JEP_Vol 06 N 01

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    النثر الصوفي وفنونه الأدبية بين التقليد والتجديد "نماذج مختارة
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) تجاني, أمينة
    الملخص في هذه الدّراسة نحاول تسليط الضّوء على النّثر الصّوفي، والكشف عن مختلف فنونه وأشكاله الأدبيّة التي أبدع فيها الصّوفيّة، وإبراز أهم مظاهر التّجديد فيه سواء أكان ذلك على مستوى الشّكل أم المضمون من خلال تقديم بعض النّماذج المختارة من الشّعر الصّوفي. Abstract In this study we focus on Sufi prose, then appear all its arts and literature forms in which Sufism was created and to highlight the most manifestation of renewal whether in form or content by presenting selected models.
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    بنية الرمز وجمالياته في النثر الصوفي نص " رؤيا أبي زيد للبسطامي " أنموذجا
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) خضرة, أحمد
    الملخص يشكل الخطاب الصوفي رافداً هاما من روافد البيان العربي ذو أساليب مبتكرة منذ القديم , فكان ثورة مضامين وأشكال ,فجّر اللغة ,ومع تنوع ألوانه فقد حمل رسالتين روحية وأخرى جمالية تمثلت في خصائصه الأدبية الفنية , وتتناول الدراسة قضية الرمز وبنيته في النص النثري الصوفي وأنواعه , وكشف القيم الجمالية الوارة فيه , من خلال دراسة تطبيقية لنص " رؤيا أبي يزيد " للبسطامي . Abstract The Sufi discourse is an important extension of the Arabic manifesto with innovative methods from the past. It was a revolution of contents and forms, the dawn of the language, and with its diversity of colors, it carried two spiritual and aesthetic messages, which were in its literary and artistic characteristics. The study deals with the issue of the symbol and its structure in the mystical text and its types, The aesthetic values of it, through an applied study of the text of "Revelation Abi Yazid" of Bastami.
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    الدعاء في النثر الصوفي وخصائصه . أمثلة وتحليل
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) مدور, محمد
    الملخص النثر الصوفي شكل تعبيري ، يتضمن صياغة عبادة مشروعة في قالب نثري ، فقد تناولت نظرية الأجناس الأدبية النمط النثري من زوايا مختلفة ، أدبية ولغوية وسيميائية ودلالية وغير ذلك . وتتناول هذه الدراسة ملامح النثر الصوفي في باب الدعاء وتشكلاته المختلفة وصيغه التعبيرية ومحتوياته الدلالية ، من خلال عرض مدونات نثرية دعائية لبعض أقطاب التصوف ، فعرضنا عينات من أدعية الشيخ ابن عطاء الله السكندري كما ذكرها في كتابه : لطائف المنن ، وعينات من أدعية شيوخه . الشيخ أبو الحسن الشاذلي ، والشيخ أبو العباس المرسي في حزبه المشهور. Abstract Sufi prose is an expressive form, which includes the formulation of a legitimate cult in a prose template. The literary gender theory has dealt with the prose style from different angles, literary, linguistic, semiotic, semantic, and so on. This study deals with the features of Sufi prose in the chapter on supplication, its various forms, expressive formulas, and its semantic contents, by presenting prosepropaganda records of some of the masters of Sufism. So we showed samples of the supplications of Sheikh Ibn Ata Allah, the Alexandrian, as he mentioned them in his book : Lataif Al-Manan. Sheikh Abu alHassan al-Shazly, and Sheikh Abu alAbbas al-Mursi in his famous party.
