JMRHS_Vol 05 N 04
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Item الأبعاد السياسية والدبلوماسية في العلاقات الاقتصادية بين المملكة العربية السعودية وكوريا الجنوبية(وونهو,سوهن. شترة,خيرالدين. الأبعاد السياسية والدبلوماسية في العلاقات الاقتصادية. مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية. مج 05ع04. 25/12/2019 . جامعة الوادي [أكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط[أنسخ رابط التحميل] ., 2019-12) وونهو, سوهن; شترة, خيرالدينThe Korean civil war broke out on June 25, 1950, then, after the truce declaration in 1953, Korean Peninsula was divided to the South as a democratic state supported by the United States of America and the North as a socialist state supported by the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China. South Korea had to follow the principle of the Cold War regime in establishing diplomatic relations on the globe, thus it established diplomatic ties with pro-American Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and avoided strengthening its diplomatic ties with Arab states which were leaning toward the communist line such as Syria and Algeria. But South Korea didn’t give up developing relations with other Arab countries through economic contact with those countries excluding political cooperation, waiting for a appropriate time, the post-Cold War era or end of ideological conflict. The world faced the oil crises caused by the oil producing Arab countries’ policy for oil embargo against pro-Israel countries in 1973, which led to the rise in oil prices in the world. Saudi Arabia benefited from the flow of large oil revenue, so that it could implement the development plans. South Korea didn’t lose this opportunity to encourage Korean companies for entering the Saudi market to participate in Saudi development plans, especially in construction field. Even South Korea made great efforts to make a change in its diplomatic direction for supporting the Arab position against Israel despite the opposition of the United State. Since then, the distance between South Korea and Saudi Arabia became much closer at the sacrifice of deteriorating relations with Israel, and finally Israel deided to close its embassy in South Korea in 1978. South Korea achieved remarkable economic achievements in Saudi Arabia by its participation in development plans since 1973. The Korean companies executed 45.3 billion dollars projects in Saudi Arabia during the decade(1973-1984), taking up 60.9% of total Korean construction exports during the same period. So the Kingdom began to witness a significant increase of the number of Korean workers on its area, from 3,931 in 1975 to 117,095 in 1981, making up the third largest group of foreign manpower in Saudi Arabia. South Korea also made a significant contribution to the implementation of Saudi development plans by providing right services with good technology and low contract prices. On the other hand, South Korea took an advantage of this opportunity to procure foreign reserves which was necessary to implement Korean policy aiming at rapid development of industry and export ledeconomic growth. South Korea didn’t pursue relations with Saudi Arabia only, but tried to continue to expand its diplomatic relations with other Gulf states in particular, and the Arab countries in general on the basis of strong strategic relations with the Kingdom. South Korea achieved major achievements in expanding diplomatic relations with Arab countries, especially the Gulf states during the 1970s, with moral support from Saudi Arabia, opening a new era in relations with Arab and Islamic World in all the fields.Item تقنين السِلْم في عصر الرسالة، دراسة في وثيقة المدينة(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) اللهيبي, صالحيتناول هذا البحث موضوعاً دقيقاً أرى أنه حري بالبحث، ذلك أنه يركز على المكانة التي حظي بها مفهوم السلم الاجتماعي في عصر النبوة ومدى تثبيت ذلك من خلال الوثيقة النبوية أو الصحيفة أو الدستور الذي وضعه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بين أهل المدينة، حيث لم يت وقف عند المفهوم النظ ري بل تم تطبيقه على أرض الواقع، وأثبت نجاحاً خلده التاريخ، سيما وأنه طبق في مجتمع متعدد المعتقدات والأعراق مثل مجتمع المدينة المنورة، فكان ضرورة للتوازن المجتمعي. إن أهمية موضوع البحث تنبع من كونه يرتكز على تبيان وصفي وتحليلي مع أثبات واقعي وميداني لمفهوم السلم الاجتماعي عبر تبنيه كمفهوم وترسيخ مبادئه وإنزالها للحياة اليومية، وإقناع الفئات كافة بضروته وحتمية الالتزام به، وأثر ذلك في بناء مجتمع راسخ. والسؤال الذي يسعى البحث لمعالجته هو إلى أي مدى استطاع النبي صلى اله عليه وسلم تقنين السلم الاجتماعي بسنه لدستور المدينة ، وما أثر هذه البنود في مستقبل المجتمع.Item الشاعر والمفكر الإسلامي الكبير، محمد إقبال(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) قمعون, عاشوريالأستاذ إقبال بن الشيخ نور محمد. ولد في سيالكوت، إحدى مدن البنجاب الغربية، في الثالث من ذي القعدة عام 1294 ه / 9 نوفمبر سنة 1877 م. درس اللغة الفارسية والعربية إلى جانب لغته الأردية. ثم رحل إلى أوروبا وحصل على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة ميونخ في ألمانيا، وعاد إلى وطنه ولم يشعر إلا وأنه خلق للأدب الرفيع. وكان وثيق الصلة بأحداث المجتمع الهندي حتى أصبح رئيسا لحزب" العصبة الإسلامية" في الهند، ثم العضو البارز في "مؤتمر الله أباد" التاريخي، حيث نادى بضرورة انفصال المسلمين عن الهندوس، ورأى تأسيس دولة إسلامية اقترح لها اسم باكستان. توفي إقبال عام 1938 بعد أن اشتهر بشعره وفلسفته، وقد غنت له أم كلثوم إحدى قصائده وهي "حديث الروح"، وترك ثروة ضخمة من علمه في مجال الفكر والتربية والسياسة والاقتصاد والفلسفة، إلى جانب ر وائعه من الشعر والتي كني بسببها شاعر الإسلام. Abstract: Professor Iqbal bin Shaikh Noor Muhammad was born on 9Sialkot situated among Punjab towns. He studied the Persian language and Arabic beside the Urdu language. Then, he travelled to Europe and got higher degree (doctorate) at Munich university in Germany. He returned home and felt himself that he was fond of high literature to go in for writing. He was very interested in the indian society actuality events and by the way he became a chief of the party ” Islamic association in India ” and then a prominent member of the historical “Allahabad Congress”, wherein he called for the separation of Muslims from Hindus and stressed on the need for the foundation of an