JEHSS_Vol 15 N 01


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    Agricultural Property And Methods Of Exploitation In The Beylik Of The East Late Ottoman Era
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Chibani, Hayet; Attia, Abdelkamel; Bedida, Lazhar
    This study falls within the topics of the economic field of Algeria during the Ottoman era, and through it we can identify the most important aspects of economic activity, and aspects of the daily life of the Algerian individual during this historical era, as this is a crucial period in the modern history of Algeria, the economic aspect had a direct and effective impact on various walks of life, and through this study we can reveal the most important pillars of economic activity, namely agricultural property. Despite the diversity and multiplicity of aspects of land ownership during the study period, despite the fertility of lands and the good location of many of them, we noticed that fertile and good lands were in the hands of the ruling power and had a good yield most of the time, part of them was directed for export, the rest of the lands were less fertile, less profitable, and most of the crop was directed towards domestic consumption
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    Algerian Cultural Imprints In The Levant Between The Two Centuries19-20m
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Sebgag, Tahar
    The historical relations between the two basins of the Mediterranean, the West and the East, are very ancient, first by virtue of the presence of holy places in the East for Muslims. Therefore, we see Moroccans and others often traveling there to visit those places for essentially religious motives, and for various other motives such as the pursuit of knowledge, trade, tourism, and others. Most of the immigrants went to the country of Hijaz to perform the Hajj and Umrah rituals and see the major shrines. Others went there with the intention of seeking knowledge or obtaining jurisprudential licenses from some of the leading Islamic scholars and jurists settled there, while some of the Algerian immigrants headed to Egypt and the Levant to see other shrines. To increase knowledge, culture and practice trade. Wherever these immigrants went, they left their mark in various fields and fields, especially intellectual, cultural, military, and judicial
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    Poverty In The Policy Of The French Colonial Administration
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Larbi, Ismail
    In this study, I try to shed light on some of the practices of the French administration within the framework of its colonial policy in The countries of the Arab Maghreb (= Algeria, Tunisia and the Far Maghreb), and this policy is related to the policy of impoverishment that contributed to the deterioration of the situation The social conditions of the peoples of the three countries of the Maghreb, so that the French sought to tighten their grip and impose their control against the countries of the Maghreb within the framework of the so called colonial project, and this is by increasing the plight of the peoples of Maghreb, their poverty and misery, which is This prompts us to research the problematic of this policy and its effects, following well-known historical methods such as the descriptive method.and analytical, and we divided this paper into three basic elements, through which we dealt with the policy of impoverishment in each of the countries of Maghreb.
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    The Geographical Distribution Of Prehistoric Sites In The Region Of Biskra
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Selahdja, Badreddine
    The region of Biskra is characterized by a wide diffusion of prehistoric sites, where we have determined in this study the method of their geographical distribution and their archaeological content, by combining the results of previous studies that have dealt with the subject in the region, and in particular the study carried out by the researcher Ballais between 1979 and 1982, with the field study that we have been conducting since 2017 in the region, which has enabled us to complete a map of 19 sites in which the lithic industries are distributed differently from one site to another. This study shows in particular the nature of the archaeological content of the sites studied, the mode of its diffusion, and the factors contributing to it. The field data has been exploited to create illustrative maps using the Geographic Information System, which will determine part of the way of life and prehistoric settlement in Biskra.
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    Ingenuity In The Quranic Initiation
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Korib, Younes
    هذا البحث مبحثا مهما من مباحث علم البلاغة في القرآن الذي نزل بلغة العرب وقد أعياهم أن يساموا بلاغة القرآن فضلا أن يأتوا بخير منه، هذا المبحث هو براعة الاستهلال ومظاهرها الإعجازية ، وقد تضمن البحث تعريفا لبراعة الاستهلال وأغراضها البلاغية وفوائدها ، ثم إن البحث درس خصائص براعة الاستهلال التي تمايزت بين ما كانت طبيعة السور فيه قصصا وما كانت في أحكاما وما كانت فيه أخبارا ليظهر الاختلاف بينها ما يؤكد نزوله من لدن حكيم خبير ، ثم إن البحث درس صيغ براعة الاستهلال مختلفة بين الاستفهام والخبر وغيرهما وفي كل ذلك يكشف عن الغرض الذي ستتحدث عنه السورة بشكل رشيق جميل ، مع إيراد الأمثلة التي توضح ذلك ، وليظهر أن القرآن ما تناول قضية بلاغية في لغة العرب إلا وبلغ فيها حد الإعجاز الذي لا يساميه فيه أحد.، ثم تذيل البحث بخاتمة فيها أهم النتائج. This research addresses an important aspect of the rhetorical aspects in the Quran, which was revealed in the Arabic language. The Arabs were challenged to match the eloquence of the Quran or produce anything better than it. The focus of this research is on the initiation ingenuity and its miraculous manifestations. The research starts by defining the initiation ingenuity and exploring its rhetorical purposes and benefits. It then examines the distinctive features of initiation ingenuity in various types of Quranic verses, whether they contain stories, rulings, or news. This distinction emphasizes the divine wisdom and expertise behind the Quran's revelation. Furthermore, the research delves into the different forms of initiation ingenuity, including interrogative sentences, declarative sentences, and others, each elegantly conveying the intended message of the verse. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate the eloquence of the Quran in using initiation ingenuity to its fullest extent.
