JEP_Vol 08 N 01
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Item Lyrisme Et Détournement Lyrique Dans L’œuvre De Théophile Gautier(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-04) Hammami, NadiaCertes, le poète prône l’éloignement de toute forme de subjectivité et du lyrisme au profit du culte de la forme. Certes, l’effusion des émotions, chère aux Romantiques, cède la place à l’admiration de la forme et du Beau, néanmoins le texte trahit son poète et s’éloigne de l’Art pour l’Art pour s’approcher du Romantisme en dévoilant les prémices du lyrisme qui devient une constante de l’œuvre gautièresque. Nous essayerons, donc, de déceler le paradoxe entre la doxa du poète et sa manifestation à travers l’inconscient du texte, entre sa conception idéale et formaliste du Beau et les épanchements lyriques qui deviennent une constante de son écriture. Certainly, the poet advocates the removal of all forms of subjectivity and lyricism in favor of the cult of form. Admittedly, the outpouring of emotions, dear to the Romantics, gives way to the admiration of form and Beauty, nevertheless the text betrays its poet and moves away from Art for Art's sake to approach Romanticism. by revealing the beginnings of the lyricism which became a constant in Gautieresque work. We will therefore try to detect the paradox between the poet's doxa and its manifestation through the unconscious of the text, between his ideal and formalist conception of Beauty and the lyrical outpourings that become a constant in his writing.Item Pratiques Et Dispositifs Autofiction Les Dans Les Récits D'annie Ernaux: Les Armoires Vides Et L'évènement(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Sylla, DaoudaCette étude vise à montrer comment les textes d’Annie Ernaux, en l’occurrence ceux faisant office d’étude (Les armoires vides et L’Événement) répondent à l'esthétique d'un régime autofictionnel. Il sera question d’exhumer pour ce faire, la dimension chronotopique, fragmentaire, d’autocommentaire, de plurilinguisme foisonnant dans notre corpus pour s’en convaincre. Bien avant, nous nous évertuerons à mettre à nu l’esthétique du camouflage identitaire orchestrée par l’auteur. Il est osé mais surtout intéressant de se prononcer sur une telle dimension de catégorisation de textes qui suscitent encore des appréhensions assez divergentes. Cela l’est d'autant plus que l'auteur s'invite dans le débat pour s'inscrire dans une perspective qui s'écarte de la nôtre This study aims to show how the texts of Annie Ernaux, in this case those which serve as study (The Empty Cabinets and The Event) respond to the aesthetics of an autofictional regime. It will be question of exhuming to do this, the chronotopic dimension, fragmentary, autocommentary, plurilingualism abounding in our corpus. Characteristics of the Doubrovsky invention. It is daring, but above all interesting, to express an opinion on such a dimension of categorization of texts which still give rise to quite divergent apprehensions. This is all the more so because the author invites himself in the debate to put himself in a perspective that departs from ours.Item Marguerite Duras Et La Réécriture D’henry James(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Seddaoui, FatimaNotre article vise à interroger les enjeux, les fonctionnements et les limites de la réécriture de l’œuvre jamesienne par Marguerite Duras, La Bête dans la Jungle, nouvelle adaptée au théâtre. Est-elle une transposition de la nouvelle sur la scène théâtrale ? Quels ont été les choix de l’autrice ? Pour ce faire, nous recenserons les modifications apportées à l’hypertexte par exemple le cadre spatio-temporel qui constitue une des difficultés de l’adaptation. Ensuite, nous verrons que cette pièce est une autre écriture qui emprunte à bien des égards à l’univers de Marguerite Duras. Our article aims to question the stakes, the functioning and the limits of Marguerite Duras' rewriting of the Jamesian work, The Beast in the Jungle, a short story adapted for the stage. Is it a transposition of the novella onto the stage? What were the author's choices? In order to do this, we will list the changes made to the hypertext, for example the