JFAS_Vol 12 N 01
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Item AIR EMISSIONS FROM IN-LAND ACTIVITIES OF CHITTAGONG PORT OF BANGLADESH(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) A., Dey*,; M. A., Amin,; A., AktherThe study was conducted to estimate and describe air emissions generated from April 2017 to March 2018 by the in-land activities and cargo transportation of the Chittagong Port of Bangladesh, using activity-based approach. These emission sources include cargo handling equipment, head trucks and locomotives. The pollutants focused in this study are categorized into two groups: criteria pollutants consisting NOx, CO, SO2, Particulate matters and Black carbon, and greenhouse pollutants consisting of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Head trucks are the major sources of all air emission (NOx 91.35%, CO 94.83%, PM1062.11%, PM2.5 60.47%and CO2e 98.73%), demanding serious consideration to this sector.The locomotives cause the least emission among all sources and can be used as a tool to reduce emission from head trucks. About 3478.04tonne NOx, 1134.22 tonne CO, 31.09 tonne PM10, 30.97 tonne PM2.5, 22.82 tonne SO2, 23.88 tonne Black carbon, and 5141319.71 tonne of CO2e were released in the atmosphere during the study period due to the in-land port activities.Item APPLICATION OF RANDOMIZED RESPONSE TECHNIQUE ON A SURVEY SAMPLING OF YEAST INFECTION AMONG NIGERIAN FEMALE UNDERGRADUATES(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) A. O., . AdepetunIn this paper, randomized response technique was adopted to determine the proportion of female undergraduates at the Federal University of Technology Akure that have had yeast infection at a point in time, the age range that has the most number of yeast infection cases as well as the female hostel with the highest number of yeast infection cases. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Z-tests were used in hypothesis testing. All comparisons involving randomized response data used the estimated proportion of girls with yeast infection and the sampling variance to calculate the z-score. The results of the study indicated that Jadesola female hostel has the most number of yeast infection cases proportion 99.8% while the proportion of yeast infection cases in Jibowu hostel is 66.8%. The result also shows that 90% of the female undergraduates between the age range of 16 and 18 years contracted the infection.Item AN ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY FOR THE SUITABILITY OF IRRIGATION IN RELIZANE PLAIN, ALGERIA(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) B., Mekhloufi1; , Benyahia2 M.Located in an area characterized by an arid climate, the plain of La Mina, records an annual rainfall of 300 mm and an evapotranspiration equal to 1500 mm, which generates a deficit of 1200 mm, this shortage of water allocated to agriculture, forced farmers to use groundwater. The soils of the plain of the Mina and in particular the soil of the irrigated perimeters, suffer from a problem of salinization. Irrigation methods and the quality of the water used are the decisive triggers. The results of the hydrochemical analyzes carried out, focused on the major elements of these waters. They mainly have a sodium chloride facies, an EC average of (5.16 dS / m) which indicates that the waters are heavily salted, an average value of (SAR) of 20.67, shows that there is a very high risk of sodicity, playing a role in the physical degradation of soils. The Riverside and Wilcox diagrams show that it is the C4S4 class which is the most dominant, corresponding to a water of very high salinity and strongly sodium of poor quality, not recommended for irrigation.Item COMPUTER MODELLING OF GROUNDWATER OVEREXPLOITATION: CASE STUDY FROM THE PLAIN OF SIDI BEL ABBÈS (NORTHWESTERN ALGERIA)(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) A. E., Bellaredj*1; M., Hamidi2In the plain of Sidi Bel Abbès, the Plio-Quaternary aquifer is the most important groundwater reservoir. Its computer modelling shows that it resembles a toboggan, formed by a succession of connected underground pools. The simulation conducted between 1971 and 2014 reproduced well the average water-table drop of about 11m across the entire aquifer, emphasizing its clear overexploitation, resulting mainly from withdrawals increase parallel to considerable precipitation diminution, especially between 1982 and 2006. The prediction phase simulated between 2015 and 2030 translated significant aquifer drawdowns, especially for scenarios 2 and 3, particularly East and South of the plain. The computer modelling of the aquifer illustrated its continual destocking and reflected its dangerous overexploitation, which if maintained at this rate, could have devastating consequences (complete drying of boreholes, subsidence, water and soil salinization, etc) on the plain of Sidi Bel Abbès.Item CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF AN ECO-MATERIAL BASED ON EARTH STABILIZED BY VEGETABLE FIBERS AND ALOE-VÉRA JUICE(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) Z., . Damene1*; L., Chaoui2,; A., Chettih3This study falls within the framework of sustainable development, and is mainly interested in the renovation of the mileage technique formerly used by our ancestors, which is the Adobe. This durable and vulnerable material is a very interesting aspect