احمودة, بلال2022-06-202022-06-202014http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/11559مذكرة ماسترThis research examines the impact that ngenah jurisprudence in light aljthad contemporary study of calamity and developments have been allocated medical calamity model to study the disease alvgahahokl had its own rules and then touched on the diligence contempary suppositions and the importance of research and then istoppedtostudy medical calamity and then wrapped up the second chapter in the search controls provisions of the development of medical calamity through live najorrules and rules of contemporary midical college lbnazeth and then sealed conclution whale some findings and recmmendationsArالقاوعد الفقهية-الاجتهاد المعاصر-النوازل الطبيةJurisprudence rules - contemporary jurisprudence - medical calamities-أثر القواعد الفقهية في اجتهاد المعاصر -النوازل الطبيةMaster