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    الرمز في النثر الصوفي ـ مفهومه وإشكالاته
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) خليفة, خليفة; عبد اللاوي, يوسف
    الملخص يتناول هذا المقال موضوع الرموز التي يستخدمها الصوفية في أدبهم وتخاطباتهم وتعبيراتهم عن المواجيد والأشواق والمكاشفات التي تعرض للصوفي في رحلة التعرف على الله، وقد استخدم الصوفية الترميز في الكلام خوفا من سوء فهم كلامهم، ودرءا لفتنة قد تصيب العوام ويكون ضررها أكثر من نفعها. ومن أهم هذه الرموز: رمز المرأة، ورمز الطير، ورمز الخمر، ورمز النور...الخ. Abstract The Sufi heritage has always been one of the richest products of Islamic thought, due to the depth of the Sufi experience itself, and this is what was manifested in a rich, varied and valuable heritage, and prose formed a tributary of this literature, and the features of depth and ardent emotion emanating from the nature of the mystical experience appeared. Prose that took the character of symbolism and sign, in order to hide the meanings and knowledge that was revealed to the people of Sufism on their way to God Almighty. It was imperative to pause at this rich and rich literature, and pause at these symbols and their meanings, and the methods of their connotations on the mystical meanings, especially as they deal with topics that touch the core of the Islamic faith.
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    من أنماط الخطاب في الن النّفري)ت354ه( أنموذج
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) ضيفاو ي, الساسي بن محمد
    لملخص ملخّص لعلّ روعة النصّ الصوفي وبصفة خاصّة النصّ النفري، تبدو في هُويته المتحرّكة وفي تنوّع خطاباته وتعدّد أنماط معجمه وخصوبة متنه، ويتبدّى ذلك من خلال عبارته التي لا تستقرّ على حال بل هي متموّجة تنوس بين التغير والثبات والظاهر والضامر والحقيقة والمجاز، ومن ثمّة كان لزاما على الباحث أن يميّز بين الأصلي والفرعي وبين الحقيقي والوهمي وبين الحسّي والمعنوي وبين الخاص والعام في هذا الجنس من الكتابات المخصوصة في ضوء أنساق المتن الصوفي، والنصّ النفّري بالتحديد وصفا وسردا وحجاجا Abstract Maybe the magnificence of the mystic script, particularly Nifari,s/scripts manifests itself in its dynamic essence and in the variability of its types of semantic terminology. The latter is obvious through its lexics which don’t settle down to a specific status, but it is oscillating between its variability and persistence; the apparent and the implicit meaning as well. Relying on these facts, the researcher has to distinguish between what is emotional and what is moral, as far the mystic texts is concerned.
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    The Rise of Algerian Nationalism after the Great war
    (University of El-oued, 2024-02-24) KHIREDDINE, Amel
    Abstract This paper aims at underscoring that notwithstanding its detrimental worldwide repercussions, the Great War was a decisive watershed in the history of Algerian nationalism. It was the momentum that rekindled the nationalist movement in Algeria which reached its summit in the 1954 War for Liberation. The paper will shed light on the incentives that gave rise to the Algerian nationalist movement in the post First World War era as well as its leading nationalist figures. Those leaders were divided between gradualist reformers namely Young Algerians, Emir Khaled and Ferhat Abbas and those who opposed assimilationist reforms and pleaded for an independent Algeria most notably the Ulema led by Ben Badis and which stressed the Arab and Islamic roots of the country as well as Star of North Africa. The latter, under the leadership of Messali Hadj, was more radical in its nationalist claims by demanding a full liberation of the country.
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    Art For Africa’s Sake: The African Novel And Literary Criticism
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) Dida, Nassireddine
    Abstract The current paper discusses the relevance of the principles of aestheticism to the African novel. Drawing on some ideas expressed by Fredric Jameson in his book The Political Unconscious, this article argues that the claim of an autonomous art is yet another ideology spread to bury the history of colonialism, oppression and suppression. The literature of the colonised countries tends to maintain a political atmosphere that reflects ideological conflicts or tensions. Nevertheless, when a novel is overwhelmed by political thoughts, or represents them, it does not seem to appeal to the Western world - that is, not aesthetically mature enough. If universal or conventional standards of writing novels warn against political indoctrination, on account of being very subjective and biased, does this mean that African writers must give up writing about their own countries or beliefs to be accepted as good writers? What is the true object of literature if it does not voice the nationalist sentiment of the colonised?
