DJAHRA, Ali BoutlelisBENKADDOUR, MouniaZEGHIB, khaoulaBENKHERARA, SalahOUALABI, KatrenadaGHANIA, AhmedJDIDI, Khaoula2020-09-242020-09-242018-12-01Articale in International Journal of biological and Agricultural Research Vol. 01 N. 022661-7056 in International Journal of biological and Agricultural Research Vol. 01 N. 02In the context of discovery a new antioxidants from natural sources. We are interested in this work to study the phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activities of aerial part extracts for ten (10) medicinal plants, from Wilaya of El-Oued (South-east Algeria) : Bassia muricata, Traganum nudatum, Haloxylon scoparium, Cornulaca monacantha, Malcolmia aegyptiaca, Retama raetam, Heliathemum lipii, Zygophyllum album, Ephedra alata, Moltkia ciliate . The results obtained demonstrated that phytochemical screening of aerial part extracts for ten plants studied varies from one plant species to another. The richness of Hiliantimum lippii and Retama raetam in polyphenols whose content varies between 134.67 and 133.33 mg AGE/g Ext respectively. For other plants, the polyphenol content is between 31.02 and 58.33 mg AGE/g Ext. The antioxidant activity tests by using the DPPH method show that all the extracts of the plants studied have antioxidant properties lower than ascorbic acid (IC50 = 16.25 μg / ml) of which the species Hiliantimum lippii represents the best capacity (IC50=27.79μg/ml). The low power is recorded in the species Haloxylon scoparium (IC50 = 793.29 μg / ml)enPhenolic contents, Antioxidant activities, Medicinal plants, DPPHEvaluation of total phenolic contents and antioxidant potentials of ten medicinal plants from Algerian SaharaArticle