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Non-destructive multielement analysis of airborne particles byinstrumental neutron activation analysis
(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2022-12-31) Sani, Musa -Abdullahi, Muhammad Ayuba
Durability is one of the unanswered questions limiting the wide acceptability of pozzolanic cement in the world today despite its numerous advantages. Resistance to sulfate attack is one of the durability properties of concrete. Ordinary and 10% Rice husk ash (RHA) pozzolanic cement concrete, with a mix ratio of 1:2:4 were produced. These specimens were subjected to both magnesium and sulfate attacks at 7, 28, 56 and 90 days hydration and their thermal analysis conducted. Information such as complex thermos, thermal effects (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were collected in Nitrogen gas atmosphere. Hydration behaviour and state of the specimens with and without RHA were analysed. The experiment was conducted at a temperature between 30°C to 980°C and the heating speed was 10°C/min. The results of all the thermal analyses for concrete with 10%RHA (i.e the control), Na2SO4 concrete and MgSO4 were obtained and analysed. The result of the compressive strength when Ordinary Portland cement was partially substituted for RHA was also presented. The results showed RHA to be capable of enhancing the compressive strength, sulfate resistance and thermal resistance of concrete if used in the right proportion
Thermally integrated microchannel methanol steam reforming reactors for hydrogen production
(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2022-02-17) Junjie ,Chen
Thermally integrated microchannel reforming reactors have attracted considerable interest for a wide variety of applications. However, the mechanisms for the effects of design factors on heat transfer characteristics are still not fully understood. The present study relates to a thermochemical process for producing hydrogen by the catalytic endothermic reaction of methanol with steam in a thermally integrated microchannel reforming reactor. Numerical simulations are conducted using computational fluid dynamics to understand the consumption, generation, and exchange of thermal energy between endothermic and exothermic processes in the reactor. The effects of wall heat conduction properties and channel dimensions on heat transfer characteristics and reactor performance are investigated. Thermodynamic analysis is performed based on specific enthalpy to better understand the evolution of thermal energy in the reactor. The results indicate that the thermal conductivity of the channel walls is fundamentally important. Materials with high thermal conductivity are preferred for the channel walls. Thermally conductive ceramics and metals are well-suited. Wall materials with poor heat conduction properties degrade the reactor performance. Reaction heat flux profiles are considerably affected by channel dimensions. The peak reaction heat flux increases with the channel dimensions while maintaining the flow rates. The change in specific enthalpy is positive for the exothermic reaction and negative for the endothermic reaction. The change in specific sensible enthalpy is always positive. Design recommendations are made to improve thermal performance for the reactor.
Theoretical Evaluation of the Potency of some Tetracycline Molecules as Anti-Brucella Agents: DFT and Molecular Docking Approaches
(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2022-06-04) Dayo ,Felix LATONA -Oyeronke ,Damilola EESUO-
Brucellosis is caused by an intracellar pathogens known as Brucella. It is a zoonotic disease that causes renal and cardiac failures in human beings and tetracycline is one of the prominent antibiotics employed as anti-brucella agent. In this research, molecular docking of some tetracycline molecules against Brucellosis protease was reported. In order to analyse the reactivities of the tetracycline molecules in vacuum and solvent phases, DFT reactivity descriptors of five Tetracycline molecules as anti-brucellosis at the B3LYP/6–311++G(d,p) level of theory was investigated. The inhibition based on the binding affinity values showed that inhibition was in the order: Anhydrotetracycline >Metatetracycline > Oxytetracycline > Tetracycline > Chlorotetracycline. Therefore, among the five tetracycline molecules studied, Anhydrotetrcycline is the most effective antibiotics for combating Brucellosis.
