The Conception of Language Errors from the Perspective of Structural Linguistics: A Descriptive-analytic Study

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جامعة الوادي - university of Eloued


This paper attempts to highlight the concept of errors from the perspective of structural linguistics. The latter assumes that learning takes place as a result of stimuli-and-responses. In the context of language learning the data, which the linguist may observe, concern utterances (responses). Influenced by the findings of Behaviorist psychology, structural linguists consider language as a set of habits which can be acquired through the process of imitation, repetition and practice. In their turn, these habits fall into two types: good habits (correct sentences) and bad habits (erroneous sentences). Good habits should be reinforced and bad habits are to be eradicated. The main aim of this study is to introduce the concept language errors from the standpoint of structural linguistics. This school uses the process of error analysis as a means for predicting, identifying, explaining and finally getting rid of language irregularities.




Behaviorism; Errors analysis; Habits; Structural linguistics


NAOUA, Mohammed. The Conception of Language Errors from the Perspective of Structural Linguistics: A Descriptive-analytic Study . Ex Professo. Vol. 06. N 02. 06/11/ 2021. |University of El -oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]
