Adding Energy Storage Materials to Improve the Productivity of Solar Distillation

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University Of Eloued جامعة الوادي


The southeast region of Algeria suffers from a great socio-economic problem that affects a large population. Faced with the unavailability of drinking water, solar distillation; which appears to be a suitable and inexpensive solution; was adopted by local researchers. Improving the productivity of a solar greenhouse distiller is the subject of several researches in the world. The idea is to add energy storage materials to a single-slope solar distillation. The search for materials is more effective. This technique has a major impact on the productivity of solar distillation.




Solar distillation, Energy, Solar Still, Freshwater, Energy Storage Materials


Attia Mohammed El Hadi. Bellila Abdelkader. Benoudina Belkheir. Adding Energy Storage Materials to Improve the Productivity of Solar Distillation. International PluridisciplinaryPhD Meeting (IPPM’20). 1st Edition, February23-26, 2020. University Of Eloued. [Visited in ../../….]. Available from [copy the link here].