
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) حمودة, نسيم; كرامش, بلال
    This paper aimed to identify the organizational creativity’ support to achieve competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises in the state of Jijel. This can be done through measuring and analyzing the impact between organizational creativity as the independent variable, and competitive advantage as the dependent variable. The study population was represented by the top management of small and medium enterprises in the state of Jijel. We used the questionnaire to collect data. It was distributed on the study sample (157managers). Data were processed statistically by using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS v19). The study reached a number of results. It proved that: Organizational creativity positively affects the competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises in the state of Jijel
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    أثر الاستثمار في التعليم العالي على النمو الاقتصادي-دراسة حالة الجزائر للفترة 1971-2020
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-30) نيس, سعيدة
    تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية الى دراسة العلاقة السبيبة بين التعليم العالي والنمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر خلال الفترة 1971-2020، وذلك من خلال تحديد أثر الاستثمار في التعليم العالي على النمو الاقتصادي باستخدام المنهجين الوصفي والتحليلي، والاستعانة بأداة القياس الاقتصادي لتقدير العلاقة بين المتغيرين في المديين الطويل والقصير، وقد استعملنا لتحقيق ذلك منهجية الانحدار الذاتي للفجوات الزمنية المتباطئة. توصلت الدراسة الى نتيجة لا تتوافق مع النظرية الاقتصادية والدراسات التجريبية التي أجريت على مختلف الاقتصاديات خاصة تلك التي أجريت على البلدان المتقدمة حيث يبين نموذج التقدير وجود علاقة سببية سلبية ومعنوية بين المتغيرين في المدى الطويل، يظهر ذلك من خلال معلمة راس المال البشري السالبة (-1,38) التي تدل على أن زيادة مخزون راس المال البشري المتراكم من خلال التعليم العالي بـ 1٪ يؤدي إلى انخفاض النمو الاقتصادي بـ 1,38٪. This research paper aims to study the causative relationship between higher education and economic growth in Algeria during the period 1971-2020, by determining the impact of investment in higher education on economic growth, using the descriptive and analytical approaches, and econometrics tool to estimate the relationship between the two variables in the long and short term. To achieve this, we use the Auto Regressive Distributed lag methodology. This study reached a conclusion that does not agree with economic theory and experimental studies conducted on various economics, specially conducted on developed countries, where the estimation model shows the existence of a negative and significant causal relationship between the two variables in the long run, and this shown through the negative human capital parameter (-1,38), which indicates that increasing the stock of human capital accumulated trough higher education by ٪ leads to a decrease economic growth by 1,38٪