JMRHS_Vol 04 N 01
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Item أحمد بن بلة و الفكر القومي الناصري و ملامح تجسيده في قيادة الدولة الجزائرية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) لوصيف, سفيانSummary: The article deals with the study and personalization of Ahmed Ben Bella, the first president of independent Algeria, which was greatly influenced by the thought of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Since the beginning of the Algerian revolution, Ben Bella has considered him the leader of the Arab unity project. The Algerian independent state, especially the issue of dispossession of the French colonial heritage based on the French project, and worked to restore the characteristics of Algerian personality, especially the issue of Arabization, the latter will know the difference between different political and cultural elites.Item الأساس الديني والتكوين المذهبي ودوره في الصراع العثماني الفارسي(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) عيجولي, حمزةAfter the collapse of the Almohads’s state in 1269, many states appeared in the geographical scope of the Islamic World, east and west, seeking to obtain religious legality that would guarantee respect and acceptance, to which the Ottoman and the Safavid states are considered perfect examples. The Ottoman state that started as a bedouin principality in Anatolia rapidly gained momentum and developed into a vast empire, considered itself as the vanguard of the Islamic Caliphate. With the advent of the Safavid state that had started as a religious little family on an Iranian hill and expanded outside Iran relying on religious grounds, adopting the Shi’ite doctrine to differentiate itself from its neighbor and rival, the Ottoman empire, the two states engaged in a bitter political and military conflict; a factional conflict that became an essential variable in the Ottoman-Persian dispute for centuries.Item التجربة الاسبانية في تحقيق المخطوطات العلمية الجزائرية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) عزرودي, نصيرةThe scientific manuscripts are considered as One of the pillars of the Islamic Civilization that third of the specialists Orientalists took care of. In this paper, we will show the specific role that they gave to our astronomical manuscripts in the time that we ignored them and the carelessness of the Algerian historians of science since they formed a burden and hard efforts for them because they are rich of precise scientific terminology. This difficulty was overcomed by the Spanish school in Barcelona. It was a precise objective experience since they are specialised in Astronomy and Mathematics One of the famous scientists in this famous ancient school was t School is the criticism in the history of science for the Arabs and Spanish the Orientalists professor julio and his students who are teaching in the Physiology department and he sipervised their academic dessertations, we mention Montse Díaz-Fajardo, Marc Oliveras, Josep Casulleras, and Monica Rius Piniés. In this ancient university, some Arab researchers under the spervision of Julio, dealt with topics that have a relationship with Algerian astronomical manuscripts amobg them:the Syrian researcher Ammar Said Ashabib and the Moroccan researcher Rachid Assaidi I found myself obliged to introdice the works of this speciqlized scientific elite so as to make their researches on the legacy of the Algerian Astronomy as a model to be followed in future studies.Item التراث المخطوط وأهميته في كتابة تاريخ المغرب الأوسط في نهاية العصر الوسيط(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) مزدور, سميةDans cette étude nous surlignons l'un des importants source de l'histoire du Maghreb central à la fin du moyen âge, et c'est le manuscrit intitulé "Bustane Al Azhar Fi Manakib Zamzam Al Akhiar Wa Maâdan Al Anouar Sidi Ahmed Ben Youcef Al-Rachidi Ennaceb Wa Eddar", de Mohammed Ben Ahmed Ben Ali Essabagh Kolaé, et malgré que ses textes qui racontent la biographie d'un des vertueux de la région de Beni Rached qui est Ahmed Ben Youcef Al-Rachidi Al-Meliani et quelques uns de ses cmarades et ses disciples avec un style utopique mêlé avec des contes sur ses dignités et paranormal. Mais elles portent dans ces plis d'importantes informations concernant l'histoires du Maghreb central dans l'ère tardif des Zianites, du côté politique, comme l'occupation de plusieurs ville par les chrétiens espagnols et le début d'intervention de l'élément turque, et le mauvais traitement de la paroisse, et du côté économique comme la description des différentes activités qui éxistaient dans le Maghreb central malgré les conditions difficiles dans les secteurs du commerce routier et maritime, les fabrications et l'artisanat, et les activités agricoles basées sur le pâturage l'agriculture et l'implantation, et du côté social où il montrent la détérioration de la situation médicale dans le Maghreb central a cause de la diffusion des maladies et des fléaux, et qui ont entraîné par conséquent des méthodes de soins étranges, ce manuscrit dénote aussi la diffusion de quelques phénomènes sociales comme la mendicité a cause de l'augmentation de la pauverté et la faim, la chose que les Soufi (Awlia) du Maghreb central