الغرامة التهديدية كآلية لإجبار الإدارة على تنفيذ الأحكام والقرارات الصادرة ضدها


Some public administrations may fail to implement the judgments or decisions issued against them, which leads to a problem in implementation, which negatively affects the rights of the person who ruled in his favor. The Algerian legislator has been granted, through the Civil and Administrative Procedure Law, Against the administration and the most important of these orders to impose the administrative fine, in order to force them to carry out their obligations, but must comply with certain conditions to request the signing of the threat, such as the need for a final judgment of the holder of the force of the thing ordered, and must be sentenced in favor of waiting for a period of three months From the date of the official notification of the judgment If the administrative judge does not specify a period of execution to apply for a threatening fine,the purpose of the threat penalty is to urge the administration against whom it has been sentenced to carry out its obligations, as well as to guarantee the rights of the plaintiff.


الملتقى الدولي الثامن: التوجيهات الحديثة للقضاء الإداري ودوره في إرساء دولة القانون 06-07 مارس 2018 جامعة الوادي


الإدارة العمومية، القضاء الإداري، الغرامة التهديدية، القرارات الإدارية، التنفيذ
