Eleuch, OumaimaLatrache, NoureddineFrikha, SobhiKhechekhouche, AbderrahmaneDriss, Zied2023-05-142023-05-142020-11-25Eleuch ,Oumaima. Latrache ,Noureddine. Frikha, Sobhi. Khechekhouche Abderrahmane. Driss, Zied. Numerical simulation of the flow rate effect on the evolution of a negatively buoyant water jet. International Journal of Energetica. Vo5. No 02.25/12/2021.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]2543-3717https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/22857ArticleA numerical simulation study was done on a penetrating pure water jet injected into another surrounding salt water miscible with negative buoyancy conditions. For the incompressible filtered Navier-Stokes equations and the sum of the fluid model volume, we used a transient Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver (VOF model). A finite volume discretization method using Open Source code given in Open Foam 2.3.0. was used to solve these equations. The flow has a significant impact in the laminar system on the evolution of the jet in terms of subsequent permanent phase as well as transient regimeenPure water jet, saltwater, transient penetration, stationary profileNumerical simulation of the flow rate effect on the evolution of a negatively buoyant water jetArticle