to treat. In this context, a contribution for the study of an eco-material has been proposed. This is the land use stabilsée by adding vegetable fiber and the juice of aloe vera for making adobe block as eco-material more efficient and sustainable. Several properties are studied and the results have shown the important advantage of adding aloe-vera as a stabilization technique and the addition of fiber to the physico-mechanical and the durability of the earth material (Adobe).Item DEGRADATION OF METHYLENE BLUE USING ZNO PHOTOCATALYST FOR WATER PURIFICATION(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) M, Bouchaour*1.; SA, Benyelles1,; D, Guettaia2,; , . OuldAbbas1, A.; N-E., ChabaneSari1Current environmental protection concerns the quality of water and air. This strong tendency to want to control the purity of the water leads to the design of sensors. In this work, we study the degradation of methylene blue in the presence of the ZnOphotocatalyst. The photochemical behavior of this molecule depends a lot on the conditions and the nature of the reaction medium; especially the pH of the solution to be degraded and the concentration of the pollutant. We apply the photocatalysis of the dye (at room temperature) under visible light and using a UV lamp. The photocatalytic efficiency was calculated from absorption spectra using UV-visible spectroscopy.Item DISCRETE WAVELET ANALYSIS FOR STATOR FAULTS DETECTION IN INDUCTION MACHINE(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) R., Kechida1,; , . Menacer 2 A.The induction motors are not always operating under complete steady state conditions, therefore prompting the development of non-stationary techniques for fault detection. In this paper an inter-turn short circuit fault is considered in the stator winding. The technique for diagnosis in transient state, especially in startup state is based from using the DWT. The signal used for the fault detection is the stator current. The experimental results show that using DWT can effectively be used to diagnose this type of the fault in the motor.Item DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE HYMENOPTEROFAUNA IN NORTHERN AND WESTERN ALGERIA(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) F., Marniche2The study of the Hymenoptera fauna associated with the Fabaceae is carried out in different environments in the Northern and Western Algeria. Insect sampling was carried out at seven sites representing three regions with different ecosystems and bioclimatic stages, namely: Algiers, Boumerdes and Tissemssilt. The results obtained show a total of 1022 individuals captured representing 59 taxa, distributed in 46 genera and 18 families. Qualitatively, the Boumerdes region is the richest with 648 individuals; it is followed by that of Algiers then Tissemssilt with respectively 191 and 181. In most of the stations, the dominant family in terms of individuals is that of Apidae whose the rate exceeds 60%. The honey bee Apis mellifera intermissa has a remarkable relative abundance varying between 50% and 89%.Item DRUG LIKNESS FILTERS AND QSAR ANALYSIS OF CAMPHOR-BASED DIIMINES DERIVATIVES AS ANTIVIRAL AGENTS(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) W., Hamzi1,2; S., Belaidi3,*,; O., Oukil2,; N., Aoumeur2, 2; , . Medjahed2 SIn the present study, Quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) study has been applied on twenty-five molecules of camphor-based symmetric diimines. A Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) procedure was used to correlate the relationships between molecular descriptors and the biological activity of camphor-based symmetric diimine derivatives. The predictivity of the model was estimated by cross-validation with the leave-one-out method. Our results suggest a QSAR model based on the following descriptors: MW, HE, Pol, MR, MV, HBA, NRB, PSA, μ and Etotal, for the influenza virus reproduction inhibition to confirm the predictive power of the models. High correlation between experimental and predicted activities was observed, indicating good quality of the QSAR model.Item EFFECT OF THE PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE TYPE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF AN ARDUINO (I-V) ACQUISITION DEVICE(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) M. A., Ouaridhene1*,; A., . Benmoussat1,; , Lasker3, B; , . Benatallah3 M.The demand increase for the energy and the world’s challenge to decrease the consummation of fossil fuels has oriented many research works toward the development and investigation in the renewable energy sources (RES) like solar energy. In fact, an adequate parametrisation of the performance of photovoltaic (PV) modules starts by their characterisation. In this study we focus on measuring the current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) curves for two types of PV modules – Monocrystalline and Amorphous that were tested under different temperature. A developed low-cost acquisition device based on Arduino board is used to monitor and trace those data. The performance and the quality of this later is analysed in term of solar panel characteristics and show that the developed acquisition device is especially suitable for amorphous (PV) modules.Item EFFECT OF WATER STRESS ON RHIZOBIA SYMBIOSIS IN ALFALFA (MEDICAGO SATIVA L.)