02.Scientific journals
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Item THE 10th ANNIVERSARY OF THE JOURNAL OF FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2019-06-01) Professor, Touhami LANEZItem 1882-1956 م.(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2023) حمو, دريددراسة تعريفية بمشيخة الجزائريين بمدينة تونس خلا ل فترة الحماية الفرنسية 1882-1956 تمثل المؤسسات التقليدية التي وظّفها حه باستعمالها كحلقة وصل بين الإدارة الاستعمارية والمهاجريين الجزائ ريين بتونس. يتناول هذا المقال دراسة تمهيدية عن مشيخة الجزائريين في تونس خلال فترة الحماية الفرنسية 1882-1956 م ، والتي نلقي فيها الضوء على مؤسسة المشيخة التي تمثل إحدى المؤسسات التقليدية التي استخدمها الاستعمار لخدمة. من خلال استخدامه كحلقة وصل بين الإدارة الاستعمارية والمهاجرين الجزائريين في تونس.Item 1900ـ1973م(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2023) عي, وردةالخلافة والصداع . الملخص: يتناول هذا المقال موضوع سقوط الخلافة العثمانية وصدى ذلك لدى الجزائريين من خلال كتاباتهم ، حيث تعتبر الكتابة أهم وسيلة للتعبير عن الآراء والمواقف وقت وقوع الحدث أو لتحليل واستقراء الأحداث وتوقع النتائج والتحذير منها. وسقوطه ومصير الأمة الإسلامية والعربية بعدهItem 2016 مظاهر تدخل ورقابة رئيس الجمهورية للعمل التشريعي في ظل التعديل الدستوري لسنة(جامعة الوادي University of Eloued, 2019-12-28) غريسي, جمال; غريسي, العيدإن المركز القانوني لرئيس الجمهورية في الدساتير الجزائرية، يلفت انتباه الباحث، وخاصة في علاقته مع السلطة التشريعية اذا قبلنا بتكريس مبدأ الفصل بين السلطات في التعديل الدستوري لسنة 2016، فقد أقر هذا التعديل لرئيس الجمهورية صلاحيات عديدة تجعله يتدخل ويراقب العمل التشريعي، منها ما يكون داخل قبة البرلمان، أي أثناء مراحل اعداد القوانين، ومنها ما يكون خارج قبة البرلمان، أي في المراحل المنفصلة عن إعداد القانون، وهو ما يجعل الباحث عن تكريس مبدأ الفصل بين السلطات في هذا التعديل، يقر بعدم وجوده، مقارنة بالصلاحيات الممنوحة للسلطة التنفيذية في الرقابة والتدخل في العمل التشريعي، وهي ما زادت من قوة المركز القانوني لرئيس الجمهورية. The legal status of the President of the Republic in Algerian Constitutions draws the attention of the researcher, especially when it comes to his relations with the legislature, if we accept the establishment of the separation of powers principle set by the constitutional amendment of 2016. The new constitutional amendment acknowledged to the President of the Republic many powers that would allow him to monitor and interfere in the legislative process. Some of these powers are to be exercised in the parliament, in the legislation process, and some are be exercised outside the parliament, not during the law preparation process, which forces the researcher pursuing the consecration of the principle of separation of powers by this amendment, to recognize its absence, compared to the powers Granted to the executive authority in the control and intervention in the legislative process, which increases the strength of the President of the Republic's legal status.Item 2021-03-15 One-to-one Vs. Paired Interviews In Assessing Oral Proficiency. A Comparative Study Of A Group Of 3rd Year Efl Students At Constantine-1 University(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2021-03-15) Mohammed El Amine, SAIFI; Sarah, MerroucheAbstract The present paper provides a comparative framework of using individual (one-to-one) and paired interviews to assess EFL students’ oral proficiency at Constantine-1 University. Moreover, it investigates the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards undertaking each of the aforementioned assessments. Admittedly, the current study represents an individual renewal attempt to adapt and implement standardized oral tests in speaking classes. A sample of 3rd year EFL students were in a position to compare the common differences among individual and paired interviews in assessing oral proficiency through undertaking one particular testing method within each semester, and then answering a questionnaire. The results revealed better performances within paired interviews among the participants who admittedly enjoyed interacting with their peers rather than being alone in front of the teacher.Item 3-D MODELLING OF ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS’ EFFECTS ON THE HEATING OF THE BASE OF AN INTENSE LIGHT ILLUMINATED POLYCRYSTALLINE SILICON PV CELL(university of el oued/جامعة الوادي, 2021-09-01) Soro, B; Savadogo, M; Zouma, B; Tchedre, K. E; Sourabie, I; Zerbo, I; Bathiebo, D. JPerformances of a solar cell are significantly influenced by the heating of the base. Two phenomena contribute to the heating of the base of a PV cell: the heat due to the transfer by conduction of the solar energy radiation received by the surface of the PV cell and the heat generated inside the solar cell by various phenomena related to the movement of photogenerated electrons and holes. Thus, even if the increase of the quantity of carriers leads to improve the PV cell electrical parameters, this phenomenon also leads to the increase of some internal phenomena like thermalization, carriers braking and the carriers collisions which are sources of heating of the base of the solar cell Indeed, electrical parameters (photocurrent, photovoltage, electric power) are physical quantities related to the movement of charge carriers and also to the illumination mode, this means that changing of electrical parameters during the operation of the PV cell leads to a variation of the temperature inside the base of the PV cell. This work presents the effects of the increase of some electrical parameters (photocurrent, photovoltage, electric power) on the behaviour of the temperature of the base of a silicon PV cell under intense light illumination.Item 4E (Energy-Exergy-Economic-Environmental) performances assessment of different configurations of power cycles(جامعة الوادي - university of el oued, 2021-10-30) Meriche, slem; Chemoul, Adem; Boukelia, Taqiy EddineSteam power plants are alimented by different sources of energy including fossil fuels or renewable ones such as solar thermal, biomass or geothermal. Thus, thermodynamic, economic and environmental analyses of different steam power cycles are highly required for identification and choice of the most effective and viable layout to be adopted in the installation. Consequently, the main aim of the present paper is to compare five different configurations of power cycles in terms of energy and exergy efficiencies, fuel and cooling water consumptions, CO2 emissions rate, as well as investment and operating costs, and net present value (NPV). The obtained results present relevant differences; the energy and exergy efficiencies of the fifth configuration similar to the one of Achouat power station are the highest with 41.9% and 39.5% respectively. On the other hand, this configuration shows better environmental performances represented by CO2 emission (46.12 kg/s), and water consumption for cooling (7.42 m3/s). Economically, there is a clear convergence in the NPV values for configurations with Reheating and Regeneration processes. Moreover, the fourth configuration is the best in terms of net present value (NPV) of 103.1(M€).Item A brief review of features of copper indium disulphide (CuInS2) nanomaterials for quantum dot solar cells(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2023-10-06) GargNityaCopper indium disulphide CuInS2 (CIS) is found to be an interesting nanomaterial belong to group I-III-V for quantum dot solar cell (QDSCs) application due to low toxicity, multiple exciton generation effect, high light absorption in the visible spectral range, appropriate band gap that coordinate well with the solar spectrum, unusual radiation tolerance, noticeable defect tolerance and low cost. Properties of this material that makes it important for use in quantum dot solar cell is also discussed in this paper. This paper summarizes the research going on in the field of synthesis of CuInS2 nanomaterials reported by different authors across the globe. Optical and photovoltaic properties of reviewed CIS QDSCs is also highlighted in this paper.Item A Contrastive Analysis Of The Use Of Hedges In English And Arabic Newspaper Editorials(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2024-06-30) Nesba, KaoutherThe