Advanced PSO For MPPT Algorithm Under partial Shading Conditions

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university Of Eloued جامعة الوادي


Most often the PV panels are exposed to partial shading due to cloud, buildings and trees causing multiple peaks on the power-voltage (P-V) characteristic curve. Under these conditions the conventional Maximum Power Point Tracking methods cannot track the global maximum power point GMPP, where it is trapped at the first local maximum power point. That is why this paper proposes a particle swarm optimization (PSO) method based on maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm to track global maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltaic (PV) generation under partial shading conditions. To show his efficiency and its advantages, it has been compared with P&O algorithms. Experimental results show that the PSO method is effective in terms of high reliability and high accuracy in tracking the global MPP




Solar energy, MPPT algorithms, Partial shading, PSO, P&O.


Bendaouad Abdelouadoud.Saber Houssem.Radjeai Hammoud.Rahmani Lazhar.Advanced PSO For MPPT Algorithm Under partial Shading Conditions.. International PluridisciplinaryPhD Meeting (IPPM’20). 1st Edition, February23-26, 2020. University Of Eloued. [Visited in ../../….]. Available from [copy the link here].