spatio-temporal framework, which constitutes one of the difficulties of the adaptation. Then we will see that this play is another piece of writing that borrows in many ways from the universe of Marguerite Duras.Item شعرية العتبات النصية في رواية "تاء الخجل" لفضيلة الفاروق(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) إيمان, ترجات; مسعودة, لعريطيهدف هذا البحث لقراءة الخطاب الروائي ضمن سلسلة الإحالات النصية المحيطة التي وظفتها الروائية فضيلة الفاروق في رواية "تاء الخجل"، والتي يسعى القارئ إلى إدراكها والكشف على العلائق النصية التفاعلية بين المتن والعتبة من جهة وتعالق العتبات مع بعضها البعض من جهة أخرى. This research aims to read the narrative discourse within a series of surrounding textual references employed by the novelist Fadhila Al-farouk in the novel "Taa Alkhjal", which the reader seeks to understand and reveal the interactive textual relationships between the text and the threshold on the one hand, and the relation of the thresholds between them on the other hand.Item إشكالية تصنيف الأنواع الأدبية عند النقاد الغربيين المعاصرين(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) عبد الرشيد, هميسيفي هذا المقال تجميع لآراء أهم النقاد الغربيين المعاصرين في قضية نقدية معاصرة شائكة , وهي قضية تصنيف الأنواع الأدبية. إن أهمية طرح هذه القضية يكمن في إفادة النظرية النقدية بالأدوات المناسبة لنقد وتأويل نص أدبي ما في حدود طاقات جنسه, لأنه إذا تعذر تحديد نوع النص تعذر الحصول على المعنى الكامل للنص, ومن ثم تعذر تحديد وظيفته, وطاقاته الجمالية. بعد اختيار المنهج الاستقرائي المناسب لمثل هذا البحث , وتجريبه خلُص الباحث إلى نتيجة مركزية مفادها أن جل النقاد الغربيين المعاصرين المعترفين بوجود الأنواع الأدبية وبتقسيماتها يؤسسون طروحاتهم على نظرية أرسطو المعروفة بنقاء النوع. وإن اختلاف النقاد في تقسيماتهم راجع إلى نسبية المعايير فليس هناك اتفاق محدد بينهم على معايير معينة, وأيضا اختلافهم في تصور ماهية النوع الأدبي, وإلى طبيعة النص الأدبي الفلوتة. Abstract This article contains a set of different views of literary genres' classification by different contemporary western critics. The importance of rising this this issue is that the literary critics benefit the text by determining the right tools for criticising and interpreting any text to set its meaning, function and aesthetic dimensions. After choosing the appropriate inductive method for such research and testing it. the result is the researcher points out that the western critics who recognize the existence of literary genres and its classification , build their theses on Aristotle's thesis known as "the pure type". Although, the critics differ in their classification because of the standars' percentage .also, there is no specific agreement about specific standards ,their difference in literary genres 'perception and the nature of the literary text exceptıonal literary textsItem Mohamed Ou L’impossibilité De Soi ?(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Aidouni, Hamza; Chih, ZinabL’expérience de soi d’un immigré, dont les référents culturels sont hybrides et allogènes pose à bien des égards matière à réflexion. L’identité face à l’Autre s’avère complexe étant donné que cela engage rencontre ou confrontation. C’est pourquoi, Akli Tadjer, dans La Vérité Attendra l’Aurore s’oppose à toute attitude essentialiste et figée, préconisant ouverture et différence. A cet effet, l’auteur crée un personnage (Mohammed) qui endosse « une identité trouble », aux dimensions aussi bien profondes que problématiques. Notre analyse se propose donc de décomplexifier la thématique interculturelle. Il s’agit, à travers cette contribution, d’interroger l’altérité et ses recoins, particularisme et pluralité, identité, et sentiment d’appartenance . The self-experience of an immigrant, whose cultural referents are hybrid and non-native, gives rise to a serious reflection . Identity in front of the Other is complex since it involves meeting or confrontation. This is why Akli Tadjer, in La Vérité Attendra 1'Aurore, opposes any rigid essentialist attitude, advocating openness and difference. To this end, the author creates a character (Mohammed) who endorses / assumes "a murky identity", with both deep and problematic dimensions. Our analysis therefore proposes to decomplexify the intercultural