Islamic State and suggested its name as “ Pakistan ”. Iqbal left a great treasure of intellectual sciences, education, policy, economy and philosophy beside his wonderful poems and thanks to them he was called “Islam poet”. th november, 1877 AD (the 3rd of thi-alkaada 1294H), inItem منهج أبي المعالي الجويني في نقد الكتاب المقدس من خلال كتابه(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) دكار, الياسJudaism and Christianity before the advent of Islam were subjected to great distortion, where it was the scene of chaos and absurdity by its men. There is nothing left of them but a little uniformity, there is only a little left of Tawheed, and when Islam came showed that these books have been subjected to distortion and increase or decrease or switch, and that the Koran is the only book that has not been distorted, so Muslims have since the time of the Prophet - peace be upon him - to this day by calling for the correct way and correct method, which is Islam, spread widely, but the enemies of Islam did not satisfy them this large and global spread of Islam, they conducted fierce campaigns against him, , And that Islam is nothing but hieroglyphs, so Muslims turned to respond to such suspicions, and wrote books and letters in a statement to negate the doctrines of other boredom, and the deviation of their books, especially the books of Judaism and Christianity, represented in the Bible and the Bible. Among these scholars was: The Imam of the Two Holy Mosques; Abi Maali AlJuwaini in his book: ” The healing of the exalted in the statement of what occurred the Torah and the Gospel of the switch”.Item مظاهر الاستيطان الفرنسي في الجزائر من بداية الاحتلال إلى قيام الجمهورية الفرنسية الثانية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) طبعة, حوريةThe French generals who ruled Algeria since the occupation of the capital until the establishment of the Second Republic and beyond, did a colonial political in Algeria, they interested in keeping Algeria as a geopolitical location, exploiting its wealth, exporting French products to it, and settling the French and Europeans. The French authorities Inventory and confiscated the property of the Algerians by applying a series of different real estate laws in order to seize more land. They also resorted to other methods of looting, such as renting or Mock sale.Item الخارجون عن القانون" بمنطقة الأوراس من خلال الكتابات التاريخية وبعض الوثائق الأرشيفية الفرنسية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) مغراوي, هدىRésumé: Le succès de la révolution de libération et sa continuation ne furent pas le début de 1954, mais le début des hommes qui se révoltèrent contre la France et choisissaient les montagnes comme siège, ce qui est confirmé par la littérature et le témoignage vivant de l'histoire, comme le reste des régions. Former le premier noyau militaire et ouvrir la voie à la révolution de libération. Abstract : The success of the liberation revolution and its continuation was not the beginning of 1954, but was due to the first beginnings of men who rebelled against France and chose the mountains as their headquarters, which is indicated by the archival documents in its entirety and confirmed by the literature and historical living testimony. Like the rest of the regions were the mountains of the Auras, To form the first military nucleus and pave the way for the liberation revolution.Item دور عائلة بني حمدون في تثبيت أركان دولة الفاطميين بالمغرب(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) مسعودي, نورالدينThis research includes a study on the role played by the Bani Hamdoun family in the dissemination of the Ismaili da'wa in the Maghreb and its great contribution to the consolidation of the foundations of the Fatimid state in Maghreb. In order to reveal this family, we have divided this study into four elements.We discussed in the first; the origin and proportions of Bani Hamdoun, and touched on the history of the family , its doctrine and the beginning of its presence in the Maghreb, In the second element, we discussed the state of Bani Hamdun in M’sila and al-Zab territory . The third element dealt with the Bani Hamdoun stand against the opponents of the Fatimid state. The fourth and last element deals with the defeat of Bani Hamdoun.Item المكتبات في الأندلس ودورها في الحركة العلمية: العهد الأموي وملماوك الطوائف نموذجا(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) ناصري, محمد; بالعربي, خالدThis paper attempts to Counting the most important libraries found in Andalusia in the Umayyad era and the kings of tawaif, through which speak on reality of the scientific movement during this period. We also talked about the activity of Paper Maker and Their role wide of the book.Item علم الاجتماع في المجتمعات العربية بين الجامعة والمجتمع(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) بن تركي, أسماء; بوبيدي, لاميةSeeking solutions to social disorder in the French community was the most important factors that gave rise to sociology as a discipline in French. A new, selfevident science emerged seeking solutions to a social reality in which Europe was floundering. This science has its own theoretical and applied principles to achieve its designed objective. In the Arabian University, Sociology has been imported like the rest of the other sciences, which put forward many of the theoretical and applied problems of this science in the university and Arab societies.Item المصلح الشيخ عمار بن الأزعر وجهوده في التحرير والتنوير بالديار السوفية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2019-12) عثماني, الجباريIn the late 19th century and the early 20th century, the Oued Souf region witnessed a scientific migration of Soufian characters from many villages and towns towards the El Zaytouna Mosque in Tunis. Most of them returned with the forensic and mental sciences, imbued with reformist liberal thought and freed from the limits of subordination to the Sheikh and the ruling regime. From this group of righteousness, the star of the world, Ammar ibn al-Azar, was brightened. The article deals with the reform, education and enlightenment activity of this world in the first half of the twentieth century, and the suffering it suffered.