Influence of parameters on performance of earth air heat exchanger in arid and hot climate

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university Of Eloued جامعة الوادي


This paper presents a study influence parameter on the performance of an earth air heat exchanger (EAHE) in arid and hot climate. The effect of velocity, length and drop in temperature of the air is studied at the inlet and outlet of the pipe. The results show that maximum temperature drop available at low velocities because air gets larger time to get heat transfer in the underground pipe in soil and also the greater length of the pipe of earth air heat exchanger has more effect on performance of earth air heat exchanger. The temperature drops of air increases with decrease in air velocity, as in this study the temperature drop is 7.9 °C corresponding to 10 m/s velocities and 4.9 °C corresponding to 20 m/s velocities.




earth air heat exchanger, arid and hot climate, performance of earth air heat exchanger, geothermal energy


Abdessamia Hadjadj.Abdelmalek Atia.Boubaker Benhaoua.Abderrahmane Khechekhouche.Influence of parameters on performance of earth air heat exchanger in arid and hot climate.. International PluridisciplinaryPhD Meeting (IPPM’20). 1st Edition, February23-26, 2020. University Of Eloued. [Visited in ../../….]. Available from [copy the link here].