حدوش, شروققادري, محمدشهيدي, محمد2023-04-262023-04-262019-06-30حدوش ، شروق. قادري، محمد. شهيدي ، محمد . اختبارات الضغط تقنية من تقنيات الهندسة المالية لتحديد درجة الاستقرار المالي في البنوك الاسلامية -دراسة تطبيقية لبنك البركة .الجزائري-. مجلة المنهل الاقتصادي .مج 02. العدد01. 2019/06/30 . جامعة الوادي2602-7968https://dspace.univ-eloued.dz/handle/123456789/20482مقالStress testing is an important tool that is used as part of the risk management process and has become increasingly important in the current global financial and economic crisis. As it is considered a fundamental basis for calculating the catastrophic losses expected to occur in banks and regulatory bodies to measure the solvency In this regard, the study was of banks, whether Islamic or conventional, and to know the adequacy of capital. conducted to determine the strength and ability of Islamic banks to deal with shocks according to the proposed scenarios. The study was conducted on Al Baraka Bank of Algeria (Islamic Bank) during the period 2011-2013, The results of the financial stress tests conducted by the Bank on the financial statements of Al Baraka Bank of Algeria in the period 2011-2013 showed positive results in general in light of the various scenarios and the possibility of economic shocks. The results also showed the Bank's success and its ability to absorb various shocksArاختبارات الضغط ; البنوك الاسلامية ; المخاطر ; الصدمات الاقتصاديةاختبارات الضغط تقنية من تقنيات الهندسة المالية لتحديد درجة الاستقرار المالي في البنوك الاسلامية -دراسة تطبيقية لبنك البركة الجزائري-Stress tests are atechnique of financial engineering techniques to determine the degree of financial stability in Islamic banks - Practical study of Al Baraka Bank of AlgeriaArticle