theme. Through this contribution, it is about questioning otherness and its recesses, particularism and plurality, religious belonging and identity.Item La Formation Des Formateurs ; Approches Curriculaires Et Pédagogiques(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Rabhi, Abdelkader; Djamaleddine, NouredineLa réforme scolaire de 2003 en Algérie a eu comme premier objectif l’insertion sociale et professionnelle de l’apprenant. Cependant et partant du principe que cet apprenant est diffèrent par ses connaissances antérieures, ses aptitudes intellectuelles, son milieu socioculturel.., nous pensons que l’enseignant est appelé à gérer cette «hétérogénéité culturelle». Pour cela, il lui est nécessaire de puiser dans les travaux de réflexion portant sur ce thème afin d’améliorer ses prestations en classe, donner plus de chances de réussite aux apprenants en difficultés et lutter ainsi contre l’échec scolaire. C’est dans cette optique donc que notre travail prend en charge la formation des formateurs en Algérie, devenue un enjeu majeur pour répondre aux besoins et attentes de la société en matière d’éducation. Partant de là, notre travail se fonde sur une démarche qualitative qui s’inscrit dans le modèle recherche –action et à travers un questionnaire, nous tentons de dégager un aperçu sur les conceptions de la formation des nouveaux professeurs. The 2003 school reform in Algeria sets as its first objective the social and professional integration of learners. Starting from the principle that each learner is different by their previous knowledge, their intellectual aptitudes, their socio-cultural background, the teacher should manage this "cultural heterogeneity" by drawing on the work of reflection on this theme in order to give more chances. to succeed for learners in difficulty and thus fight against academic failure. It is in this perspective therefore that our work supports the training of trainers, which has become a major challenge in d meeting the educational needs of society. On the basis of this our work is based on a qualitative approach which is part of the research-action model and through a questionnaire we try to get an overview on the conceptions of the training of new teachers.Item من الإحيائيين إلى جماعة الديوان: تحوّل أم امتداد؟ ـ دراسة مقارنة في بعض المفاهيم النقدية ـ(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) محمد الصديق, معوشملخص: نسعى في هذه الورقة البحثية إلى عقد مقارنة بين الإحيائيين ممثلين في بعض روادهم كحسن المرصفي ومحمود سامي البارودي...، وبين جماعة الديوان ممثلة في عباس العقاد وإبراهيم المازني وعبد الرحمن شكري في جملة من المصطلحات والمفاهيم النقدية المتعلقة بالشعر ووظيفته ولغته ومكوناته كالخيال والعاطفة، وذلك من أجل رصد أوجه الاختلاف وأوجه التشابه بين هذين الاتجاهين في الشعرية العربية كونهما مختلفتين في المرجعية والرؤيا المؤسستين لنموذج النص الشعري نظرية وتطبيقا. Abstract In this research paper, we seek to make a comparison between the revivalists represented by some of their pioneers, such as Hassan Al-Marsafi and Mahmoud Sami Al-Baroudi..., and the Diwan group represented by Abbas Al-Akkad, Ibrahim Al-Mazni and Abdel-Rahman Shoukri in a number of critical terms and concepts related to poetry, its function, its language and its components such as imagination and emotion, In order to monitor the differences and similarities between these two trends in Arabic poetry, as they are different in the reference and vision that establish the model of the Arabic poetic text, theory and application.Item A Multidisciplinary Vision In Studying Minorities Health Status, The Tuareg Women In The Lens Of Syndemic Theory(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Hanane ALMI, HananeThis work examines the deteriorated health position Sahelian Tuareg minority have suffered from in comparison to Algerian Tuareg. Equally important, gender disparities in the context of health are being well considered as they clarify the complex jeopardy of gender and ethnic affiliations. This research depends on syndemic as a multidisciplinary theory approaching a measurement on how large-scale social factors can be entwined and biologically synergy to undermine health status in the target vulnerable group. To provide