RIR_Vol 13 N 01
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Item Asymmetric Impact Of Oil Price And Exchange Rate On Inflation In Algeria: Evidence From Non-linear Ardl Approach(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) Hannachi, HayetIn this paper, we examine the asymmetric effects of both the world oil price and the exchange rate on inflation in Algeria using annual data from 1973 to 2021. In doing so, we employed the newly established Non-Linear AutoRegressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model to divide oil price and exchange rate fluctuations into positive and negative variations. The empirical results show that fluctuations in oil prices have an asymmetric effect on Algerian inflation in both the short and long term. More importantly, we discover that positive oil price increases have an asymmetrically greater effect on inflation than negative oil price changes. Furthermore, a rise in the Algerian dinar's depreciation is significantly increasing Algeria’s inflation, whereas a decline in the exchange rate (the Algerian dinar's appreciation) fails to decrease inflation. Yet, the asymmetric impact of exchange rate fluctuations to inflation is only in the short runItem Endogenous Growth Factors As A Catalyst For Economic Diversification In Algeria(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) Chikh- Amnache, Sabrina; Diffallah, KameliaAlgeria's economy depends on its hydrocarbon sector, which explains its vulnerability to oil price fluctuations. The export of internationally priced oil and gas is what propels growth. The alternative to this would be the diversification of the Algerian economic fabric based on endogenous factors that would guarantee the resilience of our economy. It was in the late 1980s and early 1990s that the problem of growth focused on factors integrated into the economy as determinants of said growth. From there, economists set out to shed light on the main parameters that could influence the growth rate of an economy. These are the works of Romer (1986, 1990), Lucas (1988), and Barro (1990).Item استخدام منهجية بوكس – جنكينز Box- Jenkins للتنبؤ بالناتج المحلي الإجمالي في السودان 2010- 2030م.(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) محمد, معتزThe study aimed to test the effectiveness of applying the Bos-jenkins model in time which the size and value of GDP in sudan ,the problem of the study was represented in the question of the extent to which bos- Jenkins models can be adopted in analyzing the time series of the variable GDP in sudan during the period 2010-2021 and predicting it until the year 2030, the study used analytical prediction of the Bos-jenkins methodology , as it is the basic approach for this study , among the most important finding of the study : the ARIMA model is the best as it was characterized by high ability in predicting and anticipating future GDP values, it turns out that the values estimated by the Bos-jenkins of the GDP are the somewhat close to the real values and can be used to predict the variable in the future ,Item أثر تطبيق مبادئ الحوكمة وآلياتها على ضمان مصداقية القوائم المالية دراسة استطلاعية لأراء عينة من محاسبي ومدققي مؤسسات اقتصادية ببسكرة(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) صالحي, ناجيةThe study aims to analyze the impact of applying the principles and mechanisms of corporate governance on the credibility of the financial statements. To achieve this, we rely on the questionnaire tool, which was distributed to 40 frameworks supervising the accounting and financial function in a sample of economic institutions in the industrial zone (Biskra). The study finds a positive correlation between the principles and mechanisms of corporate governance (the director's board responsibilities, disclosure, and transparency, internal audit, external audit) and the credibility of the financial statements, which explains the conviction of the managers of the institutions under study to apply the concept of governance in all activities.Item الطاقة الشمسية الصديقة للبيئة: دراسة استشرافية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) شيشة, نوالفي سنة 2030 تنتهي صلاحية اللوحات الشمسية التي دخلت الخدمة في سنة 2000 ، مما أثار قلق العديد من المنظمات والهيئات الدولية عن مصير أطنان اللوحات التي تكب في مفارغ الرمي، ومن هنا تهدف هذه الدراسة الى التعرف على حجم الزيادة في انتاج الطاقات الشمسية للدول الأكثر استخداما للطاقات المتجددة، و إلى الكشف عن نفايات الألواح الشمسية المستخدمة في انتاج الطاقة الكهروضوئية. