Impact of fuel energy prices in Tunisia

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جامعة الوادي - university of el oued


The policy of subsidizing petroleum derivatives in Tunisia distorts the real prices of goods and services. It does not take care on environment. There is no serious fiscal policies to reduce pollution generated by energy products. The calculation of the correlation matrix between different macroeconomic aggregates does not give a negative effect of oil prices on national GDP. However, this result is serious, because the impact on economic (performance) is hidden, affecting first the general level of prices, unemployment and inflation. Instability of oil prices has no apparent impact. This fact and instability make many difficulties to manage prices and inflation after revolution. Impact on GDP passes through Economic Vulnerability Indicator (EVI) and agricultural sector.




upward oil price days, Tunisian GDP, hidden impact, curve shifts, EVI


Jebali, Lassaad. Kacem, Anis. Impact of fuel energy prices in Tunisia. International Journal of Energetica. Vo3. No 01.30/06/2018.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]
