مراد, يسمينةقدام, سمربوليف, سناء2021-12-142021-12-142021http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/10039التنوع البيئي و المحيطThe study aims to know the biodiversity of the Oued Righ Region and the various prevailing ecosystems. The study also touched on collecting information about the formation and origin of the Oued Righ Canal. There are five (5) ecosystems governed by climatic factors and human activities that have contributed to the diversity of these systems and their richness in various plant and animal species. These systems are represented in an ecosystem of dunes, an ecosystem of oases, an ecosystem of plateau (REG) and an ecosystem The Sebkha, in addition to the ecosystem canal The grand canal of Oued Righ, which extends over 150 km, and these intertwined systems have formed in their impact a wide a great biodiversity.The cultural human diversity and agricultural activity in the past contributed to the emergence of the oases and the canal, and this is due to the accumulation of agricultural activity and cultural factors in the ancient population of the region and passed down through generations. However, pouring the city’s sewage into the Oued Righ Canal without treating it led to the emergence of polluting factors that caused major environmental problems. Preserving biodiversity in the Oued Righ region and the stability of the prevailing ecosystems in it requires taking many necessary measures to reduce the negative effects of pollution factors resulting from the poor exploitation of sources of environmental diversity such as palm oases and the Oued Righ Canal with its various stations, and raising awareness of the importance of the relationship between environmental and biodiversity and its positive effects The continuity of human life in the region.Arواحات النخيلecosystems, Oued Righ Basin, oases, canal flow, date palm, morphology, irrigation, biodiversityالتنوع البيولوجي لواحات النخيل بوادي ريغMaster