Kaci Chaouch TitemAmokrane Abdellaziz2024-09-232024-09-232024-06-27Kaci Chaouch, Titem . Amokrane , Abdellaziz . After Thirty Years Of Financial Liberalization And Reforms Of The Algerian Banking System, What Impact On The Financing Of The Algerian Economy? . AL-Manhel Economique . Vol. 07. N. 01. 27 june2024. faculty of economie commercial and management sciences. university of el oued [visitedin ../../….]. availablefrom[copy linkhere]2602-7968https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/34385The aim of this article is to show how the financing of the Algerian economy has evolved. To this end, we have adopted a descriptive-analytical approach, based on the Bank of Algeria's annual reports and a review of the various reforms implemented as part of financial liberalization. Nevertheless, given the fragilities and distortions that characterize its economy, the results are not commensurate with the reforms undertaken, and the country is still unable to diversify its sources of financing, which remain dependent on its hydrocarbon exports and a financial system that is still fragile and not sufficiently developed to meet its financial requirementsenFinancial liberalizationmonetary policyAlgerian financial systemlaw on Money and CreditAfter Thirty Years Of Financial Liberalization And Reforms Of The Algerian Banking System, What Impact On The Financing Of The Algerian Economy?Article