JAFS_Vol 05 N 02
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Item Place De L’inspection Générale Des Finances Dans Le Dispositif De Contrôle Des Finances Publiques En Algérie Et Les Modalités De Son Intervention(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Guendouzi, Mohammed; Bia, ChabaneLe contrôle des finances publiques en Algérie est garanti par différents mécanismes et organes. L’Inspection Générale des Finances est l’un des acteurs majeurs du dispositif de contrôle en place. Ce travail de recherche se propose de montrer comment intervient L’IGF à travers les missions qui lui sont dévolues, dans le dispositif de contrôle de la dépense publique mis en place en Algérie et comment se positionne ce contrôle par rapport aux autres dispositifs en place. La méthodologie de recherche s’articule dans un premier temps autour de l’étude de l’ancrage juridique qui régit cet organe de contrôle, ses modalités d’intervention et les différentes missions réalisées ainsi que les rapports produits par cette institution. Puis dans un second temps, à l’analyse de son positionnement dans le dispositif de contrôle mis en place en Algérie en matière de contrôle sur la dépense publique.Item L’impact De La Pandémie Du Covid-19 Sur Le E-commerce En Algérie(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Benai, Mustapha; Guettafi, Said; Larab, SarahCette synthèse s’intéresse à la façon dont la crise liée à la pandémie du Covid19 accélère l’expansion du e-commerce vers de nouvelles catégories d’entreprises, de consommateurs et de produits, processus qui laisse augurer une réorientation à long terme de la vente en ligne des produits et services de luxe vers des produits de consommation courante. Elle montre également comment les décideurs peuvent optimiser les possibilités offertes par la transformation numérique dans le commerce de détail et les secteurs apparentés pour soutenir l’adaptation des entreprises et faciliter la distanciation physique, tout en veillant à ce que personne ne soit laissé pour compte. L'objectif de ce rapport est de mesurer l'état de préparation de l’économie algérienne pour la revitalisation du ecommerce, notamment à la lumière de la pandémie du covid-19.Item L’effet Des Différentes Stratégies Motivationnelles Au Travail Sur La Motivation Intrinsèque De L’employé Algérien(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Madani, Bachir Oussama; Benchikh, HouariDans une ère de concurrence acharnée où l’innovation est au cœur de l’économie, les entreprises actuelles se trouvent dans l’obligation de développer les performances de leurs ressources humaines afin d’acquérir des avantages compétitifs. Ainsi, pour y parvenir, la motivation au travail se présente comme une solution efficace. Par la suite, ce travail de recherche a pour fin de découvrir l’influence des différentes stratégies motivationnelles sur la motivation intrinsèque des employés algériens car ce type de motivation est autonome et vient de l’employé lui-même et donc peu couteux pour l’entreprise. L’étude a été effectuée sur un échantillon de 83 employés de différentes entreprises, où après une recherche quantitative, nous avons pu vérifier que les relations humaines, la conception des emplois, les conditions psychologiques et les conditions physiques au travail sont tous des stratégies de motivation qui ont une influence positive sur la motivation interne, tandis que la stratégie de motivation par la sécurité a une influence négative sur la motivation intrinsèque. Ces résultats sont intéressants car ils proposent des nouveaux horizons pour le développement des motivations au travail avec des couts réduits pour les entreprises algériennesItem The Efforts Of The Algerian State To Support Small And Medium-sized Enterprises “smes” In Order To Reduce Unemployment During The Period (2013-2019) - A Detailed Look At The Organisms In Charge Of Support -(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Kidaouene, Abou Bakr EssedikThis study aims to clarify the efforts made by the Algerian state to support SMEs in order to reduce unemployment, through the interpretation of the various statistics related to SMEs and unemployment, in addition to giving a detailed look at the organisms authorized by law to supervise the work of SMEs in Algeria. We used the deductive approach in order to explain the concepts related to SMEs and unemployment, we also used the inductive method in order to interpret the statistics related to SMEs and unemployment in Algeria. This study concluded that all unemployment rates from 2013 to 2019 were more than 10 and that the Algerian state has established three organisms (ANADE, ANGEM and FGAR), whose mission is to supervise and follow up the activity of SMEs.Item Toward An Optimal Capital Adequacy In Jordanian Traditional And Islamic Banks: An Empirical Comparative Study During The Period 2015 - 2019(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Slimane, Nacer; Younes, Mouna; Yousfi, ImaneThis study aims to determine the optimal size of capital adequacy ratio in banks, this ratio may increase as a result of greater risk control and capital raise, but capital represents redundant funds and consequently a lost cost in the economic sense. This paper therefore sought to determine the optimal size for this ratio using the two-stage data envelopment analysis, taking into account bank