Arjmand, OAhmadi, MHosseini, L2023-05-212023-05-212013Arjmand, O. Ahmadi , M. Hosseini, L. AN OVERVIEW OF THE POLYMER GEL TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF WATER FLOODING INTOOIL RESERVOIRS (WITH INTRODUCTION OF A NEWPOLYMER). The International Journal of Energetica. Vol 02. No 01.00/00/2013.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]2253-0932 important property of polymer gels is that the injected fluid in the fracture area with high permeability moves and can form a solid mass, in result of water and gas permeability because of the formation of this layer will be decreased. In gel polymer techniques first amount of the polymer solution is injected into the reservoir with a low rate, then the cross link solution such as aluminum or magnesium citrate is injected into the reservoir and gel to be figured. Therefore, improves oil recovery and reduces the percent of water production. This study concerns a light review on gel polymer process and this study introduces a new polymer with superior flooding property to water shut - off, tooenAdditional Water Production, Polymer Gels, EOR, PVAAN OVERVIEW OF THE POLYMER GEL TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF WATER FLOODING INTO OIL RESERVOIRS (WITH INTRODUCTION OF A NEW POLYMER)Article