(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) A., Mouffok1*,.; M., . Belhamra2The objective of this work was to highlight the responses to the low, moderate and severe water deficit of five varieties of alfalfa. The mechanisms studied focused on the relative water content, dry matter yield and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The results obtained showed that the effects of water stress are manifested by a decrease in the relative water content and negatively affect vegetative growth as well as the symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The varieties studied behave differently depending on the severity of stress. However, the Diamant and Baldia varieties proved the most tolerant to the different degrees of water deficit. On the other hand, the varieties Dista and Moapa showed a significant sensitivity to the lack of water. This study could be used to define relevant criteria for drought resistance that can be used in varietal selection.Item ELABORATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOCRYSTALLINE CADMIUM OXIDE FILMS(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) H., Benattou,; N., . Benaramdane,; , . Bouzidi* A.Cadmium oxide in thin film was deposited on glass substrates by spray pyrolysis technique from aqueous solution of cadmium nitrate. The diagrams of X-ray diffraction show that the films are polycrystalline. Morphological study shows uniform deposited film and submicron sized grains growth perpendicularly on substrate surface. Optical gap energy of cadmium oxide was estimated to be 2.15eV. Optical study shows that CdO film transmitted in visible and in the near red infrared wavelength range. The conductivity study indicates a semiconducting behavior of cadmium oxide in thin films. Dielectric response of cadmium oxide films was interpreted by orientation and space charge polarization.Item EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF HYGROTHERMAL BEHAVIOR OF DIRECT GREEN FACADES UNDER SEMI-ARID CLIMATE(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) K., Benhalilou1,2*,; S, . Abdou2,; , . Djedjig3 R.This paper aims to investigate the hygrothermal behavior of direct green facades and assess their efficiency under semi-arid climate. For that purpose, a comparative study was conducted in three buildings; two buildings with direct green façades (covered with deciduous climbing plants) and one with a bare façade. Air and surface temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were collected in situ and several factors were taken into consideration as thickness and density of plant cover. The analysis of measurement data revealed that direct green façades contribute to improve the outdoor and indoor thermal environment of buildings due to the effect of shading and evapotranspiration. Moreover, the different types of green façades illustrated their different heat impact on the thermal environment of buildings depending on the density and thickness of the plant layer and the covering ratio.Item EXTRUDED POLY(ETHYLENE–CO–VINYL ALCOHOL) COMPOSITE FILMS REINFORCED WITH CELLULOSIC FIBERS ISOLATED FROM TWO LOCAL ABUNDONATES PLANTS(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) L., Benchikh1*,; A., Merzouki1,; Y., . Grohens2; I., . Pellin2El Diss and El Retma fibers are in abundance in North Africa, collected from Setif (Algeria) and have been treated to isolate cellulose fibers with toluene-ethanol and HNO3 to improve their dispersion into EVOH matrix. SEM micrographs and FTIR analyses of the treated fibers confirmed the elimination of non cellulosics materials and thier cristallinity was estimated by DRX. Thermal analyses by TGA indicate a slight improvement compared to the raw fibers. Composites were also prepared by incorporation of the cellulosic fibers in EVOH matrix. FTIR results and water absorption behavior indicate a reaction between the treated fiber and EVOH matrix by forming hydrogen bonds. Thermal properties of the composites reported by DSC results decreased compared to neat EVOH. The addition of cellulosic fibers led to an increase in the loss and storage modulus and melt viscosity of the composites.Item HYDROCHEMICAL STUDY OF SOURCES SALINITY IN SHALLOW WATER SPRINGS OF NORTHERN ALGERIAN SAHARA(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) O., Melouah1*; H., . Zerrouki1This study is conducted in The Guerrara Oasis; suffer from high salinity of alluvial aquifer used in drinking and irrigation, the distribution of the drilled wells in the study area is anarchic and water salinity is a subsisting problem all along the year, To evaluate the problem gravity two hydrochemical campaigns are acquired during wet and dry seasons , the results confirms the presence of saliferous bodies affecting water quality, The order of abundance of the ions in the ground water samples is Cl->Na+>SO4 ->Mg2+>Ca2+>HCO3 ->K+ the piper diagram reveals that’s the ground water is Cl- - SO4 - and mixed Cl- - Na+ indicating a evaporitic hydro-chemical type, Multiariate statistics and special geochimestry diagrams are used to evaluate the chemical process responsible in groundwater salinization.Item IMPROVEMENT IN SPEED PERFORMANCE OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR WITH SLIDING MODE CONTROLLER AND ANN FOR DTC(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) Y., Bekakra*1,; D., Ben Attous2,; Z., Tir3,; O., MalikTo further improve the dynamic