capabilities using its own inputs and outputs to reach this size. A sample of 15 Jordanian banks is used, including three Islamic and 12 traditional during the period 2015-2019, the study found that a small number of banks achieved the optimal size of this ratio, Islamic banks often made no difference between the actual and optimal ratios or that the actual is higher than the optimal, while the study finds the opposite for the traditional banks where the actual rate was often less than the optimalItem The Role Of Startups In The Age Of Covid-19 Pandemic - Evidence From The World -(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Boulesnam, Mohamed; Seguiri, Sidali; Kebtan, ChaoukiThis study aims to provide startups' experience evaluation during crises and set startups’ mechanisms that could help in alleviating the effects of the current pandemic in different countries. Several experiences from the US, UK, Japan, and some Arab countries have been presented in this study to illustrate the role of startups in the age of this pandemic. The study concluded that startups have played major roles in the age of Covid19, particularly in the health sector. But, they should adopt the innovation mindset, and face challenges using technological changes and internet advantagesItem The Influence Of Leadership In The Application Of Total Quality Management System(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Slimani, HindounLeadership is one of the important factors that have a big impact and influence on the group and the organization's activity in general, and that's created interaction between individuals with the aim of achieving the desired objectives of the individual and the organization. Among the leadership types that have emerged from scientific progress and technical development is the transformational leadership model, which is most distinguished by its high ability to lead the organization to address the challenges and recent developments by influencing the behavior of subordinates and developing their creative abilitiesItem Re-engineering Human Resources And Its Role In Achieving Job Satisfaction For Professors Of The Faculty Of Economic, Commercial, And Management Sciences At The University Of M'sila(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Djegham, Souad; Khaldi, MohamedThis paper aims to illustrate the importance of human resource reengineering in achieving professors satisfaction at the University of M'sila's Faculty of Economics, Commerce, and Management Sciences, to clarify the relationship, we distributed questionnaires to all 130 college professors, retrieved 110 at a rate of 84,62%, and excluded 16 invalid ones, leaving us with 94 valid forms for analysis at a rate of 85,45%, and after data collection and analysis using SPSS statistical software 19, we concluded that both HRR and job satisfaction are achieved at medium levels at the university, in addition to the presence of a statistically significant impact of the level of HRR on job satisfaction at the university, the study recommends that the university should strengthen the levels of reengineering of human resources in all its dimensions, to ensure effective job satisfaction for its human resources.Item Adopting Blue Ocean Strategy To Break The Competition And Create Value Innovation -case Study Of Sun Circus Company-(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) Hamra, Yousra; Gassabi, IlyesThis study attempts to highlight the “Blue Ocean Strategy” as one of the most important modern strategies capable of tackling the dangers of intense competition in the Red Oceans. Indeed, it has been noted that this strategy plays an important role in the creation of Value Innovation through the four dimensions that underlie it (ERRC: Eliminating, Reduction, Raising and Creativity). Finally, the study presents the experience of "Sun Circus" Company as one of the successful experiences for creating Blue Ocean in already declining and saturated industry. The study concludes with the presentation of relevant results and recommendations that can help companies better adapt to and adopt the Blue Ocean philosophy.Item تقييم سياسة التجارة الخارجية في الجزائروانعكاسها على الاقتصاد الوطني خلال الفترة (2010-2019)(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) تومي, ابراهيم; طيبي, حمزة; المسعود, ربيعتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم سياسة التجارة الخارجية في الجزائر وانعكاسها على الاقتصاد الوطني خلال الفترة (2010–2019)، و قد خلصت الدراسة إلى أنه رغم الجهود المبذولة من طرف الحكومات المتعاقبة من أجل ترقية الصادرات خارج قطاع المحروقات وإتباع سياسة احلال الواردات، إلّا أن النتائج المحققة لم تكن في المستوى المأمول، وهذا بسبب وجود عراقيل ومعوقات متعددة. This study aims to assess the foreign trade policy in Algeria and its impact on the national economy during the period (2010-2019), The study concluded that, despite the efforts made by successive governments to upgrade exports outside the hydrocarbon sector and to follow the import substitution policy, the results achieved were not at the expected level, due to the presence of multiple obstacles and difficultiesItem بناء القدرات التنظيمية في ظل المقاربات الحديثة لتنافسية المنظمات الاقتصادية دراسة استطلاعية حول واقع القدرات التنظيمية في المنظمات الاقتصادية الجزائرية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) محجوبي, محمد الأخضر; غربي, العيد; بن