Benchennane, Djamila2019-06-172019-06-172016-03-07 SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, MIND AND LEARNER'S COGNITIVE CAPACITIES March, 7th/8th 2016 University of ElouedSince the mid-1990s, the digital revolution is mainly appeared as an opportunity to have access to cultural content. Scientists have been seeking ways to increase students‘motivation in learning; there is no better way than integrating new Technologies in the educational system.The best way to improve approaches to the learning / teaching, is to use new technologies: the fast development of new media technologies (such as VCD, DVD, DTV, MP5, PlayStations, Visual Presenter, PowerPoint, Internet and Intranet) has begun to usher in new approaches to classroom management. The teachers have to learn to adapt themselves to this new revolution in media technologies with reference to the designing and teaching of cultural studies course.This paper seeks ways this enlargement of the space expressions of individuals has extended the effect techniques of technological tools. Furthermore, this article aims at including the role of technology and suggests some strategies to improve our ways/ styles of lives to make a good use of this technology without forgetting the domain of teaching to make the class an enjoyable place where the learner loves to go to properly develop knowledge / skills. We will thus focus on education since we must provide our learners with relevant and contemporary experiences that allow them to successfully engage with technology and prepare them for a better grasp of languages. No one denies that learners are motivated and fully engaged in the learning process when concepts and skills are underpinned with technology. As far as the practical side is concerned, we will share our experience in using ICT‘s in the classroom and for a better way to be more objective, we will discuss the questionnaire administered to 2nd year LMD system to know their view points about this issue i.e. learning through technology. Finally, some recommendations will be provided so as to motivate learners and make of the classroom an enjoyable place to learn.enEnhancing Technology , Cognitive Capacity ,LearnersEnhancing Technology for a better Cognitive Capacity in LearnersOther