Faculty of Exact Sciences2024-01-162024-01-162023-10-23َAbstracts of The Second Internationl Conference on: Materials, Energy and Environment (MEE'2023). October 23-24, 2023. El Oued – Algeria. Faculty of Exact Sciences. University of El Oued. [Visited in ../../….]. Available from [copy the link here]https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/31941Conferencehe Second International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environment will be held at El Oued University on October 23-24, 2023. It goal is to bring together researchers, professors and industrialists concerned by technological and scientific advances in the Materials, Energy and Environment sciences. This first international edition is intended to be open to industrial concerns and the transfer of technology between universities and industries. This is why applied themes are programmed to better meet the needs of the industrial community. TenMaterials, Energy, EnvironmentAbstracts of The Second Internationl Conference on: Materials, Energy and Environment (MEE'2023). October 23-24, 2023.Other