Bouanini, Samiha2020-03-292020-03-292012-12-31مقال- مجلة رؤى اقتصادية0789-2437مقال- مجلة رؤى اقتصاديةMunicipal solid waste is positively associated with economic development, population, urbanization and affluence. The Algerian municipal solid waste contains a high proportion of Organic, plastic, and paper/cardboard, as well as low ratios of glass and metal. All these types of wastes are recycled or treated by incineration, landfill or other methods. However, the best way is waste reduction from the source. Unfortunately, there is a poor culture with respect to the 3R Principles (reduce, reuse, recycle) in Algeria. Wherever, the collection and treatment of municipal solid waste is usually a municipal responsibility. In order to apply the principle of “polluter pays”, the Algerian government has created some laws and executive decrees towards more sustainable environmental management.ArMunicipal Solid Waste, Algeria, 3R Principles, polluter pays Principle, Sustainable Environmental Management.Assessing The Management Of Municipal Solid Waste For Well-being Fulfillment In AlgeriaArticle