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    Library Services
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Zaidi, Hasnia
    The nature of library work has transformed due to advancements in information services, retrieval, and broadcasting. New services and jobs have emerged as a result. Modern technology data have become necessary alternatives to detail the work of libraries and raise performance and productivity levels. The emergence of information networks in our present era resulted from developments in the electronic field between computer devices, facilitating the exchange and transfer of information of all types and forms. The public libraries in Algeria specialize in obtaining and managing information and its resources. Technology has always been part of these libraries, as it was used to store and retrieve information, to serve their users according to their needs and requirements. Not too long ago, the public library was the place people visited for reading, borrowing books, and education. However, technological advancements have paved the way for this library to transform into an electronic distributor of knowledge, accessible to those who seek it from their homes, offices, or any other location where the reader might be present. This study will focus on the extent of the use of information and communication technology in the public library of Adrar province, the automated systems implemented therein, and the impact of this technology on the level of services provided in the library
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    The Sociological Approaches To Interpreting Local Development And Strategic Communication
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Derbal, Faissal; Benouhiba, Nora
    This article focuses on exploring sociological approaches to local development and strategic communication, and demonstrates the importance of a deep understanding of social, economic and political transformations affecting communities. Through a sociological perspective, our understanding of social dynamics and the role of strategic communication in local development is strengthened. It also provides a framework for analysing and promoting effective communication strategies that contribute to the growth and well-being of local communities, including social participation, social networks, strategic analysis, sustainable local development, symbolic interaction, phenomenology, ethnomitodology, and communication action Through the use of sociological approaches, we can analyze factors that affect the development of local communities, such as communication between local institutions and communities, sharing knowledge and information, and social capital intensity. focuses on the importance of democratic communication, constructive dialogue, social justice and community participation in building integrated and sustainable societies. يتمحور هذا المقال حول استكشاف المقاربات السوسيولوجية للتنمية المحلية والاتصال الاستراتيجي، ويُظهر أهمية فهم عميق للتحولات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية التي تؤثر في المجتمعات. من خلال المنظور السوسيولوجي، يتعزز فهمنا للديناميكيات الاجتماعية ودور الاتصال الاستراتيجي في التنمية المحلية. يقدم المقال أيضًا إطارًا لتحليل وتعزيز استراتيجيات الاتصال الفعالة التي تسهم في نمو ورفاهية المجتمعات المحلية، بما في ذلك المشاركة الاجتماعية، والشبكات الاجتماعية، والتحليل الاستراتيجي، والتنمية المحلية المستدامة، والتفاعل الرمزي، والظواهرية، والإثنوميثودولوجيا، والعملية الاتصالية. من خلال استخدام المقاربات السوسيولوجية، يمكننا تحليل العوامل التي تؤثر في تنمية المجتمعات المحلية، مثل التواصل بين المؤسسات المحلية والمجتمعات، وتبادل المعرفة والمعلومات، وكثافة رأس المال الاجتماعي. يُسلط المقال الضوء على أهمية التواصل الديمقراطي، والحوار البنّاء، والعدالة الاجتماعية، ومشاركة المجتمع في بناء مجتمعات متكاملة ومستدامة.
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    Effectiveness Of The Program Of Kids’ Athletics Activities In Improving
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Benzidane, Houcine; Mokrani, Djamel; Benkasdali, Hadj Mohamed
    The study aims to reveal the effectiveness of the program of kids athletics activities in improving some motor skills of students with hearing disabilities (10-12 years) for the academic season 2019/2020. Where the researchers used the experimental method on a sample of 24 students distributed equally in two samples, the children's sports activities program was applied to an experimental sample, and the control sample was taught in the traditional way, and the tests used included tests (running, jumping and throwing). After the statistical treatment of the results, the researchers concluded that there are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre and post measurement in favor of the post measurement in the experimental sample at (α=0.05), which reinforces that the program of kids athletics activities has a positive effectiveness in improving the motor skills under study, in addition to the presence of preference in the results of the post tests in favor of The experimental sample compared to the control sample.