this explanation, the research work analysis relies on limiting the scope on a case study that associates life stresses, triggered from life discriminatory events, with diabetes prevalence among Sahelian Tuareg women. The work accentuates the role of narratives as a pathway to design a relevant measure of stress; then the paper depends on a mixedmethods study to complete a syndemic case in Sahelian Tuareg women who live in Ghardaia town, depending on a populationbased quantitative survey (N = 30) and indepth, qualitative interviews (N =30).Over all, the work shows that there is a positive association between perceiving discrimination experienced by Sahelian Tuareg women within their home countries with their unfavourable health condition in general, and their affliction with diabetes in particularItem المنظور الوظيفي للجملة وأنماطها في النحو الوظيفي.(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) اسماهان, ميزابيختلف مفهوم وتكوين الجملة في منظور الوظيفيين عمّا ألفناه في النحو العربي، باعتبار أن الاتجاه الوظيفي يعنى بكيفية استخدام اللغة، وبقيمتها الاتصالية، وهو الجانب الذي أغفلته النظريات غير الوظيفية، التي تهتم بالتعبير عن الفكر، في حين أن النظريات الوظيفيّة تعدّ اللّغة نسقا رمزيّا، يؤدّي مجموعة من الوظائف، أهمّها وظيفة التواصل، مع مراعاة الطبقات السياقية. وقد تطور الاتجاه الوظيفي، بالأخص بظهور النحو الوظيفي على يد سيمون ديك SumonDik الذي تأثر به الدكتور أحمد المتوكل، هذا الأخير الذي اهتم ببنية الجملة وأنواعها، وهذا ما سيتضح لنا من خلال الحديث عن اشتقاق الجملة بواسطة بنيات ثلاث، هي: البنية الحملية الممثّل فيها للخصائص الدلالية، والبنية الوظيفيّة الممثّل فيها للخصائص الوظيفيّة، والبنية المكوّنية محل التمثيل للخصائص الصرفية – التركيبية، وكذا من خلال ذكر أنماطها في النحو الوظيفي. Abstract The meaning and the formation of the sentence according to Functionalists differs from what we used to know in Arabic grammar, in considering that Functionalist trend is interested in the way language is used and its communicative value. This side is neglected by the non-functionalist theories which view language as a group of abstract sentences which perform various functions where expressing thought is the eminent. While the functional theories consider language as a symbolic system which performs a variety of functions where the function of communication is the most important with contextual levels. Ahmed Elmutawakil, influenced by Sumon Dick, has been interested in the construction and types of the sentence. This is what will be revealed through the talk about language deriving through its three constructions. :Keyword sentence; functional; functional grammarItem L’écriture De La Mémoire Dans Body Writing, Vie Et Mort De Karim Fatimi, écrivain (1968-2014), De Mustapha Benfodil(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Ouis, Ikram; Djebbari, NassimaDe nos jours, l’écriture de la mémoire occupe une place primordiale dans le monde de la littérature algérienne d’expression française. Elle constitue pour l’écrivain contemporain une porte pour revisiter et comprendre le passé. L’écriture de la mémoire est souvent associée à des productions romanesques à caractère autofictionnel. Dans cette perspective, ce présent article a pour but d’étudier la représentation de la mémoire dans le roman Body Writing, Vie et mort de karim Fatimi, écrivain (1968-2014), de Mustapha Benfodil. Notre objectif principal sera de repérer les traces de la mémoire collective et la mémoire individuelle dans la fiction, tout en mettant en évidence l’Histoire et l’autofiction . Nowadays, memory writing occupies a primordial place in the world of Algerian literature of French expression. It constitutes for the contemporary writer a door to revisit and understand the past. The writing of memory is often associated with novelistic productions of an autofictional nature. From this perspective, this article aims to study the representation of memory in the novel body writing, life and death of Karim Fatimi, writer (1968-2014), by Mustapha benfodil. Our main objective will be to identify the traces of collective memory and individual memory in fiction ; while highlighting history and autofiction.Item تداعيات البطل المغترب في رواية "ندير كيما يدير فالبحر لعوام للصادق