MacDonald, IduBenjamin Ogunma, GabrielCharles Osayande, Agboonogieva2023-04-272023-04-272021-12-30. MacDonald , Idu , Benjamin Ogunma , Gabriel , Charles Osayande , Agboonogieva . Phytochemistry, In-vitro antioxidant, Microbicidal, Anti-ulcerogenic and Biosafety Potential of Emilia coccinea Aqueous Extract in Animal models.. Algerian Journal of Biosciences . Vol 02. N 02. 30/12/2021. University of Eloued [Write down the date][Copy the download link]2773-2916 coccinea enhances the treatment of several disease conditions include; vertigo management, ringworm, cough, gonorrhoea, ulcers, lice, measles, seizure, eye drop. This study investigates the phytochemistry, In-vitro antioxidant, anti-ulcerogenic, microbicidal and biosafety effect of aqueous extracts of E. coccinea using animal model. E. coccinea leaf was freshly obtained, shade dried, pulverized and prepared into aqueous extract. Standard procedure were used for the evaluation of the phytochemicals, in-vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Twenty five (25) Wistar rats were acclimitized and randomly selected into five groups (n=5) such as untreated group, 10 mg/kg cimetidine and graded doses (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w.) of aqueous extract of E. coccinea to evaluate antiulcer and twenty Wistar rats were used for the biosafety effects. Results from the qualitative and quantitative phytochemical screening showed the present of phenol (47.19 mg), saponins (84.64 mg), alkaloids (75.17 mg), cardiac glycosides (63.12 mg) and anthraquinone (48.79 mg). The antioxidant property showed a competitive scavenging effect against 1,1 diphenyl2-picrylhydraxyl radical when compared with ascorbic acids. Microbial activities of the aqueous extract of E. coccinea at various concentration elicited inhibitory effect against Salmonella typhii, Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pyloris. The ulceration in rat stomach lining induced with 70% ethanol and pretreated with prophylactic measure of aqueous crude extract showed significant reduction in ulcer count, ulcer index with increased percentage inhibition of ulcer when compared with untreated and reference control. The haematological and histopathological study shows no significant difference in the aqueous crude extract with absent toxicity when comparisons with the controlenPhytochemistry, In-vitro antioxidant Anti-ulcerogenic, Microbicidal, Biosafety, Emilia coccinea.Phytochemistry, In-vitro antioxidant, Microbicidal, Anti-ulcerogenic and Biosafety Potential of Emilia coccinea Aqueous Extract in Animal models.Article