عمر, محمد البشيرتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى قياس واقع القدرات التنظيمية في المنظمات الاقتصادية الجزائرية، باعتبارها أحد التوجهات الحديثة في تطوير الأداء التنافسي للمنظمات على مستوى الفكر الإستراتيجي، من خلال استكشاف مدى توفر الشروط والمتطلبات الكفيلة ببناء وتطوير بعض القدرات التنظيمية، حيث تم تصميم وتوزيع استبيان على عينة مكونة من 26 منظمة اقتصادية تنشط في مختلف المجالات والقطاعات الصناعية بالجزائر. ولقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن 84% من المنظمات بحاجة لبذل المزيد من الجهود من أجل توفير الشروط والمتطلبات اللازمة لبناء القدرات التنظيمية، و7% تمتلك القدرة على توحيد وتوضيح الإستراتيجية ولديها فرص لتطويرها، و30% تمتلك القدرة التسويقية، و7% تمتلك القدرة على الابتكار، 11% لديها القدرة على استقطاب والحفاظ على المواهب. This exploratory study aims to measure the reality of organizational capabilities in the Algerian economic organizations, as one of the modern trends in developing the competitive performance of the organizations at the level of strategic thought. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of 26 economic organizations active in various fields and industrial sectors in Algeria. The results revealed that 84% of organizations need to exert more efforts in order to provide the necessary conditions to build organizational capacity and requirements,7% have the ability to consolidate and clarify the strategy and have opportunities to develop them. In addition, 30% have a marketing capacity, 7% have the ability to innovate and 11% have the ability to attract and retain talent.Item أثر جودة الحياة الوظيفية على الالتزام التنظيمي لأساتذة كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير في جامعة حمة لخضر الوادي(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) العابد, رشيدةThe aim of the research is to know the degree (QWL) enjoyed by professors and its impact on their organizational commitment. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire consisting of 44 items was built. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach using the statistical program (SPSS) and the research reached several results, the most important of which are: - There is a strong positive correlation between the (QWL) and (OC).Item واقع الإفصاح المحاسبي عن المسؤولية الاجتماعية في المؤسسات الاقتصادية دراسة استطلاعية لعينة من المؤسسات الاقتصادية بولاية بسكرة(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) سعدي, عبد الحق; شيخ, عبد القادرThis study aims at highlighting the reality of accounting disclosure on socio-responsibility in Algerian economic institutions, and try to drop this on some economic institutions in Biskra, by studying a sample of 36 sample, using the Excel tables for data discharge, And the statistical packet for social sciences (SPSS) for data processing, analysis and interpretation of results. The study has reached many of the most important results: that economic institutions have not recognized the importance of disclosure of social responsibility, for several reasons for the absence of laws, legislation and regulations that are required to disclose social responsibilitItem واقع و آفاق تطوير الطاقات المتجددة في البلدان المغاربية (الجزائر،تونس و المغرب)(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) الشيخ, نورالدين; بوعراب, رابحتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الوقوف على واقع و امكانيات الطاقة المتجددة في كل من الجزائر، المغرب و تونس و آفاق تطوّرها في المستقبل، من خلال التطرق إلى الوضعية الحالية لحصة الطاقات المتجددة في ميزان الطاقة و كذا واقع الإنتاج. بالإضافة إلى عرض أهم العوائق التي تقف حاجزا أمام تطورها وانتشارها. وتظهر النتائج أن الطاقة المتجددة لا تزال تمثل دورا هامشيا في مزيج الطاقة في كل من الجزائر و تونس، بخلاف المغرب الذي يمر بمرحلة انتقالية في مجال الطاقة لا سيما الطاقة الشمسية و طاقة الرياح، لكن لا يزال يتعيّن اتخاذ سلسلة من الإجراءات الحاسمة التي تسهل تحقيق هدف حصة الطاقة المتجددة لعام 2030. This study aims to identify the reality and potential of renewable energy in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and the prospects for its development in the future, by addressing the current situation of the share of renewable energies in the energy balance as well as the reality of production. In addition to presenting the most important obstacles that stand in the way of its development and spread. The results show that renewable energy still plays a marginal role in the energy mix in Algeria and Tunisia, unlike Morocco, which is going through an energy transition, especially solar and wind energy, but a series of decisive measures that facilitate the achievement of the goal are still to be taken. The share of renewable energy for 2030 .Item محددات عرض العمل في الجزائر دراسة قياسية للفترة 1980- 2020(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) خلف, منى; بقاط, حنان; محلوس, زكيةThe objective of This paper is to analyze the work force in Algeria by studying the evolution of the labor supply in various economic sectors for the period 1980-2020 and presenting the unemployment situation, followed by a standard model of labor supply units in Algeria using a new methodology known as ARDL (Distributed Self-Regression Model) using annual data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics. The study revealed that existed a positive non-significant relationship between the display work and the net activity rate, and a significant positive relationship