Palash, Md. AIslam, Md. SBayero, A. SSani, SKoki, I.B2023-05-282023-05-282019-05-01Md. A.Palash1, Md. S.Islam1*, A. S.Bayero2, S.Sani3, I.B.Koki,TRACE METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN SURFACE WATER AND PORE WATER SEDIMENT OF COASTAL AQUACULTURE PONDS, BANGLADESH . Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.11, no 2. May 2019. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 01/may/2019. available from [nstusaiful34] investigates contamination of surface water and pore water sediment by trace metalsat the three coastal fish farms of Noakhali district in Bangladesh using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The World Health Organization (WHO) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)standards were used as the baseline for the evaluation of surface water pollution and contamination of the sediments respectively. Cr and Cd concentrations in the surface waterexceeded the reference limit, but there was no metal contamination of the pore water sediment.The average tracemetals concentrations in both surface waterand pore water sediment respectively showed similar trendsCr> Pb > Cu> Zn > Cd.All the metalsstudiedexhibitnegativeIgeovaluesand CF<1indicating uncontaminated sediment quality. The results of this study indicate that surface water of aquaculture ponds may be a possible source of trace metals which could be of health concernenSurface water, Pore water sediment, Contamination, Tracemetals, Noakhali districtTRACE METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN SURFACE WATER AND PORE WATER SEDIMENT OF COASTAL AQUACULTURE PONDS, BANGLADESHArticle