Accommodation Or Difference Perpetuation In Middle Eastern Children Television? Arab Identities In Mbc3 Language

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جامعة الوادي - university of Eloued


Considering satellite Arab children channels’ implication in dealing with identity orientations of Arab children, the present research work proposes an investigation into the role of MBC3 programmes in negotiating sociolinguistic identities. Knowing, on the one hand, that children’s direction towards this channel, usually by parents, pursuits learning correct language, trusting its “convergence’’ to the multifaceted composition of Arab identity; and noticing, on the other hand, that MBC3 broadcasts programmes in MSA, in English, but also in other Arabic varieties, give rise to the following questions: How do MBC3 programmes address Arab children identities? Which cultural identity facet(s) are they accommodating themselves to? Applying Howard Giles’ Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT), important facts about the perpetuation of Arabs’ sociolinguistic differences come to the fore.




sociolinguistic identity ; Arab children ; media language ; accommodation ; communicative choice


Dahou, Fatima Nor El Houda . Beghdadi, Farouk . Accommodation Or Difference Perpetuation In Middle Eastern Children Television? Arab Identities In Mbc3 Language. مجلة علوم اللغة العربية . Vol. 13. N 02. 15/03/ 2021. |University of El -oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]