منديلي, بشيرةدغمة, ايمانقروي, مروة2022-07-192022-07-192022http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/12414علم البيئة و المحيطIn recent years, the Souf region has suffered from the phenomenon of the increasing spread of house flies, especially in the autumn season This work aims to study the causes leading to the spread of this phenomenon and the problems resulting from it while trying to find ways and solutions to reduce it. Humans bear a large part of the responsibility. The study showed that the change in the natural environment resulting from various human activities was the main reason for the spread of house flies. The latter has negative consequences for human and animal health and the economic sector. The control is based on chemical and, to a lesser extent, mechanical methods. At the same time, biological methods are completely absent. Changing human behaviours can play an important role in combating this phenomenon.Arhouse flies, Spread, Environmental conditions, wadi Souf.الذباب المنزليالإنتشار المتزايد للذباب المنزلي في ولاية الوادي الأسباب، المشاكل والحلولMaster