Synthesis and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of two Schiff bases derived from cyclohexylamine
(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2022-01-01) A, A. Ahmed-U, M. Kuramaa-U, S. Buba -I, M. Wakil
Design and development of novel materials with outstanding antimicrobial properties has transpired to hinder and regulate the growth of microorganisms. Indubitably, Schiff bases are the magic bullet that have efficient antimicrobial properties against various pathogenic strains. The Schiff bases, L1 and L2 reported herein were respectively synthesized by equimolar condensation of benzophenone with cyclohexylamine and 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone with cyclohexylamine. The products were obtained in excellent yield of 66 and 75 %. The Schiff bases were subjected to solubility test, melting point determination and FT-IR spectroscopic analysis. They were found to show relative thermal stability with melting points of 220 and 195 oC and solubility in methanol, acetone and dimethylformamide of the solvents used. The FT-IR confirmed the formation of the Schiff bases with appearance of azomethine (C=N) peak at 1652 and 1592 cm-1. The in vitro antimicrobial activity of the Schiff bases was tested against two gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogens) and two gram negative (Pseudomonas aureginosa and Escherichia coli) as well as two fungi strains (Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans). The results reveal that the Schiff base L2 shows promising activity against all the pathogen under investigation. However, no activity was observed for L1 against the microbes except Streptococcus pyogens
العلاقات الدلالية ودورها في انسجام الحديث النبوي الشريف دراسة نصية في أحاديث الأربعون النووية
(University of Eloued جامعة الوادي, 2024) بوترعة , عبد الحميد; غوار, حكيمة; زلومه, رقية
يهدف البحث إلى تحليل العلاقات الدلالية في أحاديث الأربعين النووية، مركزا على وضوح وثراء الحديث في هذه الأحاديث المختارة، يتناول البحث مسألة أنواع العلاقات الدلالية الموجودة في هذه الأحاديث ودورها في بناء المعنى وترابط الأفكار، ويحاول استخدام دراسات سابقة في هذا المجال لتوجيه التحليل والتفسير، تبدأ المذكرة بتقديم تاريخ البحث اللغوي، حيث يتمّ التأكيد على تحول الاهتمام من تحليل الجملة إلى تحليل النَّصوص كوحدة أساسية تحمل المعنى، يشير البحث إلى أهمية دراسة العلاقات الدلالية في تماسك النّصوص وارتباطها، وكيفية تأثير ذلك على فهم الحديث النبوي الشريف. يتم توجيه البحث نحو فصلين رئيسيْن، حيث يناقش الفصل الأول مفاهيم نصّية تشمل النّص، ونحو النّص والمعايير النّصية، مما يساعد في فهم السياق اللّغوي للحديث، بينما يتناول الفصل الثاني العلاقات الدلالية وتحليل دورها في تماسك الحديث النبوي، مستعرضا مختلف أنواع العلاقات كالإجمال والتفصيل والعموم والخصوص وغيرها. تعد المذكرة مساهمة مهمة في فهم الحديث النبوي وتحليله، وتقديم إطار لدراسة العلاقات الدلالية في النّصوص الدينية سة. The research aims to analyze the semantic relationships in the forty hadiths of al-Nawawi, focusing on the clarity and richness of the hadith in these selected hadiths. The research addresses the issue of the types of semantic relationships found in these hadiths and their role in constructing meaning and interconnecting ideas. It attempts to use previous studies in this field to guide analysis and interpretation. It begins with The memorandum presents the history of linguistic research, where emphasis is placed on the shift of interest from analyzing the sentence to analyzing texts as a basic unit that carries meaning. The research indicates the importance of studying the semantic relationships in the cohesion and connection of texts, and how this affects the understanding of the noble Prophet’s hadith. The research is directed towards two main chapters, where the first chapter discusses textual concepts that include the text, the grammar of the text and textual standards, which helps in understanding the linguistic context of the hadith, while the second chapter deals with the semantic relationships and analyzing their role in the coherence of the Prophet’s hadith, reviewing various types of relationships such as generality, detail, generality and specificity. And others. The memorandum is an important contribution to understanding and analyzing the Prophet’s hadith, and providing a framework for studying semantic relationships in religious texts.