الدفع بعدم دستورية القوانين أمام القاضي الإداري في الجزائر وفرنسا
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University of Eloued جامعة الوادي
The Control of the constitutionality of laws is one of the important guarantees to
strengthen the rule of law and ensure more effective legal legitimacy.
Where the traditional theory in the application of this guarantee includes in two models;
the first concerns the model Anglo-Saxon and the judicial control of the constitutionality of laws,
and the Latin model, which is the political control of the constitutionality of laws.
In view of the propriety of the Anglo-Saxon model, the French constitutional founder and
then the Algerian founder adopted a new mechanism to push the unconstitutionality of laws
before the administrative and ordinary courts, which might represent a close Anglo-Saxon model
on the one hand and a strengthening of the rule of law on the other.
الملتقى الدولي الثامن: التوجيهات الحديثة للقضاء الإداري ودوره في إرساء دولة القانون 06-07 مارس 2018 جامعة الوادي
الرقابة السياسية على دستورية القوانين، الرقابة القضائية على دستورية القوانين، الدفع بعدم دستورية القانون