study investigates hedging in Arabic and English newspaper editorials, examining differences in usage and types. It analyzes 60 editorials from two Arabic (Echorouk and Elkhabar) and two British English newspapers (The Independent and The Guardian), applying Salager-Meyer’s (1997) model. Results indicate hedging in both languages, with English utilizing more hedges. Arabic leans towards approximators of degree, quantity, frequency, and time, while English favors modal auxiliary verbs. The study underscores the importance of teaching learners not only grammar but also rhetorical structures across different writing genres. تتناول الدراسة استخدام الاحتياطات في افتتاحيات الصحف العربية والإنجليزية، ودراسة الاختلافات في الاستخدام وأنواعها. قامت بتحليل 60 مقالة افتتاحية من صحيفتين عربيتين (الشروق والخبر) وصحيفتين بريطانيتين باللغة الإنجليزية (الإندبندنت والجارديان)، مطبقة نموذج سالجر ماير(1997). تشيرالنتائج إلى استخدام الاحتياطات في كلتا اللغتين، مع استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية لمزيد من الاحتياطات. تميل اللغة العربية نحو تقريب الدرجة والكمية والتكرار والوقت، بينما تفضل اللغة الإنجليزية الأفعال المساعدة الشرطية. تسلط الدراسة الضوء على أهمية تعليم المتعلمين ليس فقط قواعد اللغة ولكن أيضًا الهياكل البلاغية عبر أنواع الكتابة المختلفة.Item A short review of Nanomaterials: Synthesis methods, properties, and applications(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2023-03-23) ALHAMAD, Ali ALNAZZA . ZEGHOUD, Soumeia .Ilham ,BEN AMOR.ZAATER,Abdelmalek . BEN AMOR,Asma. AOUADI,Abdelatif . HEMMAMI, Amira.NLEONU,Emmanuel CHILEDue to their significant features, engineered nanomaterials have received much attention recently, sparking significant technical and monetary growth across various industrial sectors. Moreover, it is anticipated that nanomaterials will support a variety of industries, including microelectronics, materials, textiles, energy, healthcare, and cosmetics. Nanotechnology applications will lead to the development of lighter, stronger, and cleaner materials, intelligent medications, and diagnostics in the medical field. The relative hazards of various nanomaterials to humans and the environment are still up for debate, therefore, it's essential to be aware of the concerns related to possible toxicity and exposure route. Here, we go through several elements of creating, characterizing, and using nanoparticles.Item A Study On Faculty Promotion Methods In Universities And Research Centers -analyticalstudy Of Promotion Regulations And Conditions In Maghreb Universities –(جامعة الوادي University of Eloued, 2024-06-27) Fakhari Farouk; Zebiri NouraThis research endeavors to elucidate the procedures associated with university promotions within the context of Maghreb universities. Given that the promotion process is intrinsic to the rights of the researching professor, its implications are far-reaching, contributing both directly and indirectly to the enhancement of university faculty performance and the elevation of teaching standards. Through a comprehensive examination and exploration of diverse promotion mechanisms across several Maghreb countries, this study unveils a spectrum of outcomes. Foremost among these findings is the notable disparity in promotion techniques and strategies adopted by different universities. This discrepancy can be attributed to the distinct professional environments in which faculty members operate, as well as the varying legislative frameworks governing this intricate process.Item A Stylistic Study Of Epiphany In The Holy Quran(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2023-06-11) مقى عفافThe moment of epiphany is considered one of the linguistic features that expresses the user's transition from one state to another, distinguished by a new awareness and comprehension of the variables of life. تعتبر لحظة الوعي إحدى السمات اللغوية التي تعبر عن انتقال المستخدم لها من حالة إلى أخرى ، وتتميز بوعي وفهم جديد لمتغيرات الحياة. لقد رافقت لحظة الوعي الإنسان منذ العصور القديمة و إلى وقتنا الحالي في جميع جوانب حياته. ما لفت انتباهنا هو وجودها في القرآن الكريم. وعليه فإن هذه الدراسة غير المسبوقة تهدف إلى تسليط الضوء على هذه الميزة في القرآن وبيان استخداماتها ومعانيها المختلفة. بإستخدام منهجي الأسلوبية الأدبية والأسلوبية الإحصائية ، تمكنا من إستخراج 42 حالة تعبر عن لحظة الوعي قسمت بالتساوي بين الحياة الدنيا و الآخرة. كماوجدناالإختلاف في أسباب ظهورهم و معانيهم.