between real wages and longterm display workItem دور التحالفات الاستراتيجية مع مؤسسات التأمين في تحسين أداء البنوك: محاولة لتحليل أداء البنوك الجزائرية باستخدام نموذج Scp(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) حيمر, مريم; دبلة, فاتحThis study is based on analyzing the performance of the banking sector, using an analysis tool that is closer to the economic reality through the model of the industrial economy structure-behaviourperformance SCP, by interpreting the relationship between the elements of this model in the banking sector in Algeria in light of the strategic alliances of banks with Insurance institutions. Some of the study results were against the first hypothesis of the structure-behaviorperformance modelItem دراسة تحليلية لفعالية النظام الضريبي خارج المحروقات في الجزائر للفترة 1990-2019(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) بوحفصي, أنفال; بن شلاط, مصطفىتتميز حصيلة الضرائب البترولية في الجزائر بعدم الاستقرار خاصة في ظل التذبذبات التي يشهدها سوق المحروقات ، فكان لابد على القائمين بالضرائب اعتماد نظام ضريبي فعال يتماشى مع طبيعة الاقتصاد الجزائري ، و ذلك بإعطاء أهمية كبير ة للضرائب خارج المحروقات لما تتميز به من ثبات واستقرار ، و هذا ما اعتمدته الجزائر بفضل الاصلاحات التي قامت بها سنة 1992 ، الا أن نسبة مساهمتها في اجمالي الايرادات العامة غير مستقرة بسبب انتعاش سوق النفط ابتداءا من سنة 2000 إلى غاية سنة 2015. The proceeds of petroleum taxes in Algeria are characterized by instability, especially in light of the fluctuations in the hydrocarbon market, so tax officials had to adopt an effective tax system in line with the nature of the Algerian economy, by giving great importance to taxes outside hydrocarbons due to their stability and stability, and this is what they adopted Algeria, thanks to the reforms it carried out in 1992, but its contribution to total public revenues is unstable due to the recovery of the oil market from 2000 to 2015.Item تحليل وقياس درجة استقلالية بنك الجزائر وفقا لمؤشر القانون والمساءلة خلال الفترة 1990-2017(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) بودالي, سليمان; بشيكر, عابدThis study aims at highlight the issue of the independence of central banks, which is of great importance in economic studies, by removing political pressures and orders to enable central banks to ensure monetary stability. In this light, we tried to analyze and measure the degree of independence of the Bank of Algeria according to the law and accountability index (Jacome methodology). In order to achieve this objective, we used the deductive approach by its tools : description and analysis by discussing the Independence of the Bank of Algeria through the Monetary and Loan Law and the amendments thereto. The study concluded that the degree of independence of the Bank of Algeria is relatively medium according to the law and accountability index, the highest degree of independence was in the order 10-04 amending and supplementing the order 03-11 related to Monetary and Loan LawItem تأثير قرار التمويل على مردودية المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة دراسة حالة مؤسسة حضنة حليب بالمسيلة للفترة(2015-2018)(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) بن حميدة, عمار; منصر, الياسهدفت الدراسة إلى إبراز العلاقة بين قرار تشكيل الهيكل المالي للمؤسسة محل الدراسة ومدى مساهمته في تحسين مردوديتها، من خلال دراسة أثر الرافعة المالية، وتكمن أهمية البحث في كيفية اتخاذ القرار التمويلي المناسب الذي سينعكس بصورة أو بأخرى على حاضر ومستقبل المؤسسة. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن اتخاذ القرار بشأن التمويل في المؤسسة محل الدراسة ذو تأثير سلبي على معدلات المردودية، أي أنه كلما زاد حجم القروض كلما تناقصت المردودية، بمعنى أن أثر الرافعة المالية The study aims at revealing the relationship between the decision to reconstruct the establishment financial architecture and the extent to which it contributes in improving its return through studying the leverage. The research importance lies in the way of making the appropriate funding decision, which is reflected, in a way or another, on the establishment present and future. The study has been concluded with the result that making the financial decision concerning the establishment funding, the study place, has a negative impact on the return rates i.e. whenever the loans volume increases, the return decreases, which means that the leverage effect is negative.Item الدعم التنظيمي المدرك ودوره في تعزيز التماثل التنظيمي لدى الأستاذ الجامعي - دراسة حالة كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والعلوم التجارية وعلوم التسيير جامعة ورقلة-(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-12-31) تيشات, سلوى; مزهودة, نور الدينThis study aims to identify the role of perceived organizational support in enhancing organizational identification among the professors of the Faculty of Economics Sciences, and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences at the University of Ouargla. So as to achieve study objectives the researchersused the questionnaire as a main tool to collect datawere analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study has reachedseveral conclusions, the most important of which are: Thereis a positive relationshipbetweenperceived organizational support and organizational identificationamong the professors of the Faculty ofEconomics Sciences, and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences at the University of Ouargla