دور الإدارة الإلكترونية في تقريب الخدمة من المواطن


Summary: The aim of the research problem within the framework of this study is to try to reveal the role of electronic administration in bringing the service closer to the citizen. The hypotheses of this study were formulated as follows: The main premise: -There is a role for the electronic administration in bringing the service closer to the citizen from the viewpoint of the municipality workers, which in turn has been divided into sub-hypotheses as follows: -The municipality has an electronic administration. - There is a role for electronic administration in bringing health services closer to the citizen from the viewpoint of municipal workers - There is a role for electronic administration in bringing education services closer to the citizen from the viewpoint of municipal workers - There is a role for electronic management in bringing housing services closer to the citizen from the viewpoint of municipal workers In order to test the proposed hypotheses, we conducted a field study in the municipality of Reguiba, in Reguiba, relying on the descriptive approach. We also relied on tools for collecting observational data, the questionnaire and records, and considered the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting information, which included 33 phrases divided into four axes and directed to a random sample of 40. individually. Finally, we reached the following results: - The electronic administration has a major role in bringing social services closer to the citizen. -The goal of applying electronic management to social services is to achieve transparency, continuity, speed, and time savings.


مذكرة ماستر في علم الاجتماع تخصص تنظيم وعمل


الإدارة الإلكترونية, Gestion électronique, Electonic management, الخدمة الإجتماعية, Le service social, Social Service


عطية، أيوب . بكاكرة، زكرياء . دور الإدارة الإلكترونية في تقريب الخدمة من المواطن . مذكرة ماستر . قسم العلوم الإجتماعية . كلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية . جامعة الوادي . 2023. [ تاريخ الإطلاع] . متاح على الرابط