قزون, نسيمةطليبة, بشرية2021-12-142021-12-142021http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/10010التنوع البيئي والمحيطArid areas occupy a significant part of the world. They are considered the most sensitive regions to drought and soil degradation, making them more vulnerable to desertification. Due to the natural conditions prevailing in them, they make them sensitive and fragile ecosystems, which calls for the necessity of forestry to preserve them. The eucalyptus tree is among the most widely used varieties for reforestation because of its rapid growth with many climates; however, many concerns have been raised about the hydrological aspects, especially in areas that suffer from fluctuating groundwater levels. This review aims to investigate the literature on the effect of eucalyptus on hydrological resources across different regions of the world, with a case study the province of the El-Oued to assess its suitability and extent in arid environments. All studies proved that eucalyptus trees, which were widely used to dry wet areas, and their contribution to the economic sector of some countries and not others, had a positive role in this, but they posed harmful risks, the most important of which was the drop in the level of groundwater and the effects on the hydrological cycle, especially in dry areas. The study recommends that water considerations be taken into account when choosing this variety in the forestry process in dry areas, especially those whose economy depends on agriculture.Arالمناطق الجافة ، أشجار الأوكالبيتوسDry areas, Eucalyptus, reforestation, Hydrological resources, El-Oued, Groundwater.دراسة التأثيرات الهيدرولوجية لأششار الأوكاليبتوس ومدي ملائمتها للمناطق الجافة والصحراوية - مراجعة مع دراسة حرلةMaster