ont éssayé de réduire par inciter les gens à donner la charité, et il dénote aussi le banditisme dans la région de l'oust Particulièrement durant les famine.Item التل ببلاد المغرب الاوسط. قراءة في جغرافية المجال. من القرن 2ه/ 8م إلى القرن 6ه/ 12 م(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) طويل, الطاهرthe relation between man and his space forms a start for the geographic studies concerned firstly with the area where he lives in and with, and time becomes a measure to check the level of changes happening in . this changes become a sours for the historical geography of the space. This later has the ability to slow the speed that characterises time, and all that throught avoiding following the chronological events without paying attention to their different sides and characteristics. This rule seprenebts the starting poit of the idea of “the long time” of Fernand braudel who is not for the momentary explanations because they can’t be complete or crucial. So we find that the land of central Maghreb needs space studies for its different areas, and the “el-ttel region” is one of the most important of these areas which is known for its specific aspect throught the middle age compared with the other surrounding regions. Either north where there is the sea space, or south where we find the space of oases and sahara. El-ttel regions has more effect than the other regions in politics, an obligatory access for the ports merchandise in the land of central Maghreb. And an important route for the commercial convoys.Item الصحافة والنخبة المثقفة في الجزائر خلال الاحتلال الفرنسي(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) حجام, الجمعييهدؼ ىذا ابؼقاؿ إلذ استحضار بعضا من ومضات الكفاح ابؼشرؽ للصحافة والنخبة ابؼثقفة في ابعزائر خلاؿ فتًة الاحتلاؿ الفرنسي ، وتسليط الضوء على ظاىرة ثقافية خالدة تبقى تلهم الاجياؿ في الوطن وخارجو بصفحاتها ابؼنتَة كنموذج راؽ لركوب غمار الفعل التحرري وبأسلوب الكتابة الصحفية ابغضاري ليكوف بدثابة درس للإنسانية بصعاء. فالصحافة والنخبة ابؼثقفة في ابعزائر جسدوا أحلى صور للكفاح التحرري الثقافي والفكري عبر التكيف الابهابي مع ابؼناخ ابػانق للحرية وابؼصادر للوجود ، فبرىنوا للعالد أف سلاح الافكار والأقلا أشد قوة وأعمق أثرا من دوي ابؼدافع فصنعت الصحافة عبر النسيج الفكري للنخبة ابؼثقفة ابعزائرية بكتابها وشعرائها وعلمائها ومصلحيها وسياسييها الوطنيتُ حصنا منيعا للشخصية ابعزائرية وبؼقومات الدولة وكانت إسهاماتهم واضحة في التأسيس للنهضة ابعزائرية ابغديثة وترسيخ جزائرية ابعزائر للأبد. لتبقى بذلك الصحافة الثقافية ابعزائرية خلاؿ فتًة الاحتلاؿ ، سواء الصحافة الاصلاحية او صحافة ابؼقاومة القلمية والسياسية أو الصحافة الاستقلالية مدرسة في إنتاج الوعي التحرري والقيم الانسانية وبموذجا رائدا ورائعا في التمسك بشرؼ ابؼهنية وجهاد الكلمة لتخليص البلاد والعباد من أغلاؿ الاحتلاؿ. Abstract: the aim of this article is to evoke some of the bright struggles of journalism and intellectual elites in Algeria during the period of the French occupation and to highlight on an immortal cultural phenomenon that will inspire generations at home and abroad with its illuminated pages as an excellent model to engage in the libertarian act and civilizational style of press writing to serve as a lesson for humanity. The press and educated elites in Algeria embodied the best images of the cultural and intellectual liberation struggle through positive adaptation to the atmosphere that is suffocating the freedom and confiscating the existence , demonstrating to the world that the weapon of the ideas and pens is stronger and more profound than the sound of guns. The press has fabricated impregnable fortress of the Algerian personality and the ingredients of of the state , that had been through the intellectual fabric of the Algerian intellectual elites and their contributions were clear in the establishment of the modern Algerian renaissance and the consolidation of Algerian Algeria forever. Thus the Algerian press during the period of occupation whether the reformist press, the press of pen resistance or the independent press , remains a school in the production of liberation consciousness and human values and a pioneering and wonderful model in sticking to professional honor and the struggle of the word to rid the country and the people from the shackles of occupation.Item الصراع الوحدوي في بلاد الرافدين '' الممالك الأمورية أنموذجا(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) الطيب, زين العابدينThe Fall of Ur at the close of the third millennium B.C. is one of the major turning-points in the history of ancient Iraq , it does not only ring the knell of a dynasty and of an empire, it marks the end of the sumerian nation and type of society. Intervening at the last moment, the Elamites had taken the capital-city, but the secession of entire provinces, the revolt of Ibbi-Sin’s officials and the Amorites invasion were the real causes of the Sumerian defeat. The Elamites were soon expelled from Iraq , the Semites remained. From then on they were to hold the reins of governement for nearly fifteen hendred years.Item النظام الإداري في منطقة وادي ريغ خلال النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) عمراني, معاذAbstract: This article analyzes and examines the deveplopment of the french administrative system in oued righ region in the second half of 19 