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    La Prise De Notes En Contexte Universitaire Algérien
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) HARDI, Safia
    Résumé L’objectif de cette recherche englobe les différences et les similitudes dans les prises de notes en arabe standard et en français langue étrangère des étudiants de master 01 FLE & SLD. Notre approche est essentiellement descriptive et analytique. Ainsi, pour analyser les prises de notes, deux types de variables ont été pris en compte : La forme et la qualité. Les résultats rendent compte d’un comportement similaire sur le plan formel. En effet, les étudiants de master 01 utilisent principalement la méthode linéaire et les mêmes signes sémiographiques pour prendre des notes dans les deux langues. Toutefois, l’aspect qualitatif de l’activité diffère. Les noteurs adoptent un comportement différent pour sélectionner l’essentiel des textes sources dans les deux langues. Trois facteurs permettent d’expliquer cette divergence : le choix de la langue, le phénomène de l’alternance codique observé dans les prises de notes en arabe standard et le degré de difficulté de compréhension en L1. Abstract The objective of the present research consists in underlining difference and existent similarities in the catches of notes. In Arab standard and in French foreign language of the students of Master (1) FLE and SLD. Our approach is principally descriptive and analytical. So, to analyse the catches of notes, two types of variables were taken into account, Form and Quality. Results give an account of a similar behavior on a formal level. Indeed, the students of Master 1 use mainly linear method and some semiographic signs to note down in both languages. However, on the quantitative plan of activity in question it is nothing. Noters adopt a different behavior to choose the basic of source texts in both languages. The factors allow to explain this divergence : the choice of the language, the phenomenon of codic alternation noticed in the catches of notes in Arab standard and the degree of difficulty of understanding in L1.
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    Le Roman Africain Migrant Aux Aveux Du Cosmopolitisme
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) Soltani, Feyrouz
    Résumé Le présent article se veut une recherche sur la production littéraire des écrivains africains immigrés dans des pays occidentaux, particulièrement en France. Il s’agit de mettre en exergue les différentes techniques et formes adoptées dans les nouveaux textes africains. A ce titre, il sera question de soulever un point crucial dans notre discussion de la littérature africaine migrante à savoir l’étude de la particularité de l’écriture chez la quatrième génération des écrivains africains immigrés. En effet, notre réflexion visera à démontrer que la production littéraire africaine contemporaine s’éloigne de la dichotomie centre / périphérie et tend vers l’universalisme dans le souci de se faire une place légitime sur la scène littéraire mondiale. Et, ce, en s’appropriant de nouvelles techniques d’écriture, en l’occurrence celles du postmodernisme, et en traitant des thèmes d’actualité relevant du vécu social sur la terre d’accueil. Abstract This article is a research on the literary production of African immigrant writers in Western countries, particularly in France. It is a question of highlighting the different techniques and forms adopted in the new African texts. As such, it will be a question of raising a crucial point in our discussion of African migrant literature namely the study of the particularity of writing in the fourth generation of African immigrant writers. Indeed, our reflection will aim to demonstrate that contemporary African literary production is moving away from the center / periphery dichotomy and is moving towards universalism in order to gain a legitimate place on the world literary scene. And this, by appropriating new writing techniques, in this case those of postmodernism, and by dealing with current topics of social experience on the land of reception.
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    Les Représentations De L’erreur : Un Tremplin Ou Un Obstacle à L’apprentissage De L’expression Orale ?
