Ghomri, A.Debabeche, M.Riguet, F.2020-09-272020-09-272009-07-01Articale in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 01 N. 021112-9867 in Journal of fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 01 N. 02This study has for objective to study the theoretical relation of the hydraulic jump by sill, evolving in an U-shaped channel, with a rough bed. Functional relations, in non-dimensional form, relating the jump characteristics, seeming the effect of the bed's roughness, are obtained. A comparative study with the hydraulic jump in U-shaped channel, with smooth bed is proposed.enhydraulic jump, chanel U , stilling basin, channel bottom roughStady of the SEMI- Theoretical Relation of the Hydraulic JuMP Evolving in An U-SHaped Channel, With Rough BedArticle