speed control performance of an induction motor (IM) using a controller based on sliding mode control (SMC) strategy, the switching table for direct torque control (DTC) is realized using a feed forward artificial neural network (ANN). The proposed feed-forward ANN consists of three layers: input, hidden and output layer. The input layer consists of three neurons (sector of flux vector, electromagnetic torque error and stator flux error), the hidden layer consists of a number of neurons that can be determined by experiment to obtain good results. The output layer consists of three neurons (three signals of the converter Sa, Sb and Sc). Simulation results under MATLAB environment are presented and compared with classical DTC using an Integral-proportional (IP) controller to verify the proposed approach.Item INHIBITORY ACTIVITY, REDUCING LOSS AND REPULSIVE OF METHANOLIC EXTRACTS FROM SHEETS OF PLECTRANTHUS GLANDULOSUS AGAINST SITOPHILUS ZEAMAIS(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) T., Dessenbe1,; C. L, Haouvang1,2,; N., Nukenine Elias1The extracts of the leaves of Plectranthus glandulosus were evaluated on population growth, the losses caused to the seeds by Sitophilus zeamais and their repulsive effect were also tested. The reference insecticide Delvap Super® (Dichlorvos 1%, Cypermethrin 0.36% [PI]) was applied as a positive control at the recommended dose (0.1 g / kg), while the extracts were used at four different doses (5, 10, 20 and 40 g / kg). The growth rate of S. zeamais and the losses caused to the seeds were recorded. The methanolic extracts of the leaves of P. glandulosus significantly reduced the growth of of S. zeamais from 61.67 to 100% and the losses from 84.12 to 100% comparable to the inhibitory and reducing effect of the losses of Delvap Super® 100% saved with its recommended dose. The maximum repulsion rate (83.33%) for S. zeamais was recorded with the highest dose (40 g / kg) after 2 hours of exposure by the olfactometer method. In view of these results, we could affirm that these extracts could be recommended as alternatives to synthetic insecticides against S. zeamais in storage.Item AN INTELLIGENT HYBRID MODEL FOR REDUCING NON-TECHNICAL LOSSES IN ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) H., Tazarvi1,; J, .Shahrabi2*Non-technical losses, specially electricity theft is a major concern for electricity distribution companies all over the world due to its huge financial impact on their revenue. For developing countries such as Iran, the case is even more important because of the fact that the use of advanced metering infrastructure have not been implemented completely. Since the data mining and its techniques have been widely used nowadays and proven to be useful in so many cases like fraud detection problems, it has been decided to use this science in order to tackle non-technical losses problem for an Iranian company by focusing on meter tampering or it may also be referred as fraud in electricity which plays a huge role in creating none-technical losses. The proposed model proved to be applicable for the company by having a much better performance using multi agent ensemble model of SVM, RF, and NN, in comparison to the company’s traditional statistical solution which could merely predict less than ten percent of fraud cases correctly.Item A LOW-DOSE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF PHYCOCYANIN ON THE TOXICITY OF DELTAMETHRIN TO VITAL ORGANS IN RATS: IN VIVO STUDY(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) A. C., Bouzar1; , Benali2, Y.; A., . Bitam1The study highlights the histopathological alterations of the liver, kidney and heart of female rats exposed to a low dose of deltamethrin (DLM), the potential hepatoprotective, nephroprotective and cardioprotective effects of phycocyanin. Twenty-four (24) female Albino Wistar rats divided into four groups recognised as follows: Control rats received a standard diet (C). Group (PC) treated with a standard diet enriched with 3.6 ± 0.1 mg of phycocyanin per kg of granules. Group (DLM) treated with a standard diet combined with DLM in water at a concentration of 1.28 mg per kg body weight per day. The remaining group (DLM / PC) was processed by the combination of the DLM and PC scheme. The toxicity of DLM was revealed by transaminase analysis and histological observation. The association (DLM + PC) revealed a protective effect of phycocyanin as illustrated by the reduction of the concentration of serum AST and the important decrease of lesions in the tissues studied. Therefore, it shows that PC has a protective action against the toxic effects of DLM.Item NONLINEAR PI CONTROLLER FOR THE CONTROL OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE WITH TWO-MOTOR-WHEEL DRIVE(university of eloued جامعة الوادي, 2020-01-01) A., . Laguidi1,*; A., . Alalei1In this work we proposed a nonlinear PI (NLPI) controllerof the electric vehicle with two motor wheel drives. This proposed combine controller has significantly improved control performance compared to conventional linear fixed-gain PI controller. The different speeds of the wheels are ensured by the electronic differential, this driving process makes it possible to direct each driving wheel to any curve separately. Modeling and simulation are performed using the Matlab / Simulink tool to study the performance of the proposed controller.