واقع الأداء البيداغوجي


This study aimed to find out the reality of pedagogical performance among average professors graduates of the LMD system from the point of view of managers, as it sought to find out the most important problems and difficulties facing them, and it started from the main question that : What is the reality of pedagogical performance at average professors graduates of the LMD system from the point of view of managers. The following sub-questions should branch out from it : - Do the average professors of the LMD system experience difficulties in dealing with their students? -. - Do LMD graduates face difficulties in communicating information to their students? -. - Do average professors graduating from the LMD system face difficulties as a result of a lack of academic training. The study was conducted using the comprehensive survey method on all managers of the Valley State, where the sample size reached 60, depending on the questionnaire tool, and the study adopted the descriptive approach . Finally, the results of the study confirmed the validity of our proposed hypotheses and we came to the following results : -That the average professors graduates of the LMD system find difficulties in dealing with their students. - That the average professors graduates of the LMD system face difficulties in communicating information to students. - That the average professors graduates from the LMD system have a lack of academic training. - The need for good preparation for the lesson by professors who are graduates of the LMD system in order to enhance confidence in himself and avoid making mistakes .


مذكرة ماستر علم اجتماع تربية


الأداءالبيداغوجي - الأستاذ - نظام لمد, pedagogical performance-professor-LMD system


حواس,زينب. بن بردي,سارة. واقع الأداء البيداغوجي. مذكرة ماستر. قسم علم إجتماع . كلية العلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية. جامعة الوادي.2023.جامعة الوادي [أكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط[أنسخ رابط التحميل