Tan, ZOthman, W.A.F.WWahab, A.A.AAlhady, S.S.N2023-05-292023-05-292019-05-01Z. Tan, W.A.F.W. Othman*, A.A.A. Wahab and S.S.N. Alhady, CROWD DYNAMICS ANALISYS: SIMULATING HETEREOGENEOUS CROWDS WITH PANIC EFFECT STOCHASTICS BEHAVIOUR. Journal of Fundamental and sciences. vol.11, no 2. May 2019. Faculty of exact sciences. university of el oued. [visited in 01/05/2019]. available from [wafw_othman@usm.my]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24691articleIn a crowd, where the density might reach one person per square meter and above, the mass of individuals moves in a way that may potentially induce panic amongst individuals, or hazards of personal injuries, from slight to fatal. A computer simulation is implemented and conducted in order to study and analyze the dynamics and behavior of crowds, both at micro- and macro-levels. The simulation is comprised of multiple arenas with different layouts, as well as different compositions of heterogeneous agent behavior. The simulations are observed to conform to established results on a localized scale, and the statistical data shows no significant increase in total evacuation time with increasing composition of non-interactive, path-finding agents amongst flocking agents.encrowd dynamics; multi-agent simulation; swarm; emergent behaviorCROWD DYNAMICS ANALISYS: SIMULATING HETEREOGENEOUS CROWDS WITH PANIC EFFECT STOCHASTICS BEHAVIOURArticle