rachi, Mamhmoud Tagaz, Hind Mahsas, Roumaissa M2023-05-302023-05-302022-12-16Mamhmoud T rachi, Hind M agaz Roumaissa M ahsas,THIN LAYER DRYING STUDY OF ACORNS Querc us ilex L.) NEW MATHEMATICAL MODELLING APPROACH .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL15 N01.16/12/2022.university of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/25144ArticleT he thin layer drying behaviour of acorns was investigated at three oven temperatures (60, 70 and 80 °C). The drying kinetic was fitted and modelled using di ff e rent mathematical drying models. The use of First Order (FO) and Pseudo First Order (PFO) was proposed and estimated for describe the moisture content evolution of acorns as a function of time. According the coefficient of determination R² ), the root m ea n square error ( RMSE ) and the sum mean of square error (  ² ), t he best fit was given by the L ogarithmic model. A good fit R² > 0.9942; RMSE < 2.238 and  ² < 6.014) was shown by FO and PFO indicating their aptitude to describe the thin layer drying kineti c o f acorns E ffective moisture diffusivity increased from 4.016  10  8 to 1.244  10  7 m² s  1 with the rice of drying tem perature. T he elimination of water from the acorns requires an activation energy of about 55 kJ mol enadsorption; kinetic; micr oo r ganisms; moisture; mathematical model; traditional couscousTHIN LAYER DRYING STUDY OF ACORNS Querc us ilex L.) NEW MATHEMATICAL MODELLING APPROACHArticle