التقييم المالي لأسهم الشركات القابضة باستخدام مضاعفات المقاربة السوقية


Valuation of company stocks is an important aspect before any investment decision which requires a lot of experience & knowledge of the stock market, so experts & analysts usually value stocks for potential investors. This study investigates the impact of relative Approach multiples used in the ASE on stock price for the period of 2012 to 2018, of holding companies. A simple and multiple linear regression model was used in the study. The results reveales a statistically positive and significant relationship between the IV combined "P/E & P/BV" & the DV “share price,” making it possible to build a model based on these two variables to determine the traded shares prices which help investors in their decisions making. However, the R2 coefficient showed that stock prices are not explained only by P/E & P/BV multiples, but also other variables that must be taken into account.




مضاعف السعر الى الربح ; مضاعف السعر الى القيمة الدفترية ; سعر السهم ; سوق عمان للأوراق المالية


بوزيد، خديجة. غريسي ، العربي. التقييم المالي لأسهم الشركات القابضة باستخدام مضاعفات المقاربة السوقية. مجلة المنهل الاقتصادي. مج 04. العدد 03. 2021/12/31. جامعة الوادي[اكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط [انسخ رابط التحميل ]