    (University of El-oued, 2021-01-24) NID, Mohammed Taha; DAKHIA, Mounir
    Résumé Cette étude scientifique se focalise sur l’éventuelle relation de causalité entre les représentations qu’ont les étudiants du FLE de l’erreur et leur manque de prise de parole. En effet, prendre l’initiative de s’exprimer oralement en langue étrangère n’est pas aisé pour ces étudiants parce que cela requiert, outre la mobilisation du bagage linguistique, de faire face à d’autres entraves psychologique telles que la peur de se tromper. Afin de dénicher les représentations qu’ont les étudiants du FLE de l’erreur ainsi que leur impact sur l’expression orale desdits étudiants, nous nous basons, à travers la présente étude, sur l’entrevue de recherche comme technique d’investigation auprès des étudiants du FLE de l’université Echahid Hamma Lakhdar - El-Oued. Abstract This scientific study focuses on the causal relationship between the representations that FLE (french as a foreign language) students have of the error and their lack of voice. In fact, taking the initiative to speak orally in a foreign language is not easy for these students because it requires, in addition to the mobilization of linguistic background, to face other psychological obstacles such as fear of cometting mistakes. In order to dig out the representations that the FLE students have of the mistake as well as their impact on the oral expression of said students, we’re counting, through this study, on the research interview as an investigation technique on FLE students from Echahid Hamma Lakhdar university in El-Oued.
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    La Carte Heuristique Au Service De L'apprentissage Des Modes Et Des Temps Du Verbe En Classe De Fle
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) HASSI, Amira Belkais
    Résumé Par le présent article, nous tentons de proposer une solution aux difficultés que rencontrent les étudiants de licence des lettres et langue françaises à l'université d'El Oued face à la maîtrise des modes et des temps du verbe. Nous suggérons, pour résoudre ce problème, d'adopter la carte heuristique comme stratégie d'apprentissage. Afin d'examiner le rendement de la stratégie sur la qualité d'apprentissage réalisé, nous utilisons l'expérimentation comme technique d'investigation. Notre étude nous a fournis enfin des résultats qui explicitent clairement le reflet positif qu'a marqué le recours à la carte heuristique sur l'apprentissage des modes et des temps du verbe. Abstract This article attempts to look for a solution the difficulties encountering the graduation students of letters and French language at the University of Eloued in their mastery verb modes and tenses. In order to solve this problem, the study proposes the incorporation of the mind map as a learning strategy. For the purpose of examining the efficacy of this strategy on the quality of learning, we resorted to the experimentation as a technique of investigation. Our study eventually provided us with the results which clearly demonstrate the positive reflection that the use of the mind map marked on the learning of verb modes and tenses.
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    De La Forme Du Brouillon En Contexte Universitaire Algérien : Scripteurs Novices Ou Experts ?
    (University of El-oued, 2021-02-24) HARDI, Nour El Houda
    Résumé Notre recherche a pour objectif d’étudier l’évolution du brouillon en contexte universitaire algérien, du brouillon linéaire au brouillon instrumental. Pour ce faire, deux groupes ont fait l’objet de notre étude, un groupe d’étudiants en 1e année de licence de français, et un groupe d’étudiants en master 2 Sciences du langage et Didactique du français. A cet effet, notre recherche s’inscrit dans une approche comparative entre des étudiants en début de formation universitaire, et d’autres à son terme. En nous basant sur la forme des brouillons, nous avons étudié la conception formelle des brouillons. Notre approche sera essentiellement descriptive et analytique. Les résultats rendent compte d’une utilisation linéaire du brouillon pour la plupart des étudiants. Cependant, les traces d’un début d’instrumentalisation des écrits sont à retenir. Abstract Our research’s objectif is to study the evolution of the draft in algerian university context : from the draft to the instrumental rough. To do this, two groups were studied, a group of students in the 1st year of Frech bachelors, and a group of students in Master 2 Sciences of Language and Didactics of French. To this end, our research is part of comparative framework between students at the beginning of university training and others at the end. On the basis of the form of the drafts and their content, we wanted to study the passage that takes place between the first draft and the final drafting of a text. Our approach will be essentially analytical and descriptive. The results reflect a linear use of the draft for most of students. However, the traces of a beginning of instrumentalization of the writings are to be taken into account.