عيسات"(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) سامية, يحياوييمثل الاغتراب حالة نفسية شعورية متأزمة يعيشها الفرد نتيجة وجود خلل بين الذات والواقع. وقد حاول الروائي الجزائري الفرنكفوتي "الصادق عيسات" تصوير حالة الضياع والغربة التي يعانيها المهاجر الجزائري بعد ابتعاده عن وطنه. وذلك من خلال شخصية البطل DZ وما اختلجه من تداعيات تطورت إلى اغتراب ذاتي ونفسي ومكاني واجتماعي وثقافي وسياسي كادت أن تعصف به إلى المجهولItem L’écriture De Nicolas Dickner De L’allusion à L’encyclopédisme : Le Chemin Vers Une Diversité Des Genres(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Abdelhamid, Mounira; Merad, SoumeyaCette contribution s’appuie sur un long voyage menant à une diversité des genres dans « Nikolski » et « Tarmac » de Nicolas Dickner, tout en abordant l’allusion et l’encyclopédisme comme deux autres notions majeures de notre problématique. Afin d’élucider notre approche, nous avons jugé utile d’entamer notre étude avec une présentation du corpus pour établir un lien avec la notion d’allusion. Par la suite, nous allons porter notre attention sur le développement de l'encyclopédisme entre rapprochement de textes et rassemblement des savoirs. Pour finir, nous tenterons de déceler l'intrigue du chemin d'aboutissement à la diversité des genres dans les deux œuvres de l’auteur. This contribution is based on a long journey leading to a diversity of genres in "Nikolski" and "Tarmac" by Nicolas Dickner, while addressing allusion and encyclopedism as two other major notions of our problematic. In order to elucidate our approach, we deemed it useful to begin our study with a presentation of the corpus to establish a link with the notion of allusion. Subsequently, we will focus our attention on the development of encyclopedism between bringing together texts and gathering knowledge. Finally, we will try to uncover the plot of the path to gender diversity in the author's two works.Item Activating Growth Mindsets in College Classrooms(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) DALI YOUCEF, LyndaDecades of research have demonstrated that a student‘s mindset is a critical factor that impacts how comfortable and motivated they are when posed with a new or difficult problem to solve. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of growth mindset in classrooms and identify strategies teachers can do to encourage and motivate students to change their worldview from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Data was collected through structured interviews with five teachers of higher education, namely teachers of English from different universities. Through the data collection process, different themes were identified. This study found that teachers are using different strategies to fully understand how to foster a growth mindset in their students. These strategies include reflecting their understanding and belief about the malleability of intelligence and the importance of self-confidence to their students. Moreover, they include being mindful of different learning strategies and embracing individualityItem La Fabrique De L’ennemi Dans L’extrême Nord Du Cameroun. Une Analyse Littéraire De Cœur De Sahel De Djaïli Amadou Amal(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Kone Guiba, Abdul KaramokoQu’est-ce que le terrorisme ? Comment est-il représenté au sein du roman africain ? Quelles sont les facteurs qui participent à sa propagation en Afrique ? La présence étude s’est attelée à analyser le discours de Cœur de Sahel sur le terrorisme. L’autrice a évoqué des éléments qui s’apparentent à des facteurs décisifs de propagation du terrorisme, notamment les injustices sociales. Cette œuvre met en fiction des indices textuels dont l’analyse du discours nous prouve que l’auteur est farouchement opposé au terrorisme. Le terrorisme suit une logique du gangstérisme avec pour système économique celui de Gary Becker. What is terrorism? How is it represented in the African novel? What are the factors that contribute to its spread in Africa? This study analyzed the discourse on terrorism in Coeur de Sahel. The author evoked elements that are similar to decisive factors in the spread of terrorism, notably social injustices. This