Halloufi, OKaabi, AChougui, Md2023-05-292023-05-292021-05-01O. Halloufi, A. Kaabi, Md. Chougui,NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF AN INTEGRATED SOLAR COOLING AND HEATING SYSTEM IN INDI VIDUAL HOUSE IN DIFFERENT ALGERIAN CLIMATES .Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.VOL13 N02.01/05/2021.university of el oued [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here]1112-9867https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/24877ArticleThere is a growing concern about energy use in Algeria. As fast as, building programs developed and living conditions improved the building sector makes big focus as a major energy end user. Main energy needs in build in gs are du e to heating and/or cooling, depending on local climatic conditions and type of building . In this paper the primary aim is to analyze two aspects heating load, and cooling load of an individual house energy consumpt ion in the major cl imatic z ones in Alg eria. The individual house use s heating and cooling solar system. The system performance is simulated using TRN sys program. This solar heating and cooling system incorporates between 89 m 2 and 170 m 2 of flat plate double glazed solar col lectors, which prov ide solar energy contribution during both the heating and cooling seasons; between 13.28 kW and 25.11 k W single effect, water lithium bromide (H 2 O/LiBr) absorption chiller This system is the sma llest solar heating and cooling system in the wor ldens: individual house solar heating and cooling solar energy TRNsys climaticNUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF AN INTEGRATED SOLAR COOLING AND HEATING SYSTEM IN INDI VIDUAL HOUSE IN DIFFERENT ALGERIAN CLIMATESArticle