Ben Attous, DBekakra, Youcef2023-07-022023-07-022010-07-012095-2767 paper presents a comparison between a fuzzy logic controller and a conventional IP controller used for speed control with a direct stator flux orientation control of a doubly fed induction motor. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is evaluated under different operating conditions such as of reference speed and for load torque step changes at nominal parameters and in the presence of parameter variation. Simulation results show that the fuzzy logic controller is more robust than a conventional IP controller against parameter variation and uncertainty, and is less sensitive to external load torque disturbance with a fast dynamic response.endirect stator flux orientation control, doubly fed induction motor, fuzzy logic controller, Fuzzy PI controller, conventional IP controllerSpeed Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor using Fuzzy Logic TechniquesArticle