مدى تأثير هرمون الجبريلين عل إنبات صنفين من نبات الكينوا تحت تراكيز من الملوحة

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Université of Eloued


In order to reach the process of adverse salinity harmful to the process of germination and through the use of one of the hormones of plant growth stimulant, where this work was carried out in one of the laboratories of the Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences University of the Martyr Hama Lakhdar to study the effect of the hormone GA3R on the germination of two varieties of quinoa (Q101( and )Q27( under the conditions of concentrations (NaCl). This experiment included the soaking of two varieties of quinoa in the GA3 solution with different concentrations (0, 40, 80) m.mol / L. These were also treated with different concentrations of salinity (0, 50, 100) m.mol For the presence or absence of GA3 in three replicates with the General witness of the experiment. The following criteria were calculated during and after the germination stage. germination ratio, germination speed, mean germination time, seed activity strength, germination stress index, dry matter stress index and salinity tolerance index. The results obtained show that salinity has sometimes affected negatively and sometimes positively. This is in the various criteria studied for germination stage. Salinity has stimulated the germination process in some different concentrations. This has led to resistance to the studied species. Gibberellin also contributed to the inhibition of salinity in the quinoa plant in some of the studied criteria in addition to the resistance shown by the quinoa seeds for salinity at the concentrations used in the germination stage of the different criteria studied key words:


Biologie et Valorisation des Plantes


الكينوا, quinoa chenopodium willd