focuses on the main characteristics of this administrative colonizing system and also on the different stapes this system had vedergone during the studied period.Item الوضعية العامة للثورة الجزائرية عقب هجومات 07 أوت 5511 بالشمال القسنطيني(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) هواري, مختارRésumé : La situation générale de la révolution algérienne après les attaques du 20 août 1955 dans le nord constantinois. Les attaques du nord constantinois du 20 août 1955 sont considérées comme une étape très importante dans l’histoire de la révolution algérienne. A travers cet article, je compte traiter la manière dont le front de libération a exploité ces attaques dans ses écrits, et comment ces événements ont influencé la psychologie des algériens et l’activité militaire de la révolution et son encadrement par le front de libération nationale. Et comment ces attaques ont influencé les algériens supplétifs de l’armée française en .France et en Algérie, en m’appuyant dans mon étude sur des documents militaires français.Item تاريخ الصحافة المكتوبة المتخصصة عامة و الرياضية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) بوحيلة, رضوانThe press started in its early years a specialist , focused on the news of politicians, nobles, war , finance and trade ، in Africa, it began to publish the gospel and religious sermons, and with the advent of communication and the emergence of mail and the establishment of news agencies that monopolized the distribution of news, The world has known the popular newspaper that offering for its readers diverse news covering all areas and activities; It is no longer limited to politicians, nobles, merchants and military. With the development of the world in the fields of science, technology, communication, Population, specialty returned To the press with new patterns and objectives .The sports press is Considered among the most specialized widespread and most Interested newspapers among the youths categories, which have witnessed remarkable developments since its early beginnings both in the world and in the Arab world, especially in the second half of the twentieth century.Item تجربة النوادي لدى الحركة الاصلاحية نادي الشبان المسلمين الجزائريين بمنطقة تبسة(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) بعلوج, سليمThe club is considered one of the most important means of spreading awareness and culture among young people. Since a large number of reformers from the area of Tebessa were students in E’Zaytouna, this led to the idea of establishing a club in Tebessa called “Muslim youth Club” which is given the same name as that of the cultural assembly in Tunis. The Muslim Youth Club had a great credit for activating the reform movement and revival in Tebessa, considering its prominent role in embracing mainly the youth class, spreading knowledge, leading the reform and change among them, as well as its crucial role in the emergence of a large number of preachers, writers and poets. In addition to the fact that it has become a destination place to different clubs and association founded in the region.Item حملة العلم والتأسيس لمنهج الاستقطاب والانتشار(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) غرايسة, عمارThe covement was initiated bay the hasid flag campain, derived from the countries of the islamic maghreb, nakhla nahoun in devoting pornography to the region and expanding a significant impact in reaching the stag of solace to the stage of al –nahuh from the the call to state building.Item سليمان باشا الباروني وموقفه من الدولة العثمانية في آخر عهدها(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) بوطبة, لخضريعالج اتظقال أحد أبرز زعماء الإصلاح ومقاومة الاستعمار اتضديث في البلاد العربية وموقفو من الدولة العثمانية في آخر عهدىا، كما يعالج فصل من فصول الصراع الذي ظهر جليا مع مطلع القرن التاسع عشر بتُ الدولة العثمانية ممثلة اتطلافة الإسلامية والدول الأوروبية الطامعة في اقتسام تركتها بعد تصفيتها، ففي الوقت الذي اختار البعض الوقوف ضد الدولة العثمانية لسبب أو لآخر، بقي اتظصلح والمجاىد سليمان باشا الباروني وفيا تعذه الدولة، حرصا منو على وحدة الصف على الرغم مما لاقاه من ظلم على يد بعض ممثلي ىذه الدولة في طرابلس الغرب، وعاش والفرنسية الباروني حياتو يجاىد ضد اتصهل وجاىد العدو بلسانو وقلمو وسيفو دون ملل أو كلل. Résumé Cet article traite l'une des figures de réforme les plus importants et la résistance au colonialisme moderne dans les pays arabes et la position de l'Empire ottoman dans leur dernier temps, aborde également un chapitre du conflit, ce qui était évident au début du XIXe siècle, entre l'Empire ottoman représentant du califat islamique et les pays européens pour Partager de l'héritage après la liquidation de cette Empire, alors que certains ont choisi de se lever contre l'Empire ottoman pour une raison ou une autre, le réformateur et El Moudjahid Suleiman Pasha El Baroni est resté fidèle à cet état, pour le bien de celui-ci sur l'unité, malgré ce qui est arrivé à l'injustice par certains représentants de cet Etat à Tripoli, El Baroni a vécu sa vie en luttant contre un L'ignorance de l'ennemi et a lutté avec sa langue et sa plume et l'épée sans l'ennui ou la fatigue.Item شهيد الجبل الأزرق مصطفى بن بوالعيد 1916-1956(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) جبلي, الطاهرAbstract