BouzidaLatifa- FouddadaFatma Zohra - Hiadsia Said2024-10-202024-10-202021-05-20Bouzida, Latifa . Fouddada,Fatma Zohra . Hiadsia ,Said . Platform for studying properties of blend systems . Algerian Journal of Chemical Engineering . Vo2. No 02.20/05/2021.faculty of technology. university of el oued. [visited in ../../….]. available from [copy the link here] this work, JAVA and MATLAB languages were used to coding a platform that is capable to study different physical properties of polymer blends such as thermal properties (glass transition temperature Tg and simulation for pyrolysis process...), miscibility (by using interaction parameter) …etc. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter χ is an important value to reflect the miscibility of polymer. If it is negative or very small, the two compounds prefer to mix. Else, the constituents prefer to phase separate (immiscibility). In this paper, the interaction parameter was calculated by using the solubility parameter. Furthermore, the glass transition temperature Tg can be also an important element to predict miscibility of polymer blends, whereas for a miscible system one single Tg take place. Our software permits also to pick up glass transition temperature Tg from the curve of specific volume versus temperature. In addition, our software is capable to study the pyrolysis process after the experimental work by using the distributed activation energy Model (DAEM) with just three heating rates. The software contained a help and special puzzle and other elementsenJavaPolymer blendMiscibilityTgSpecific volumeDAEM.Platform for studying properties of blend systemsArticle