حتاترة, حكيمةقشاب, هدى2022-07-182022-07-182022http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/12368التنوع الحيوي وفيزيولوجيا النباتOur study focuses on growing the potato crop in EL Oued State. The main objective of this study is to give a comprehensive view of the reality and prospects of this sector of Agriculture, which is one of the most important agricultural crops as it ranks first among the vegetable crops approved in the state of EL Oued (Algerian desert). This study on potato cultivation was based on the analysis of a series of statistics obtained from the Directorate of agricultural interests of the state of EL Oued , covering a period of 21 years. The results of the study show most of the morphological and physiological characteristics that help it to adapt with climatic conditions on the one hand and the needs of the crop that are compatible with its adaptation in the dry areas (southern Algeria) on the other hand. For the year 2020 statistics show that the state acquired a total production of more than 11,965,000 quintals over a total agricultural area estimated at 36,500 hectares, and the results obtained show that the cultivation of the potato crop was characterized by abundant and encouraging productivity estimated at 31.9178 quintals/hectare. In addition to the success of Agriculture in this harsh climate, future efforts should be focused on improving the quality and quantity of production significantly if producers adopt technical paths befitting the state of the Valley, and through the selection of varieties most suitable for the dry environment to improve production more and more. It requires farmers to use machines with modern technologies and apply most of the proposed solutions to get a much healthier and better crop.Arpotatoes, cultivation, quality, production, productivity, area, EL Oued and Algeriaالبطاطادراسة واقع و آفاق قطاع زراعة نبات البطاطا في ولاية الواديMaster