Martyr of the Blue Mountain Mustapha Ben Boulaid(1917 /1956) The revolution of November 1 st , 1954 was associated with the brightest leaders who were known by their rare courageous which was built up from their high morals and qualities .Their political and military genius was appeared , challenging all the colonial obstacles and plans which were created by the enemy to crush the revolution . The most distinguished Man , Mostapha Ben Boulaid was one of the nationalist pioneers and activists who believed in the futility of the political fight and one of the few formers who led the revolutionary project and mixed the papers in Matignon .He was that Man who divided his short life equally between the prison and the mountain. The Occasion, then, is just for remembrance and a reminder of the powerful and strength elements and virtues of that Man who has done his best and has given his life and his personal wealth to serve the revolution for the sake of Algerian’s revival at a time when there was no signs of nearer political or military victory. In this study, we will attempt to monitor the biography and the journey of the hero mustapha Ben Boulaid ,from his birth till his death on March 22nd,1956 and also through prominent stations of his struggle life in Algerian ‘s people party , victory movement for democratic freedoms ,and his position from the massacres of May 8th,1945. Then, his efforts in special organization, particularly in Aouras . In addition to this,his pioneer and distinguished role to prepare for the outbreak of the liberation revolution in November, 1st 1954. The colonial writings also, confess that the liberation revolution in its first stage was the efforts of Ben Boulaid in vew of his role in structuring the revolution, collecting weapons and in organizing network of logistical help in Northern borders . The end of the hero in this Epic was a surprise as he was martyred on March ,22 nd 1956 in a difficult circumstances which faced the revolution in its first stage.Item ظاهرة الغلاء في العراق ومصر من خلال كتاب نهاية الارب في فنون الادب للنويري(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) محي موسى, سماهرNatural and human disasters are the main causes of the phenomenon of expensiveness and high prices and the scarcity of foodstuffs.Furthermore these issues contribute to the propagation of diseases and epidemics among people.As a result, the productive labour force may be affected and influenced, which are basically ceased from production in the first place, particularly the field of agriculture which represents the backbone of the economy of nations.The subject of this research adopts two Arab Muslim counties,namely Egypt and Iraq, since they are totally dependent on their irrigation through rivers of permanent flux and flow.Any increase or decreae in these rivers water from the overall rate leads to disasters. However, the result would make the expensiveness and high prices phenomenon quite evident, as addressed by al-Nuwyris Nihayat al-arab fi funun al-adab (The Aim of the lntelligent in the Art of letters) .Additionall, in his book ,al- Nuwyri explained positions of the rulers and the governors and set the necessary solution to reduce this phenomenon by fixing prices and controlling markets or in some cases intervening directly in several ways for fear of revolutions or disobedience as a result of any kind of such action.Item مخطوط المهذب الرائق لأبي عمران موسى المازوني(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) خليفي, رفيقThe manuscript “Al-Muhadhab Al-raiq” of Qadi Abu Imran Musa Al-mazouni is considered on of the most important books of Applied Fiqh (jurisprudence). This book has maintained the basic materials of documents dealing with public affairs, daily life and economy of Middle Central Maghreb society, despite the loss of the origins of those documents which allows us to employ this book as a tool to date the marginalized fields in the sphere of the Central Maghreb during Zayanidera and to study its neglected themes such as the categories of elites and public, urbanism, work order and partnerships, issues related to water, Casuistry, Hisbah, archiving and the judiciary and everything concerned with it such as litigations, punitive and criminal proceedings. In this communication, I am going to concentrate on the study of some samples from these subjects.Item مقاربات الاحتلال الفرنسي في التعاطي مع الثورة الجزائرية(جامعة الوادي - University of Eloued, 2018-03) قندل, جمالThe present study examines the problematic of the position of Algerian women in the revolution of November 1954 in terms of her participation in the manufacture of the revolutionary act of different nature, in a manner that contributed to the advancement and development of the revolution in various and varied fields inside and outside Algéeria, The most important strategic mechanisms that the French occupation has succeeded in are represented in the psychological warfare mechanism adopted in parallel with the development of the revolution, and the reasons for focusing on women as a main party in the form of psychological warfare. In addition of this, the study examines tفhe impact of the psychological war on Algerian women and revolution.