Paredes, M. EMorales Coromac, R. ELima Ortiz, W. CValle Jurado, A. L.Farchi, DPrieto, J. M2023-05-302023-05-302022-09-01M. E. Paredes, R. E. Morales Coromac, W. C. Lima Ortiz S. Hu, A. L. Valle Jurado, O. Farchi, D. Farchi , J. M. Prieto,MORPHOANATOMICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDIES FOR THE QUALITY CONTROL OF EUPHORBIA LANCIFOLIA SCHLTDL. (EUPHORBIACEAE .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL13 N03.01/09/ of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867 Euphorbia lancifolia Schltdl. (Euphorbiaceae) is a medicinal specie of central America origin, known as Ixbut in Guatemala, widely recognized for its important natural galactogogue activity. Methods: as identity test we here run macro and micro morphoanatomical studies of the characters of the vegetative organs. We also developed standard chemical tests for quality by both TLC and HPLC for infusions and tinctures of varying alcoholic strength. Their radical scavenging activities in DPPH and NO were also measured. Results: macro and micro morphoanatomical characters of the vegetative organs present a set of characteristics to facilitate the identification of dry powdered samples of this species. We developed optimal conditions for the TLC and HPLC phytochemical fingerprints of the 4 most common pharmacopoeial liquid herbal preparations from this herbal drug, namely infusion, 70%, 45% and 20% hydroalcoholic tinctures. Conclusions: Our work provides the Latin-American industry with a set of analyses to establish the identity and chemistry of E. lancifolia samples for quality control purposes.enHPLC; TLC; Microscopy; Macroscopy; Euphorbia lancifolia.MORPHOANATOMICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDIES FOR THE QUALITY CONTROL OF EUPHORBIA LANCIFOLIA SCHLTDL. (EUPHORBIACEAEArticle