Zerkout, Sarra2023-05-072023-05-072020-12-10Zerkout ، Sarra. The Modern Vision Of Corporate Culture: Conceptual Approach . مجلة الاقتصاد والتنمية المستدامة.مج 03. العدد03. 2020/12/10 . جامعة الوادي [اكتب تاريخ الاطلاع] متاح على الرابط [انسخ رابط التحميل].2661-7986http://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/22046مقالThis study aimed to identify the conceptual framework of the culture of the institution, based on the importance that its components play in achieving the objectives underlined for any organization. This is to provide its members with an effective communication environment, through which it achieves the desired performance results, by influencing the behavior of the individual and then the behavior of the group making up the institution. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted through relying on the relevant scientific references and analyzing the relationship between the various concepts that would clarify the importance of the role of the institution's culture in our present time, which will lead to achieving the goals of each organization.enCorporate Culture; Behavior; Performance.The Modern Vision Of Corporate Culture: Conceptual ApproachArticle