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن معالجة نفايات الطاقة الشمسية يحتاج إلى تبني استراتيجية وطنية ودولية، لأن النفايات لا تسبب أضرارا لمن يستخدمها أو ينتجها فقط، وانما تأثر على الدول الفقيرة التي ترمى فيها، فالمعادن الصلبة الموجود في النفايات تستطيع التسرب للمياه الجوفية مما يشكل خطرا على البيئة. In 2030, the validity of the solar panels that entered service in the 2000 raised the concern of many international organizations and bodies about what will happen to the tons of solar panels that are dumped every year. The purpose of this study is to determine how much of an increase there has been in solar energy production in the most popular countries for photovoltaic energy production. It aims also to identify the waste solar panels that have accumulated over the years. Because solar energy waste affects developing nations as much as it does its users and producers, the study found that a national and international approach is necessary for its disposal.Item أثر المعايير البيئية على نمو الإنتاجية المتعددة العوامل المعدلة بيئيا دراسة حالة مجموعة من دول منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية (oecd) للفترة 1995-2020(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) تواتي, هشامThis study aims to measure the impact of environmental requirements on green growth expressed by the environmentally adjusted multi-factor productivity growth of 18 Council for Economic Cooperation and Development countries for the period from 1995 to 2020. The study tested and analyzed a range of variables, using the compact group medium method (PMG) through a set of statistical tests that enable determination of the type of relationship between environmental requirements and green growth, and concluded that the implementation of environmental standards has a significant impact on the growth of environmentally modified multi-factor productivity. by reducing negative environmental impacts, contributing to more efficient and sustainable economic growth, benefiting the States under consideration and trading partners. However, environmental standards can also impose costs on companies and lead to lower productivity in the short term. It is therefore necessary to balance the costs and benefits of environmental standards to ensure their effectiveness in achieving their objectivesItem تداعيات جائحة كورونا (كوفيد-19) على تحقيق اهداف البعد الاقتصادي للتنمية المستدامة في الجزائر(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) بلعيدي, امال; شريف, اسياتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز أثر جائحة كورونا (كوفيد 19) على اهداف البعد الاقتصادي للتنمية المستدامة في الجزائر، من خلال تحليل تطور بعض المؤشرات الاقتصادية للتنمية المستدامة خلال الفترة 2000-2022. وقد توصلت الدراسة الحالية الى ان جائحة كورونا اثرت بشكل كبير على الاقتصاد الجزائري الذي يواجه العديد من التحديات لبلوغ اهدافه التنموية وتحقيق خطة التنمية 2030 نتيجة عمق الازمة الصحية وهذا رغم النتائج الايجابية المحققة قبل الجائحة. The study aimed to identify the impact of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) on the goals of the economic dimension of sustainable development in Algeria, by analyzing the development of some economic indicators of sustainable development during the period 2000-2022. The current study concluded that the Corona pandemic greatly affected the Algerian economy, which faces many challenges to achieve its development goals and achieve the 2030 development plan as a result of the depth of the health crisis, despite the positive results achieved before the pandemicItem دور التكنولوجيا المالية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية في المصارف السعودية -دراسة حالة مصرف الراجحي(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2023-06-15) بنعمر, اعطياتThis study aims to identify the role of financial technology in creating competitive advantage for Al-Rajhi Bank and to explore the nature of their relationship. This research relies on an analytical-descriptive approach. Questionnaire is used as a tool for data collection and distribution to the employees of Al-Rajhi Bank in Riyadh City, with a sample of 280 employees. SPSS program is used to analyze the data. The study draws a number of results, the most important of which is that financial technology plays an important role in creating a competitive advantage in Al Rajhi Bank in its four dimensions (quality, delivery, cost, flexibility). This leads us to conclude that the strength of competitive advantage comes from financial technology. There is a positive relation between financial technology and competitive advantage. With the application of financial technology, banking services are improved and banks have a greater competitive advantage.