work fictionalizes textual clues whose discourse analysis proves to us that the author is fiercely opposed to terrorism. Terrorism follows a logic of gangsterism with Gary Becker's economic systemItem خصائص منهج ابن باديس في تنزيل الآيات على الواقع الديني والاجتماعي الجزائري: قراءة تحليلية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) لخضر, سعدانيسعى عبد الحميد بن باديس في تفسيره المشهور للقرآن الكريم إلى معالجة واقع المجتمع الجزائري بعد أن عصفت به ريح الاستعمار حيث مارست عليه التجهيل والتدمير والتضليل حقبة من الزمان. واستطاع إمامنا رفع التحدي بشجاعة وعزيمة وذكاء وصبر وثقة في الله ، فقضى على أشكال التخلف بجهوده وفكره وماله، ومعونة الوطنيين المخلصين من أمثاله. فنقل روحه الثائرة وإخلاصه للجزائر إلى جيل الثورة التحريرية. ولا يزال تفسيره يشهد على ما لإمامنا من تفرد وتفوّق بين سائر المفسرين المعاصرين الذين اشتغلوا بتكييف الآيات القرآنية حسب واقع حياة الشعوب الإسلامية. الكلمات المفاتيح:ابن باديس، التفسير، خصائص، التنزيل، الجزائري، إصلاح. Abstract Abdul Hamid bin Badis, in his famous interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, sought to address the reality of Algerian society after it was swept by the winds of colonialism, where ignorance, destruction and misinformation were practiced for an era of time. Our imam was able to rise to the challenge with his courage, determination, intelligence, patience and trust in God, so he eliminated forms of backwardness with his efforts, thought, wealth, and the aid of loyal patriots like him. He transferred his revolutionary spirit and devotion to Algeria to the generation of the liberation revolution. Its interpretation still bears witness to the uniqueness and superiority of our Imam among other contemporary interpreters who have been busy adapting Qur’anic verses according to the reality of the lives of Islamic peoples. Keywords: Ibn Badis, interpretation, characteristics, application, Algerian, reform.Item Designing Tourism English Syllabi(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Seriou, Cheikh; Drid, TouriaEnglish is very significant in the tourism sector. Thus, Algerian syllabus designers are keen to develop special courses in this field to better the level of tourism personnel and students by integrating English language courses specific to tourism purposes at the universities and tourism schools. This research attempts to explore the effectiveness of the current English language syllabus among second year licence students at the National Superior School of Tourism in Algiers, to explore the potential deficiencies, reform the existing syllabus, and enrich the linguistic field of tourism in Algeria. The research adopted multiple study tools and sources. The results revealed the absence of a constant syllabus. It is assumed that the lessons provided are not feasible. Thus, educational competencies priority should be reconsidered and the existing syllabus should be amended to meet the students’ needs. تعتبر اللغة الإنجليزية بالغة الأهمية في المجال السياحي. ولهذا، يتطلع القائمون على تصميم المناهج في الجزائر إلى تطوير دروس اللغة الإنجليزية الخاصة بالجانب السياحي لتحسين مستوى العاملين والطلاب. يحاول هذا البحث سبر مدى التمكن من اللغة الإنجليزية لدى طلاب السنة الثانية ليسانس بالمدرسة الوطنية العليا للسياحة بالجزائر من أجل استكشاف النقائص وإصلاح المنهاج المعتمد وإثراء المجال اللغوي الخاص بالسياحة في الجزائر. تبنى البحث دراسة متعددة الوسائل والمصادر. وأظهرت نتائج البحث غياب منهاج ثابت، كما أن الدروس لا تلبي حاجيات الطلبة بالشكل المطلوب. وعليه، يتوجب تعديل المنهاج بضبط التوازن في تلقين الكفاءات التعليمية، على وجه الخصوص.Item La Dimension (inter) Culturelle De L'apprentissage De La Phonétique En Fle : La Méthode Verbo-tonale En Question(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Zerari, SihamL’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue impose l’apprentissage de sa phonétique du moment où elle est l’ossature de toute communication orale. En effet, la réussite de l’acte de communication en langue étrangère (FLE) dépend non seulement de la bonne maîtrise des différentes normes phonétiques et grammaticales mais aussi de la prise en compte des paramètres socio-culturels de la situation de communication. Dans cette perspective, notre problématique