ثم إن لحظة الوعي في الحياة الدنيا تتسم بالرحمة والعودة إلى الله تعالى ، أماالإستعمال الثاني في الحياة الآخرة فيتميز بالحسرة والندم عند غير المؤمن عند رؤيته للعذاب. بالإضافة إلى ذلك إستكشفنا أنواع جديدة من لحظة الوعي ، وهي المباشرة وغير المباشرة ، بالإضافة إلى لحظة الوعي الكاذبItem Abane Ramadane's Assassination(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2024-11-23) Lakehal,Chikhيتناول الباحث في هذه الورقة البحثية إشكالية اغتيال الشهيد عبان رمضان من طرف زملائه، وهل كانت هذه التصفية الجسدية لصالح الثورة أم كانت انحرافاً عن مسارها؟ إن خصوم عبان رمضان لم يتوقفوا عند هذا الحد بل وصل بهم الأمر إلى اتهامه بالخيانة والتخابر مع المستعمر، وبهذا أعطوا لأنفسهم الذريعة للتخلص منه والغدر به. وقد توصل الباحث في ختام هذه الدراسة إلى أن حادثة اغتيال عبان رمضان لم تكن سوى حلقة مأساوية في تاريخ الثورة الجزائرية، وأن تغييب عبان بتلك الطريقة، لم تزد سوى في زرع بذور الشك بين قيادات الثورة في الداخل والخارج، كما أنها قد أعطت تقليدا سيئا لتصفيه الحسابات بين إخوة النضال. The problem of this study addresses is the assassination of the martyr Abane Ramadane by his colleagues. Was this physical liquidation for the benefit of the revolution or was it a deviation from its course? Abane Ramadane's opponents did not stop there, but even went so far as to accuse him of treason and collaborating with the colonialist, and in this way they gave themselves the pretext to get rid of him and betray him. The study concluded that Abane Ramadan's assassination incident was nothing but a tragic episode in the history of the Algerian Revolution, and that the disappearance of Abane in this way only fostered seeds of doubt between the leaders of the revolution at home and abroad, and it also gave a bad tradition of settling scores between brothers in struggleItem Abdelkader Bellila. Evaluating the Impact of Absorber Geometry on Solar Still Efficiency: A Comparative Study of Square and Round Absorbers(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2024-05-08) Ayoub Barkat- Zakaria Rahal-Karim Medjdoub- Aazar M.A. Daoud- Tamás Mester-Hamza ChekimaSolar stills have been used for many years in areas with limited access to fresh water, such as desert regions or remote locations. They are simple to construct using readily available materials and require no energy input other than sunlight. Additionally, solar stills are lowmaintenance and can produce a significant amount of pure water with relatively little effort. Two solar stills are exposed to the sun, the first is a single solar still and the other is a hemispherical sender. Both stills have similar absorber. The purpose of this experiment is to compare the pure water output of the two devices. The finding shows that hemispherical solar still is more efficient than the simple solar still by 54.30 % in terms of pure water output. This suggests that the hemispherical still is better at capturing and utilizing solar energy to evaporate and condense water.Item The Abolition Act Of 1807(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2022-05) Abbou, TaharThe important human flow in the history of Africa, under the context of trans-Atlantic slave trade, decreased labour force and therefore the production of cash crops and minerals, which were of increasing demand after the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Under these circumstances, the British decided to prohibit slave trade by the Abolition Act of 1807, which generated divergent interpretations. While the official discourse stressed the humanitarian argument, others emphasised rather the economic reasons. The article attempts to find out the more determining factors to the reasons for the Abolition Act.Item Abscisic Acid Effects On Water And Photosynthetic Characteristics Of Two Ecotypes Of Atriplex Halimus L.