M’ziou, NassimaBenguesmia, HaniHaniRahali, Hilal2023-05-032023-05-032018-05-25M’ziou, Nassima. Benguesmia ,Hani. Rahali, Hilal. Modeling Electric Field and Potential Distribution of an Model of Insulator in Two Dimensions by the Finite Element Method. International Journal of Energetica. Vo3. No 01.25/06/2018.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]2543-3717https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/21402ArticleThe electrical effects can be written by two magnitudes the field and the electrostatic potential, for the determination of the distribution of the field and the electric potential along the leakage distance of the polluted insulator, the comsol multiphysics software based on the finite element method will be used. The objective of this paper is the modeling electric field and potential distribution in Two Dimensions by the Finite Element Method on a model of insulator simulating the 1512L outdoor insulator used by the Algerian company of electricity and gas (SONELGAZ). This model is under different conductivity, applied voltage, position of clean layer and width of clean layer. The computer simulations are carried out by using the COMSOL multiphysics software. This paper describes how Comsol Multiphysics have been used for modeling of the insulator using electrostatic 2D simulations in the AC/DC module. Numerical results showed a good agreementenModel of insulator, Pollution, High voltage, Potential distribution, Eectric fieldModeling Electric Field and Potential Distribution of an Model of Insulator in Two Dimensions by the Finite Element MethodArticle