حميداتو, عبد الباسطزين, إبراهيم2024-01-232024-01-232023-06حميداتو,عبد الباسط. زين,إبراهيم. أهم مخلفات فجر التاريخ الجنائزية بالشرق الجزائري. مذكرة ماستر. قسم التاريخ . كلية العلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية. جامعة الوادي.2023.جامعة الوادي [أكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط[أنسخ رابط التحميل]http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/32132مذكرة ماستر تاريخ تخصص تاريخ حضارات قديمةAlgeria has a large number of funerary monuments that are distributed across all regions of Algeria, but the eastern parts of the country comprise an important and considerable number of these monuments, represented in tombs which were discovered by the archaeologists during 19th, 20th centuries. In this study, we described the megalithic tombs and exposed their different shapes, that are represented in the dolmens and bazinas as well as the shops, that are located in the Roknia site in Guelma, the cemetery of Bonouara in Constantine, and the cemetery of Al-Qul in Skikda, Moreover we had identified the various ways of burying the dead at the dawn of history, and describing how were old people practicing their funeral rites, confirming that human was taking care of his dead, which took a great part of his religious life. We concluded finally that these funerary monuments still need historical and scientific studies. That permits to unveil many of its secrets, more than what the archaeologists have come up in the last century.Arفجرالتاريخ – المعالمالجنائزية - الشرقالجزائري – المقابرthe dawn of history - funerary monuments - eastern Algeria - cemeteries.أهم مخلفات فجر التاريخ الجنائزية بالشرق الجزائري