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    Executive Functions Among Fifth-grade Pupils With Reading Difficulties From The Perspectives Of Teachers And Parents
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Ghedhaifi, Hind
    This study aims to investigate individual differences in executive functions among fifth-grade elementary pupils with reading difficulties, according to the variable of gender, as perceived by teachers and parents. The research questions were formulated as follows: Are there statistically significant differences in the executive functions of finalstage elementary pupils with reading difficulties, as reported by teachers, based on the gender variable (males vs. females)? Are there statistically significant differences in the executive functions of final-stage elementary pupils with reading difficulties, as reported by parents, based on the gender variable (males vs. females)? The comparative descriptive methodology was adopted due to the nature of our subject, and data collection relied on the Executive Functions Scale. The study included a sample of 80 participants, consisting of 40 males and 40 females, selected purposefully. The findings revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the executive functions of final-stage elementary pupils with reading difficulties, as perceived by teachers, based on the gender variable (males vs. females). However, there were statistically significant differences in the executive functions of final-stage elementary pupils with reading difficulties, as perceived by parents, based on the gender variable (males vs. females).
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    Provisions For Perishing The Sold Property Before Delivery And Its Implications
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Hamad, Adeed Ezzat . Ezzat; Adeed, Marawan
    (is one of the important and ” Destruction of Sale before Delivery"The topic active topics generally in civil law and especially in the sale contract. The importance of this topic is explained in terms of various aspects.First,it takes place too much in the practical life.Second, it represents the core of sale contract and all the rules of sale contract is about this topic.This topic concerns with the destruction that happens in a period between making sale contract and before its delivery to a buyer. A number of juristically lawful theories and others of Islamic Sharia have appeared which tackle and arrange the destruction rules of sale before delivery.These theories are differentiated in how they tackle the destruction rules of sale before delivery according to the bases of these theories.These affect the lawful legislations.So,the last one is different also from others in the way of its arrangement and tackling the rules of destruction.
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    Psychosocial Mutations In Algeria And Mental Illnesses
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Laoudj, Mabrouk
    Socio-cultural features of the Algerian area, the conditions of precarious lives of its people and the massive phenomenon of acculturation, realize several psychosocial aspects of the relationship between psychosocial changes and the emergence of mental illnesses. Besides the too fast hypothesis psychosocial mutations involved have accentuated the outbreak of mental pathologies seems to us likely. Although the distributions of mental illnesses in all societies are liked to several causative factors at once divers and homogenous: Neurobiochemical, psychological and sociocultural. These are the new mutational data we believe that led psychosocial expeditious upheavals in the Algerian social system: disruption of family break-cell inter-relationship insecurity of children in schools, families of the standing- combat repudiated of woman, education questioned and the population explosion.
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    Strategies For Coping With Psychological Stress In Laryngectomists
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Touaouza, Abdessamed; Gasmi, Manel Yakout; Kherbache, Houda
    The current study aimed to reveal the strategies used by laryngectomists to cope with psychological stress, and to identify the possibility of its difference (coping strategies) depending on the age group and the type of laryngeal resection. The study was conducted on a sample of 30 people who underwent total and partial laryngectomy, and the coping strategies scale of "Lazarus and Folkman"was used after confirming its suitability for the purpose of data collection.After statistical treatment, it was found that laryngectomists use problem-centered, emotion-centered, and social bond-centered coping strategies.The use of these strategies also varies depending on the age group of patients and the type of laryngectomy they underwent.
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    The Cultural Reality Of Human Resources And Its Relationship To Digitization
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) معمري, محمد
    The cultural values of human resources are among the most important factors on which the success and continuity of any form of development in the institution depends. The efficiency of institutions depends on the activation and investment of all their resources, in particular the human resources that control the rest of the resources, their direction and the way in which they are used. Therefore, the need for independent management of human resources has emerged. The cultural dimension, which is the sum of the common values that form the symbolic link between all elements of the organization, is a socio-cultural field where an organizational culture emerges and working groups are formed in harmony and effective with the organizational loyalty of the active individuals, and here it is clear that there is no organization without its human elements and energies. Technological development in the world of e-digitization of human resources in various organizations has become imperative and necessary. This is because of the nature of rapid and successive changes in human resources management in today's times. ICT encourages the establishment of "diverse polar networks", and organizational culture derives its characteristics from those of social culture, in which social culture and organizational culture share.
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    The Scientific Psychological Discourse In Contemporary Arab Criticism
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Latreche, Saliha
    This research paper focuses on the science of psychological criticism and its relationship to scientific discourse, which is considered a change in the emotional and expressive artistic value inherent in the artistic work, through which we have the artistic judgment on the literary work. Feeling is an artistic issue in the comprehensive sense, and the psychological observation in literary criticism has its implicit share in the scientific critical approach to clarify for us the psychological relationship between the emotional experience and the verbal image of the critic Abdel Aziz Jasous.
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    Why Sociological Approaches In Sociological Research Are Multiple
    (جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2024-01) Lamouri, Mehdi; Grid, Samir
    In this article, we will attempt to answer the following question : Why do theoretical approaches in sociological research vary ? To do so, we will first define the sociological approach and sociological research, then delve into the significance of sociological approaches in sociological research. Finally, we will explore in depth the reasons behind the diversity of theoretical approaches in sociological research.