tourne autour de la question suivante : comment la voix permet-elle à l’apprenant arabophone de comprendre et d’interpréter les sons étrangers en relativisant un autre système de référence que le sien ? Pour répondre à cette problématique, nous appliquerons deux méthodes l’une analytique où nous analyserons les inadéquations articulatoires en adoptant la méthode verbo-tonale et la deuxième sera interprétative en se basant sur l’approche interculturelle. Learning a new language requires learning its phonetics since it is the backbone of all oral communication. Indeed, the success of the act of communication in a foreign language (FLE) depends not only on the good mastery of the different phonetic and grammatical standards but also on taking into account the socio-cultural parameters of the communication situation. In this perspective, we wonder in the following way about how the voice allows the Arabicspeaking learner to understand and interpret foreign sounds by relativizing another system of reference than his own? To answer this problem, we will apply two methods, one analytical where we will analyze the articulatory inadequacies by adopting the verbo-tonal method and the second will be interpretative based on the intercultural approach.Item Landscape And Identity As Viewed By Gertrude Stein(جامعة الوادي - university of eloued, 2023-04-10) Chetioui, OthmanThis study attempts to show how geographical environment and especially landscape that encompass the person affects their understanding of themselves and shapes their identities. As for methodology, the topic will be approached form a geocritical point of view that gives much emphasis for the American landscape: how it helped in creating a national identity and promoted the country celebrity. The landscape and identity issues will be perceived through the vision of Gertrude Stein one of the most controversial thinkers and avant-guard writers who out lived the nineteenth century and left their stamps printed on twentieth century generations. This French expatriate of American origin, through an outstanding and prolific writings acted as the ambassador for modernism. The study also sheds some light on the strikingly conspicuous fluctuations Stein made in writing as repetition and punctuation remained one of her mysteries and talents of style. It is not strange when Williams Carlos Williams who got both amazed and impressed with Stein' s language and described it as" smashing every connotation that words have ever had, in order to get them back clean".Item مَعَانِي النَّفْيِّ فِي النَّحْوِ العَرَبِيِّ وَاسْتِعْمَالَاتُهُ فِي التَّعْبِيْرِ اللُّغَوِيِّ دِرَاسَةٌ فِي كِتَابِ "مَعَانِي النَّحْوِ" لِفَاضِلٍ السَّامُرَائِيِّ(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-04-10) عواريب, سليميَرومُ هَذا البحثُ الحفرَ في معاني النفي في النحو العربيّ واستعمالاته في التعبير اللغويّ، وفهم المعنى الذي يكتنف البنية التركيبية لمختلف النصوص اللغويّة، من خلال مباحث النفي المتناثرة في كتاب معاني النّحو لفاضل السامرائي، وتكمن أهمية هذا البحث في الكشف عن أسرار المعاني المختلفة للأوجه التعبيرية المتعدّدة، وتفسير النصوص والتعبيرات، إذ أنّ هناك كثيراً من المسائل التي تتّصل بالمعنى لم تُبْحَثْ في النحو العربي من قَبلُ. وبناءً على ذلك تعيّن علينا أن نجيب عن إشكال رئيس، وهو إلى أيّ مدى يمكن أن يفيد النفي على اختلاف صوره وأدواته معاني كثيرة ومختلفة؟ ولماذا عذل القدامى على دراسته في باب خاص؟ This research aims to shed a light on the meanings of negation in Arabic grammar and its uses in linguistic expression. And to figure out the meaning that circles the phrase structure of various linguistic texts, over the investigations of negation scattered in the book of the meanings of grammar by FadelAl-Samarrai.As well as , the concern of this study is to uncover the secrets of the different meanings of the various expressive aspects And the simplification of texts and expressions.As there are many issues related to meaning that have not been discussed in Arabic grammar before. Therefore, we needed to answer a major problem, which is : to what extent can the negation, benefit many and different meaningsdespite its different forms and tools ? And why they didn't deal with his studies in a special chapter?