(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2016-05-01) Bidai, Y.; Achour, A.; Belkhodja, M.The aim of this study is to compare the water and photosynthetic characteristics of two xerophilic ecotypes of Atriplex halimus (L.). Seeds collected from two different sites Djelfa and Oran are germinated in controlled greenhouse. After 6 months, the plantlets were treated 21 days with increasing concentrations of abscisic acid (0M, 10-6 M and 10-3 M). The results show that ecotype of Djelfa reduced water loss through transpiration because of high stomatal resistance. Consequently the content of chlorophyll a and b decrease significantly compared to Oran ecotype which show an increase of the osmotic potential and relative water content. Osmotic adjustment to reduce dehydration and maintain a good photosynthesis seems efficient in Oran ecotype.Item ABUNDANCE AND SPECIES RICHNESS OF LOMBRIC MACROFAUNA IN A SEMI-ARID FOREST ECOSYSTEM(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2017-09-01) Ababsa, N.; Laiche, A.; Djabbar, F.The importance of earthworms for soils has evolved over time. Our study was conducted in the forest of Ouled yagoub (North East Algerian). Sampling at three different altitudes resulted in a total of forty-nine individuals (49) and only three species were identified: Octodrilus complanatus, Allolobophora molleri and Aporrectodea rosea. Spread over two ecological categories. The specific richness is higher in the site of 1400 m of altitude. The Simpson index (Is) varies between 0.44 and 0.49 for the three study sites. The Shannon index fluctuates between 0.41 and 0.74. The values of the Hill index vary between 1 and 1.5 in the three Sites.Item Academic Dropout In Higher Education, Its Causes, And Implications(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2024-05-20) العقون صالح; لغراب ايمانAbstract: significant non-linear socioturbulent phenomena. Academic dropout is considered one of the most recent years in response to a range of conditions and challenges that Its intensity has increased in its extension emerged in the current reality. What makes this phenomenon more dangerous is have calls for an investigation into the to the university level, which was previously unaffected. This phenomenon, both at the individual and societal levels. In main causes and consequences of this our scientific article aims to explore the phenomenon of academic dropout ,response to thisItem Accommodation Or Difference Perpetuation In Middle Eastern Children Television? Arab Identities In Mbc3 Language(جامعة الوادي - university of Eloued, 2021-09-15) Dahou, Fatima Nor El Houda; Beghdadi, FaroukConsidering satellite Arab children channels’ implication in dealing with identity orientations of Arab children, the present research work proposes an investigation into the role of MBC3 programmes in negotiating sociolinguistic identities. Knowing, on the one hand, that children’s direction towards this channel, usually by parents, pursuits learning correct language, trusting its “convergence’’ to the multifaceted composition of Arab identity; and noticing, on the other hand, that MBC3 broadcasts programmes in MSA, in English, but also in other Arabic varieties, give rise to the following questions: How do MBC3 programmes address Arab children identities? Which cultural identity facet(s) are they accommodating themselves to? Applying Howard Giles’ Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT), important facts about the perpetuation of Arabs’ sociolinguistic differences come to the fore.Item Accounting Disclosure Within The Framework Of The Financial Accounting System(جامعة الوادي University of Eloued, 2024-09-01) Gacem HaddaThis investigation delineates the mechanisms of accounting disclosure as mandated by the financial accounting system, examining the theoretical dimensions encompassing the study's variables comprehensively. The findings underscore that the practices of presentation and disclosure within the financial accounting system align with international accounting standards, achieved through the meticulous application of various financial statements endorsed by said system