Contribution à l'étude du comportement chimique d'un sol sableux (ph et pouvoir tampon) amélioré avec bio_charbon d'origine végétale dans la région d'el oued

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Université of Eloued


The present study is a contribution to the study of the evolution of an improved sandy soil with a bio-charbon of vegetal origin in the region of El-oued This study was carried out at the level of the Garden of Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life of the University of Echahid Hama Lakhdar El-Oued. In our study, we did seven treatments and one control T0 (sand); T1 (sand and organic matter); T2 (sand and nitrogen); T3 (sand and bio-charbon); T4 (sand, bio-charbon and organic matter); T5 (sand, bio-charbon and nitrogen); T6 (sand, bio-charbon, nitrogen and organic matter); T7 (sand, organic matter and nitrogen) with three randomized full-block repeats Physical, chemical and biological soil analyzes were performed with barley plant biometrics measurements. The results obtained from this study show that there is a positive evolution of bio-charbon on the physical and chemical properties of soil and the growth of plants and their yield. The best results were in T4 (Sable, bio-charbon and organic matter) and T6 (Sable, bio-charbon, nitrogen and organic matter.( The results of this study confirmed the possibility of improving the properties of the sandy soil of the El-Oued region and increasing the growth of the barley plant.


Biologie et physiologie Végétale


Sol sablonneux amélioré, biochar, تربة رملية محسنة ، الفحم الحيوي
