Ghomesheh, P. KHosseini, AFathi, A2023-05-282023-05-282019-05-01P. K. Ghomesheh1, 2A. Hosseini2, and A. Fathi,FRACTURE TOUGHNESS ASSESSMENT OF DEEP WELL ROCK USING CCNBDAND SCB TEST PROTOCOLS. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.11, no 2. May 2019. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 01/May2019]. available from [] mechanicsis widely deployedin stone fracture modeling, digging with hydraulic, and dynamic fracture techniquesfor assessing the effects of rock fracture mechanical properties on different hydraulic fracture digging process. To get a better insight aboutthe process, testing the actual rock samples can beextremely imperative. This study, indeed, attempts to evaluate the fracture toughness of actual rock samples using two different test protocols, i.e.,Cracked Chevron Notched Brazilian Disc (CCNBD) and Semi-Circular Bend (SCB). The results indicate thatsimilar behavior is observed for the samples underthe two tests. However,due to the geometry, created crack, and the loading conditions of the prepared samples, the fracture occurs for the SCB samplesunder a less needed force. The results also indicate that the SCB testsamplesyield more fracture toughnessenfracture toughness;SCB;CCNBD;coring; deep well rockFRACTURE TOUGHNESS ASSESSMENT OF DEEP WELL ROCK USING CCNBDAND SCB TEST PROTOCOLSArticle